MTL - The Great Conqueror-Chapter 29 Madness

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(Early bird has a recommendation ticket to eat ~~)


With a scream, Matthew's majestic waist was squeezed into a small waist.

Matthews, who had completely lost his combat power, fell to the ground like a rag.

Ernest yelled against his chest and roared.


There will be a crazy state in a thousand bear races, and a bear warrior with a crazy state is simply the most perfect beast warrior!

The observers of the Warrior's Guild appeared in the eyes. The power and skills can be exercised, but Bill, who has a mad state, is an elite of the Warriors' Guild.

The president of the current warriors' guild is not the Tagor nor the Rhine, it is the Bill, who has a mad Dark Gold Beast Warrior, a symbol of invincibility and courage-Lord Murfest!

Dark Gold Beast Warrior is terrible in itself. If you are crazy in this state, no one can be enemy.

Mumfist is definitely one of the most powerful beings in the Monjia Empire.

All of this makes madness the ability that the bears dream of.

In front of mad Bill, Matthews' strength was really a cloud.

But the problem is that this is accidental madness. Ernest madness has no consciousness. He just wants to attack everything around him. One Matthews is not enough. He is looking for a new opponent.

I don't know when Arthur has arrived in the field, Avril wants to catch him, but grabs a slack, "Arthur is coming back, now Ernest is unconscious!"

Arthur walked towards the roaring Ernest. At this time, Ernest's body was larger than usual and his eyes were red.

Everyone's eyes are full of strange expressions, envy, jealousy, strange and so on. Whoever thinks that the fool in the double disability of heaven and earth should have a crazy constitution, which means that the soldiers' association will definitely include him directly, even if he is not finished The beast changes, of course, there will be a guild to hire him a soul engraver.

A person who may not be able to enter even the second grade suddenly became a member of the Warriors Guild.

This kind of unremarkable madness is rare and unprepared, and there are no restrictions on the orcs' fighting. Fighting is the nature of the orcs, and it takes a little time for the guards of the academy to come over.

The madness of Ernest felt the enemies approaching, and he suddenly rushed over, and his huge fist patted Arthur's head.

Suddenly, Olisia felt scared.


The flesh-and-blood scene did not appear. Ernest's hands were touched by Arthur. Looking outside was like a handshake, but in fact, Arthur used a wrist lock, and Ernest's strength was good. Mad After the transformation, the power doubled.

Arthur can't bump the head, but there are a few techniques to stop it.

邹 Zou Liang, who is extremely sensitive to the beast spirit, can feel that the beast spirit of Onist is in an unstable state of excitement. What he needs is to calm the other beast spirit.

People probably thought that they would soon see the mad Ernest tearing Arthur into pieces, but a strange scene happened, and Ernest was so quiet.

A little flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the soldier guild observers aside, and he came over quietly.

"I don't know which soul engraver Master arrived, what is your relationship with this soldier?"

Linde knew very well that only the soul engraver could settle the mad warrior.

"Soul Carver?"

Everyone can't believe their ears, even Avril choked. How is this possible? ? ?

This is even more surprising than the appearance of Berserkers. Berserkers can only say that they foretell a good future, but the soul engraver means direct nobility!

Lin Lind was also a bit unbelievable, but he had to believe it. The thin man in front of him was clearly Bill, how could he be a soul engraver?

But in addition to the soul engraver, who else can restore the crazy warrior to normal?

Whether or not, Linde must maintain respect, after all, the engraving division is unwilling to offend anyone.

"He is my brother."

Zou Liang said lightly that his beast spirit had calmed down the Onist's beast spirit.

"He is the priest of the soul, not the Society of Engravers!"

Olisia has come over in elation and is very persistent in correcting this problem.

The soul priest and the soul engraver are the same for Linde. Seeing a spirit priest confirms that his expression is more respectful. The soul priest of the Beer race, the beast **** is up, this is probably the most interesting news this year.

您 "Your brother is a talented and mad soldier. If you have time, you are welcome to register at the soldiers' association at any time, or we can come to your service."

Linde said respectfully, a mad warrior, a soul priest, it is clear that the prospect of this brother is inestimable.

Arthur nodded, Linde stepped back aside with great interest, and did not mean to leave immediately. There was an elder brother who was a soul priest, and a younger brother who was a mad soldier. What does this mean?

Brother Ye's beastly spirit change, being the elder brother must be the one-handed takeover, which means that the future of this crazy warrior is bright, and there is no need for the warrior guild to contribute.

The students around me are basically not stupid who don't know the world, but they don't even know it today. The waves of shock make their brains a little bit behind.

Who can think of the two most abandoned people in the college, how could they become like this?

A mad warrior and a soul priest came out of the academy's academy. This was enough to shake the high level of the academy. The principal, principal An Qiluo, was busy preparing for the spring festival. Suddenly he received this report and hesitated.

"You mean, there is a Bill's Berserker in the school, and a Bill's soul engraver?"

"Yes ~ ~ Lord Principal, is the soul priest."

"Soul priest? Grandma, this old fox digged into the wall and came to me!" An Qiluo angered, a Bill's soul priest. What a huge propaganda effect, this represents the level of the War Academy, enough for him Show a big face in front of all the principals of the empire.

"What else is happening, what expression is this?"

这个 "Here, Lord Principal, we don't seem to be very good with these two brothers, they ..." The Dean of Fox said briefly about the treatment of the brothers.

Before he finished speaking, Ahnqiro began to smash the table. "Are these idiots with long eyes? Are such geniuses going out? Thomas, a hooligan, likes to dig a wall when he is young. Prepare the best room and make an appointment for my second year's class without their approval, huh! "

Fox Dean of Academic Affairs fought a cold war in the sharp eyes of the principal, "Yes, yes, Lord Principal, rest assured, I will do well!"

"Arrange it for me right away. I want to see Thomas."

"Yes Yes."

Leaving the principal's room, the old Fox wiped the sweat on his forehead. The battle between the three major forces of the War College, the Temple, and the Engraving Association was quite fierce, and the College of War was also full of the soul-engraving industry of the Engraving Association. The only blank of the Orcs' High Skills Academy is the soul carving. I heard that there is already a consensus within the War College. Which college can run the soul carving college, there is hope to become the president of the war college that has been vacant for many years!