MTL - The Great Conqueror-Chapter 41 Scramble for the Red High Priest

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"Having a 2 ~ 5 defense shield in half an hour?"

Olisia was finally shocked, especially this was Arthur's first soul engraving.

Someone's carving knife was only made a few days ago.

"Go to the Pope!"

"This is a major event that changes the history of our orcs!"

I was shocked for a long time. Maru and the two reacted only after Onist pulled out the shield. If he didn't take it back, the shield became a saliva.

"Master Arthur, we immediately sue the high priest, please bring it, please."

Two and a half hundred old men nodded and bowed to Arthur, that was not pretending, nor was it for power. Power is not able to overwhelm these craftsmen who are indulged in soul carving. For the technology of carving beast spirit, it is more important to them than life. Something is scarier than a drug addiction.

For the first time, the young man inscribed immediately violated the truth of the engraver.

White, copper, silver, must start at 1.

2, although there is only a little more, but everyone knows that this technological innovation is a change of the times!

大师 This master is not flattery. Two white priests have always beaten Arthur. They know that Arthur is really a novice, but he has done something that even Jin Yao ca n’t do.

Arthur nodded. "It's okay, I can't run. I'm having trouble preparing for lunch. Ernest has just lost a lot of beast spirits and should be hungry."

"Okay, we'll do it right away."

The two white-dressed engravers looked at Arthur's eyes full of worship, because they knew one thing, as long as Arthur showed mercy and opened up, maybe they could learn the same technology as God, even if he gave a pointer or two. It is also good.

Zou Liang knew that this matter would be a little shocking, but in his bones he didn't care much about it. It was really difficult to have a sense of joy in things that would surely succeed.

Hey ~~~

Zou Liang hugged her feet to do a one-leg jump. Obelicia apparently couldn't get used to her classmate Zou Liang. He didn't hesitate to let him know who was the boss.

"Master, good luck, shouldn't you honor your sister first?"

"Someone seems to have forgotten what he should call me?" Zou Liang gave a polite glance at Olisia.

Beating is cursing and loving, but it doesn't hurt at all, but how can he please the little fairy without acting?

"Congratulations." Ai Weier is relatively simple. This Biarser's shock to become a soul engraver is too great. The soul engraver of Beale is rare, but it is only a gimmick. For the big family, it's nothing, but a soul engraver who can create 2 ~ 5 defense shields is very different.

It's a "1" difference, but it's a world of difference.

Zou Liang smiled, "Thank you, it must be your good luck."

Ai Weier smiled, very sweet, the two have a bit of a sense of intercourse. This scene fell into Olisia's eyes but was very unhappy.

"Hum, I'm hungry, eat!"

I said, without throwing three people, I jumped out.

"Little beauty is angry, should I explain it for you?" Avril knew that Arthur and her tacit understanding had been misunderstood.

Zou Liang shook her head. "Little girl, don't care about her, Ernest's shield is built, and we can set off as soon as we are ready."

"I'm fine at any time. The shape of this shield is a bit special."

"The Tower Shield is more suitable for Ernest, but it's not so magical. I want to become two beasts ..."

Ai Weier stopped Zou Liang and continued, "Don't tell me, it won't take long for this thing to shake the whole temple and the Society of Spirit Engravers. This will also become the big secret of the temple."

"Nothing to tell you." Zou Liang shrugged.

Ai Weier's expression has not changed. She knows what the other person said is true. When they are together, they are very relaxed.

"That's inevitable. If you look for someone else, I'll break up with you."

Zou Liang laughed, talking to Ai Weier was a pleasure.

This meal, one was eating with a shield, one was eating with a pout, one was wide open, the other was gentle and elegant.

This meal is the least meal that Ernest has eaten. There is no way, why not keep your mouth closed, and eat slowly.

This kind of news is hard to cover. There seems to be a continuous flash of people's heads outside the window, and the eyes are straight when I see the shield.

Add a little initial beast power. This change is too great. If you increase the upper limit, the problem is the beginning. The more advanced the fighters, the more they can't stand the lowest level of play, but this is inevitable.

He soon shook the whole temple. Four people were eating inside, and people were already moving outside.

Zou Liang still underestimated the shockingness of this matter. This is a reform of the entire system, and it is only occasional. If it is a technological innovation, he will be famous for the Mengjia Empire.

Ernest is still touching his shield, more beautiful than the beauty, originally silly when he laughed, even more silly at this time ...

Tidal Rose Beast Temple.

As the largest shrine in the province of Shenyao, which is guarded by the shaman, the building is much more brilliant than the city of Jerusalem, this is an emergency meeting of the high priesthood level.

This is another killing collision between the divine power and the political power. The war without gunpowder is the consumption of gold coins. This depends on the offerings made by the major temples.

Of course, the Subaru shaman knew the goals of the dozens of high priests who were doing it. There was only one red priest in the field. Who was the one behind?

Those who are more powerful are seven people, including Thomas. After all, Jerusalem is also a first-tier city, and the annual offerings are considerable.

"Her Majesty the Pope has given an order. Within half a year, our God Yaoyao Province must choose a new Red High Priest. This matter is of great importance. To become a Red High Priest, we must first have enough offerings to worship Vietnam. More we can better promote the glory of the beast god. Second, we must make achievements ourselves. This is not for me to see, but for everyone in the Presbyterian Church. At this sensitive moment, momentum is very important. . "

Subaru ’s expression was very gentle and swept through many ambitious high priests ~ ~ Her Majesty said that the appointment is eclectic, and no need to mention qualifications, so everyone, I have high hopes for you . "

"Master Shaman said it very well, but some of us always like to show publicity."

"Yes, as servants of the beast god, we have to be pragmatic."

The main priests of several cities have spoken one after another. In order to compete for the position of the red main priest, there has been an agreement between the cities. Although there are actually only seven competing for the strength, after all, each city has one vote, usually The accumulated connections and friendships should be used to build momentum for yourself.

没 "Yes, Lord Pope wants to see the actual results. Those that are unrealistic are put away for me."

Said Subaru faintly.

He knows that these people are ridiculing Thomas. Thomas was an arrogant guy when he was young. Although he was his former teacher, he could not take care of himself at this time. Although he was a shaman, he also had to serve the public, but he only regretted him. At that time, he was very optimistic about Thomas, and expected him to make some achievements in soul carving. Unfortunately, he still could n’t buy the threshold of bronze. As long as he could become a silver-level engraver, the current pope engraved this soul. Value one piece, you can also have more chips for this seat.

I have been the main sacrifice for five years, but Thomas's utilitarian mentality is still a little worse, but it is because of this that he loves this disciple.

Everyone dare not go too far, so far, after all, it is a character in the vein of Subaru.

(Recommended ticket ~~~~~)