MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1907 Routine

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Compared with the first professional league, this competition is all kinds of wonderful, and the discerning people can see that the official is controlling the rhythm in secret.

This ruling sword and **** battle flag are no exception.

Can the two super clubs meet?

However, this situation is not without exception. The day before yesterday, the capital of glory was on the seventh heaven, and the strength of the seventh heaven was also exaggerated. Everyone was very happy that they would see a big show.

I didn’t expect the glory capital to be a newcomer to the youth training camp.

These newcomers are very good. They rely on their glory capital to put the points in the forefront, but they have a huge gap with the official game of the seventh heaven, so a good show becomes a youth camp geniuses are hanged. Playing the situation.

Glory does not feel shameful, but feels that this is good, you can let the pride of the little guys in the sky know what is strength.

The seventh heaven was more embarrassing, and all sorts of preparations were made. The result was a group of new people who hit their fists on cotton. After winning, no one thought they were powerful.

The rookies out of the youth academy can’t compare with the young people who eat cakes.

The game enters the preparation time, and the audience is crowded with people. Apart from the fans of the family, the rest are basically all soy sauce parties, or the people who eat melons. They will not support the people with clear-cut attitudes, as long as they play the wonderful and refreshing.

The fans of the ruling sword, as well as the members of the clubs of the rulings, are no different from the people who eat the melons. They are all chaotic and more chaotic than the vegetable market.

On the other hand, the members of the Scarlet Battle Flag Club Association seem to be a little scary.

Most of them were young men, dressed neatly, sitting on their backs straight and not moving, looking calmly at the front, waiting for the game to officially begin.

This is to watch the game, this is to come to the military position.

Even the fans with the **** battle flag are more serious than the normal audience. Some of them are also sitting on the **** battle flag, so it has been circulated in the circle that this club is a veterans club.

There are even rumors that there are some active military personnel among them.

Lu is speechless about this. Can you play games while you are a soldier?

The game did not let the audience wait too long. At this stage, when the official copy of the foreign land was officially opened, no one had the time to drink tea and chat here. After ten minutes, everyone saw the two sides on the stage.


Are thieves!

Although the thieves civil war looked so hot without the mad warriors, there is no such a splendid civil war, but the people who like this tone are really quite a lot.

"It is a teenager who eats cake. He is estimated to lose." There is no shortage of peers sitting under the stage.

Eating a young boy, this dark horse is the most concerned existence of the racers. After all, it is impossible to meet everyone on the stage one day. It is a bit more to know.

"The loss is inevitable, the key is to see if you can make a bright spot," another said.

“Why can’t you win the land?”

"Because that is the land, do you still need a reason?"

Yes, it is a land, I don’t know when, Lu and Xiaomo have left an unbeaten name in people’s hearts.

The two thieves looked at each other for a while and entered the stealth together.

The equipment for eating the cake teenager is very good, probably the level of the 70th-level legend. The blood-colored battle flag is better than the ruling sword in the wild BOSS. Although the first copy of the copy is not comparable, their club system is more demanding.

The following people got the equipment. The land is used for the most. The premise is that the people who get the equipment have this idea. After getting the equipment, they will report it, but in fact, there are not many people reporting. People are selfish, pure. The equipment that you get on your own has no need to lend to the top, let alone pay it directly.

The **** battle flag is different. It is said that even if they get a dark gold equipment, they will report it.

If it is the kind of equipment that is more suitable for the racer, it will be directly assigned to the racer's hand. The person who gets the equipment will not have any opinion, the collective honor will burst, and the military management will be completely.

But Lu has a supreme ring, and he quickly discovered the position of the teenager.

Lu did not go up to eat the cake boy immediately. He planned to set the road for this simple little meat and solve the battle in an extremely shameless way. So he put on a gesture that I don't know where you are and I can't see it.

The teenager who eats the cake is very nervous. Lu is the strongest thief he has ever seen since he returned.

The **** battle flag on the weekdays and the thieves who are practicing with him are basically second-rate. He is looking forward to fighting against such top thieves, and he is not convinced that he will be defeated when he encounters the land.

How strong is it, Lu is also a person!

Not God!

The teenager who eats the cake soon notices the position of the land. He walks more carefully. He feels that he has already circled behind the land. A faint shadow has appeared in his perception, and this person has not found it. I was caught.

It turns out that the first thief in the dawn is just that.

Sneak attack first, then backstab, right, then control, if the other party solves the control, then what direction should you go?

According to previous research on some videos, he has no fixed routines, but the most popular ones should be forward. At the same time, other players are at least concerned about their different images. Lu is not concerned with their own actions. It’s not handsome.

Also, there is a water elf to be a girlfriend, handsome and not handsome is not important.

The decisive decision of the military allowed the young boy to take a decisive shot at the right time. The dagger was silently tied to the back of the head.


This is the most direct thought in the hearts of several thieves who have played against the land. They have played with Lu, and naturally know that the perception of Lu Yi is very strong. Such a close distance is still too ignorant. It is.

Although the teenager who has eaten the cake has always performed very well, it is not as good as it is now.

Just as the young boy is about to get to the back of the head, the sneak attack is successful, and when the first striker of the two players is about to be grabbed, Lu Yi suddenly turns around, so the dagger is tied out on the scalp.

The heart of the boy who eats the cake is broken, but he does not have time to think more, because the fall of this skill is enough to let Lu find him.

So he fell from the first hand to the back hand, and a gouge from the land gave him dizziness in the same place. Then the two sides exchanged skills and output each other. Because the land was controlled by the first hand, it was finally eaten. The teenager ate a big loss.

When the two are scarred, they enter stealth and wait for the next opportunity.