MTL - The Great Conqueror-Chapter 32 Blessing Hunting

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(Recommended ticket recommended ticket ~~)

Zou Liang also looked at the beast warrior in front of him. He could feel the murderous power of his opponent, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Casiris moved and rushed towards the target for a moment. The panthers' movements were rapid and rapid, sharp claws grasped Zou Liang's shoulders directly, and his teeth bited at Zou Liang's neck.

I will fight!

Zou Liang's body is tightened, slightly contracted, bowed, his right foot is in front, and when the leopard warrior reaches the highest point, shoot!

When the Leopard claws fluttered, Zou Liang had entered his fighting position.

This is the reason why he did not want Ernest to undergo a beast transformation. Although the beast transformation was fierce, but in the eyes of the master, there were too many flaws. At the same time, due to the fierce body shape, he also lost his "flexibility".

Like the fierce flutter of a leopard warrior, a move is difficult to change. Once the opponent sees the trajectory, the result is ...

Boom ...

Silent and silent, Zou Liang's fist shot, the first hit on the hook is hitting the belly of the leopard warrior, visible to the naked eye, the leopard warrior's abdomen contracted, this is the weakness of the leopard warrior.

Copper head iron tail tofu waist.

However, with the rapid speed and changeable agility of Leopard Warriors, it is difficult to grasp this weakness.

But for Zou Liang, the mystery of east-west fighting, it is really stupid.

The first hit is just a prelude!

Zou Liang, who had been silent, finally broke out with the crazy connection he was best at.

打打 打打 打打 打打 ~~~~~~~~

When the Leopard-type warrior was about to adjust his posture, a crit like raindrops appeared, and a small broken punch without breathing was in the middle of the abdomen.

The puppet attacks are not necessarily all heavy moves. The combination of light and heavy is the king. Light moves are connected, the rhythm is caught, and the heavy moves are to kill the enemy.

Continuous small broken punches broke the illusion of a leopard-type warrior. After ten punches, the forward punched body directly caught the hind-limb of the leopard-type warrior, and suddenly fell back!

A normal back fall?

Boom ...

The panther-type warrior screamed from the deaf.

As for an ordinary back fall?

Of course, if it is just an ordinary back fall, Zou Liang adds joint skills and directly ankle.

The struggling leopard-type warrior felt that the sky in front of him was dark, and a dark shadow fell from the sky.

Zou Liang followed the sky and fell to his knees, this is the heavy hand!

Target, the weakness of Leopard Warrior-belly.

Boom ...

The pain of the leopard-type warrior is over, and a touch of animal spirits wanders out and falls into Zou Liang's body. There is enough animal power, which is indeed an unexpected surprise.

Under the battle altar, the raven was silent and ended, as fast as expected, but the winner reversed.

"Which idiot told me he was hunting!"

"This is an explosive power only for bear fighters!"

"Fart, the Bears have such explosive power, this guy's body must be the Rhine!"

干 "Well, how powerful is this guy."

The armor and beast changes can only display data, but their own conditions cannot be displayed, but how much is stronger?


Zou Liang's hand is also a little bit sour. If you attack the head of a leopard warrior directly, I'm afraid that the heavy hit just three or more times, and continuous blows, but the weak point attack is enough.

I was warmed up a bit, Zou Liang was going to hit the iron while hot, and quietly waited on the altar, glanced at the soldiers around him, and the soldiers he saw all bowed their heads.

This is the majesty of the strong!

Is better known than meeting, better known than meeting.

It's just a rumor that there is something wrong. This guy is not hunting at all, but a fierce warrior!

At this time, the soldiers watching were not idle, many soldiers were telling everywhere, that magical meat target appeared, and killed a leopard-type soldier.

The people around the battle altar swarmed over, and such magical warriors were too rare.

Crackling ~~

"Very subtle attack of weakness." A voice seemed particularly clear in the depressed atmosphere.

A hunting shadow came over, and everyone around him turned away. This hunting shadow only had a white dagger in his hand, and he didn't even have an armor on his body. A dagger is enough to prove his identity.

For those who are pursuing the ultimate skills, the armor hunters will only become obstacles to the training. In the white molding stage, the most important thing is not the armor transformation, which is a dream for ordinary people. It's not a problem at all, the guild will get a good soul engraver for them, and what they need to do is to exert their strongest instinct.

For a real hunting shadow, a dagger is enough.

The dagger attacked by 1 ~ 5 may be nothing, but the +1 blessing above indicates that this person has experienced at least twenty wins and the favor of the beast god.

Florence's talented Fox hunter-Anthony Lika!

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree!

Anthony Lika naturally gave way when the soldiers appeared. Obviously, after the meat target defeated a leopard warrior who completed the first-level beast transformation, he had already qualified to fight with masters.

This added a little blessing is the gift of the beast **** to those soldiers who have the courage, wisdom and strength. He can make the 1 ~ 5 attack attributes close to the maximum attack.

细节 The blessing of the master who decides the outcome in the details will be fatal.

The eyes of the two collided, and Lika ’s eyes became hot. This is the person he always wanted to find. Defeating this person, he could finish his white clothes!

Obviously this is the same type and the same purpose as Zou Liang.

However, the collision between such people is undoubtedly a spark, and the winner will be greatly improved. The first battle is worth four or five victories, and the loser will have to start again.

There are indeed such a group of confident people in the beast spirit world. With their powerful talents and excellent technology, they are not eager to complete the first level of beast spirit change, but just have a weapon and hone their skills in battle. In adversity, you can better understand the powerful power of the Beast Spirit after the change. When you have it, you will be stronger. Of course, you can also get more Beast Spirit to make your armor more perfect.

Of course, if you fail, the consequences are also very serious, but the orcs have always lacked bravery.

Xun Liying, a profession that dances on the blade.

Each hunting is eager for extreme attacks and that dreamy pace. Defense is something they don't consider, because hunting is a profession that puts life risk on attack.

Anthony Lika, any warrior known in the beast spirit world, cannot be ignored.

The battle between the wicked fox Anthony Lika and the unknown meat target immediately attracted the attention of all the soldiers around it. This is a battle of confident genius.

Is also the cruelest battle in the beast spirit world. They hold the same purpose, risk the same, have the same confidence and strength, but once such people meet together.

One rule, one person achieves, one person falls.