MTL - The Great Conqueror-Chapter 21 Cheap master

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"The existence of beast spirit in our body is chaotic and has no attributes, but the soul engraver is to discover the power contained in it. After hundreds of years of accumulation, the soul engrave has formed a standardized system and found five major attributes. Upanishad, attack, defense, speed, and agility. The five attributes are skillfully combined to create an invincible orc warrior! "

At this time, Thomas's expression of the super stick, with a halo on his head, can be a god.

Thomas also worried that Arthur could not understand. Although his talent was very good, but the Bills' heads were relatively stupid, Thomas also had some psychological preparations, waiting for Arthur to ask questions. As a competent priest, all he had to have was patience.

Looking at Thomas' enthusiastic eyes, Zou Liang's eyes widened, and the atmosphere suddenly stopped. He didn't know why Thomas looked at him this way.

"Ahem, Arthur, are you okay?" Thomas and 蔼 asked, for the apprentice to be as warm as the sun, 唉, Bill's dysentery, so stupid that there was no problem.

"Teacher means, do you understand the ingenious combination of the five attributes?" Olisia asked with a smile, it seemed that she was no stranger to these things.

Zou Liang heard it very seriously, "The five attributes are comprehensively considered according to the attributes of the warrior's own beast spirit and the professional characteristics, and then make a plan to create a suit."

Thomas and Olisia looked at each other ... Is this Bill?

I'm just Fox.

Thomas resisted the surprise in his heart, "Very well, it is comprehensive and profound, like hunting shadows tend to attack, agility, speed, archers focus on attack, agility, we must fully consider the characteristics of the profession and the soldier's own condition."

The great high priest did not think of it, but just briefly said, Arthur grasped the essence of the soul engraver.

Zou Liang smiled bitterly. This understanding is the most basic of a graduate student. He has a problem with his brain if he doesn't understand. Suddenly, he understands his great advantage. That is the idea. Understanding this world at a high level is unprecedented.

Seeing his disciples so smart, Thomas is also talking about it. The change of beast type is to stimulate instincts, which is equivalent to clearing the pass. It is relatively simple in the early stage, and it is more difficult in the later stage. In this process, the role of the soul engraver is mainly to guide, and the biggest ability of the soul engraver is armor transformation, and the armor transformation is indeed the current mainstream. After all, occupations like archer and shadow hunting priest Generally it is armor transformation.

"Creating armor is divided into three steps. First, mimicry, the so-called mimicry is the style of the armor, and it is created based on the height and shape of the armor changer. At present, the better armor styles are basically by the Society of Spirit Engravers. Monopoly. "

Thomston realized that he was talking a little bit and he coughed a few times. "Of course, our temple also has a lot of secret designs. As long as you have the strength, the temple will not be as embarrassing as the Guild of Engravers."


Zou Liang smiled and opened the flowers. Isn't this design? What does Brother do, Master of Mechanical Engineering, where do you need their design.

"Prize, do we really have a temple, why don't I know?" Olisia asked curiously.

咳 "Ahem, your main occupation is not a soul priest." Thomas was a little embarrassed.

亚 "Arthur, mimicry is actually the key to soul engraving. If you can't master good drawings in your hands, no matter how good your talent is, the armor you create will be in vain."

Orizia really treats herself as a teacher and sister. Zou Liang, who looks like a little adult, wants to laugh, and his psychological age is also twenty-seven. How can he be like a child, but Zou directly took responsibility Pushed to Arthur's soul.

"Olisiaa is right, but that ’s what you need to pay attention to after you have advanced. With good mimicry, and then build, the shorter the time, the less beast spirit consumption, the better the armor data, of course we can Use some methods to make up for it. This is the beast spirit of the monster. This is a skill. When I practice it, I will tell you specifically. To put it simply, the soul priest is a noble occupation with ingenuity in the mind. Be almost there. Although you have a good talent, you must work hard. "

"Yes, master, stupid bird flies first, I will work hard."

Arthur apprentice soul priest smirked, it seems that the high prince Thomas regarded him as the life-saving straw, which probably involves the overall situation of the entire Mengjia empire, the struggle between the temple and the great archon, these years The actual control of the temple has declined, and Pompeii, the great Rhein consul, has reached the peak of the Golden Armored Warrior. As long as he goes further, it will lead to an imbalance, and the soul-engraving division is obviously inclined to the consul. One line, the three parties can neither divide nor compete with each other.

Of course, Zou Liang does not consider these small characters.

"You first realize it, read the book here casually, if you don't understand anything, you can ask Orizia, I still have a prayer ceremony."

Thomas is also a busy man. For Arthur, he is just a hope, maybe he is a line of soul priests. Even the high priest sometimes yearns for miracles, but the result is not much to him.

镌 A soul engraver, not only to have a good talent, but also various conditions and restrictions ...

As soon as Thomas walked, Olisia stood up and looked at Arthur suspiciously ~ ~ slowly turning the circle, looking carefully, Zou Liang looked scalp tingling, this look is not That's right.

"Weird, weird, too weird, are you really a Bill?" Olisia said with big eyes waiting for Zou Liang, as long as the other party's eyes flickered, she would immediately notice.

"Of course, isn't the bill on my head fake?" Zou Liang pointed to the forehead.

"The beast spirit seal can also be faked, but you can't figure it out if you want to come. I thought you were stupid and didn't expect to be smart."

Olisia was on her waist, like a curious baby.

Zou Liang stretched his shoulders and laughed, "You are also very smart. When you first saw you, you thought you were a little idiot."

"You are a little idiot, dare to talk to your sister like this, find a fight!"

Auricia's pink punch came over. This is completely the psychology of the little girl. Zou Liang took the other's fist politely, so soft and cute.

"Girls, be gentle, don't punch out at every turn."

"I want to be a Warsong Priest!"

"Do you sing well?"

"Just say you're clever and you're stupid. War songs aren't singing. Orisia is the best to sing, but you are so bad, I won't sing to you!"

His little hand was still being held by Arthur, and Olisia also felt that the master was too bad, and it felt strange that she couldn't be held by him for so long, Olisia still broke free.

(There is one more at night, please recommend tickets ~~~)