MTL - The Great Conqueror-Chapter 17 Overflow of love

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(Beautiful girls, cheer up, brothers, recommend tickets ~~~)

Ms. Zou is an able-bodied person. He used it to be a big deal, but he forgot to take the exam when he overplayed the game. This guy got a chance to make up for the test with his nose and tears for two days.

But obviously this trick is not easy to use in the temple, and the situation has changed. A big Bier man is too big and not good-looking.

Zou Liang apparently did not expect to encounter such a back, although he was not sure whether his talent was not good, but how to meet two prerequisites, and in addition to these two places, it is really difficult It ’s a headache to learn the technique of soul engraving. What about the beast spirit change between him and Ernest?

Zou Liang's embarrassment and sorrow fell completely into Orizzia's eyes. The kind and devout little priest quickly thanked the beast **** for his response.

"This Bill brother, can I help you?"

Olisia used her softest voice to fear the "skinny" Bill in front of her.

Arthur was depressed. Suddenly I heard such a pleasant voice, and I was in a good mood. When I pretend to be over-exposed, I looked at a delicate ... little princess.

I am cute and beautiful. Putting in my own world is definitely the darling of countless otakus.

I may feel the clear eyes of the other party, and Arthur quickly returned to his soul. "This may be more difficult. Forget it, let me find someone else."

The girl was dressed in a white robe as a priest, with a cute little ribbon tied on her head, and a naive and cute little girl. With his three-inch tongue, she said that she had some confidence in helping the other to help herself, but May be harmful to others, Zou Liang has no habit of bullying honest people.

"No, no, please believe me, I can help you."

Orisia is a little anxious. She has been a priest for more than ten days, and she has nothing to do all day. It is rare to encounter a difficult Bill compatriot. How can she do anything, let alone look at this Bill ’s figure, in general The Bill people are all so tall and majestic. He is almost as thin as Wolf. The beast **** said that everyone is a fellow countryman and cares for each other. As a priest, Orisia has something to do.

Zou Liang touched his face. Is there anything wrong with him? Why is this delicate and trembling little girl looking at herself like this, her big watery eyes are full of pity ...

Alas, all eyes have been encountered, the poor is the first.

"Miss Priest, actually ..."

"Please call me Orissa, I'm an ordinary trainee priest."

Zou Liang stunned, "Okay, Olisia, in fact, I want to be tested by a soul engraver, oh, in the temple is the soul priest."

"Okay, I'll take you right away!"

Aulisiya smiled brightly, and gently lifted Arthur's hand before leaving. The poor Bill in front of her made her want to care for herself. This was the first person she became a priest to help.

Zou Liang's gentle little hand was a little strange, feeling the sincerity of the other side, he was also a little embarrassed, and pulled the other side, "Olisia, you know, the Bill family hasn't seen a soul engraver for a long time. Will I get scolded when I go in? "

"Why don't you scold? Now does not mean that there is no previous, nor does it mean that there is no future." Olisia said.

Speaking of all this, Zou Liang also said, and he really did not want to let go of this soft little hand, very warm and very comfortable.

I was dragged all the way by Olisia, and no one really stopped them.

But the question is, where is this going and how is it ...

I didn't wait for Zou Liang to respond, and they broke into the room of the archbishop.

At this time, the high priest Thomas was studying the scriptures. Suddenly two people came in. Even if the city lord came, he had to wait outside. Thomas was about to get mad, but he did n’t come out to see Olisia. A bright and humorous smile.

"Olisia, what is it?"

"Prize, this ... what's your name?" Olivia remembered that she didn't even know the other's name.

"Arthur, Arthur Hebrew."

Zou Liang also observed the main sacrifice in front of him. This common sense still exists. This person is the highest leader of the temple in Jerusalem and one of the three giants in Jerusalem.

"Prince, Arthur is going to test the soul priest." Olicia seemed to be more excited than Arthur.

Hmm ... soul priest ...

Thomas has the urge to hit the wall. A Bill, to be a soul engraver, this is too funny. Besides, even if you want to test, don't look for him, but think about it.

"Really, Olisia, you are doing well. The beast **** often says that we need to love the world, and we need to help the people around us."

Thomas said kindly.

But all this can't be concealed from Zou Liang. The old man absolutely said one thing, and it seems that Olyssia is a bit of a clue. It may be a noble relationship. The back door must exist everywhere. It is also an objective law.

However, seize this opportunity.

感谢 "Thank the beast **** ~ ~ Thank the great high priest, and this beautiful priest, if I can become a soul engraver, I will repay the beast god."

Zou Liang said in a voice he felt nauseous, be religious.

Thomas nodded, take a break for yourself, these troublesome designs are too headache.

"The beast **** does not need you to repay, as long as you religiously believe in the beast."

Zou Liang wanted to make a few tears, but unfortunately, acting was not available at home, but Thomas was satisfied. Alas, although the Bill people were a little stupid, they were very loyal. Forget it, let's test it for the good things to the end.

"Come with me."

Soul priest ’s palace, the surrounding priests have retreated, Thomas himself is also a soul priest, but the level is not high, the temple has always given them room for development in order to retain the soul priests. Thomas has become a great priest these years. However, the soul's ability to engrave has been stuck in the copper branding. Although power is in the hands, it has to be said that it is also a regret in the heart.

亚 "Arthur, there is a seal of beast power in this crystal. You should feel it. The basic process should be clear. There are two prerequisites for becoming a soul engraver."

Thomas looked at this young Bill, and a little sighed in his heart that being young is a dream.

"Arthur, come on, you will succeed!"

Olisia shook her fists to cheer up Arthur. Although she felt that the success rate was zero, as a priest, she could not fear difficulties, but must bravely challenge, even if she faced failure.