MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1956 If BOSS is dead, it can also be destroyed.

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Of course, the give-up is still given, and the new hammer is in the hand when the night is smooth.

Everyone knows that Xiao Mo has retired. It is very likely that because of the sister around him, despite the curiosity of the inner cat claws, no one dares to ask.

Who knows what the two people intend to do.

Lu Ji was assigned to the thief's shoes, his shoes were too broken, and the wife was so distressed that he gave him the shoes.

After the completion of things, continue to open strange and other mobs, as always.

In this time, among the eight groups of fish, in addition to the ghouls, crypts, necromancers, hatreds, banshees, gargoyles and frosty dragons that existed in the previous BOSS battles, two new ones have been added. Enemy.

Devil hound, can burn blue.

The huge hellfire, with its own aura of sacrifice, it can burn people.

If you go through so many mobs, you have been used to such a rhythm.

The only discord is that there are a few guys standing too far ahead, the blues are sucked almost, and they can only find their way back to the blue, delaying the output, seriously affecting the mood of the pioneering group.

So I didn't get to the BOSS and the group was gone.

Everyone went back to the orc camp and continued to repair. The residual dream was still burying her head and touching her before she could touch the body.

There are too many monsters, and one touch is very tired, but she doesn't think so.

"You see what I touched!" The little dream hunter raised a thing and showed off happy.

Lava Fist!

Legendary weapon!

And it was still a set of parts, and everyone immediately went up.

"It seems to be a shaman's weapon. Who will use this stuff for thieves? I want to delete the shaman. The no one who robs BOSS will forget it. Even the mobs will join in the fun to send legendary equipment." There is no love for the face.

He is a swearing word, but everyone is deeply convinced.

"Not bad, dreams come on, and the other one also touched out." Falling cherry recalled the new equipment with the basic points, the property does not say anything, at least in the shape of the appearance is definitely worth collecting.

"Well, remember my sister, I will definitely give you a touch." Little red hand made a guarantee.

After the mobs were cleaned up, they finally saw the fourth BOSS - Azgalo.

Azgalo was once the adjutant of the demon army leader Mannoroth. Since Manolos was slain by Grom Hells, he directly took over Manolos and led the Devil Army.

Azgalo is not as smart as his predecessor, but his enthusiasm for chaos, violence and torture is beyond everyone's imagination.

The first task he received was to attack Archangel's summit in Hyjal with Archimonde.

Azgalo unleashed a powerful demon power, and its invincible offensive destroyed any mortal creature that dared to resist him.

However, just as the Burning Legion was full of hopes for victory, Archimonde was caught in the trap of Malfurion Stormrage, and was killed under the tree of the world, and the Burning Legion was again defeated.

In this battle, Azgallo is missing.

Players need to stop him from beating the Chief of Thrall. In the process of fighting, the Grand Chief is a weak chicken that will be trampled at any time.

After many times of practice, coupled with the small point of the land, the micro-clouds let MT put the BOSS at a distance of one hundred yards from Saar, so that the battlefield can be divided into two pieces, one is BOSS. One piece is to pull the doomsday guards who fell from the sky to Sarna and play the mobs with the NPC.

Many times the group has been destroyed, resulting in more killing mobs.

"Touched out, oh, no, or the lava anger fist, it should be the lava anger claws right, nothing I continue to touch!" Everyone is blaming, and the dream has touched a legendary equipment.

The only pity is that this thing is repeated with the previous one.

The land was given to the water elf, and there was no deduction. After all, there was no one to ask for something.

If this has been going on for a long time, maybe a pair of legendary weapon gloves, Lu Lining will not want to die like this. If the fourth child is so destroyed, then the aunt Mengde will still be a fart.

The experience is slowly accumulated. The land reclamation is the extinction of the group, and gradually began to master a lot of small skills.

For example, BOSS comes too fast, micro-clouds and light moons to shoot dogs and men to harass BOSS, is to use the long-distance use of disturbing skills when stealth, neither will expose themselves, but also make BOSS often stop.

At this time, the salted fish that eat dog food are very happy.

Can not pour gasoline ignition, let them go crazy on the edge of death is not bad.

When Azgalo rushes into the camp, he must be immediately misled into the tank. You will never want this guy to pull Sal to the battle, because the Lord Emirates is really weak here.

The tank must hurry to hold the BOSS. If it is not good, the hatred is easily taken away by the NPCs.

This is a shameful moment when tanks can be loaded into the black history.

The azure sea breeze has been done once, and the hatred has not been pulled. As a result, the NPC has died, and only the end of the grass has come back.

Azgalo has a lot of skills. He won’t say anything about the fire. I don’t know if it’s a fool.

The focus should be on Azgallo's roar, and some people call it a barking.

Azgallo Roar is an extremely deadly roaring skill, with a range of 99 yards. This distance is calculated a little bit. The blue sea breeze pulls the BOSS so far from Sal, because of this roar.

It will be used once every 15 seconds after the start of the battle, and then repeated every 15-20 seconds.

This roar can silence all targets in the range for 5 seconds.

The range is very large, and Thrall outside the 100 yards range may be safe, but the player can't run so far.

The player's farthest skill range is more than forty, so they are all within this roar range.

Before Azgalo will use the roaring ability, the tank's HP must be maintained at the peak and maintain a lot of HoT skills. The next five seconds is the test time. The MT is quite good to play, so it is quite impossible to find a copy.

The blue sea breeze is very big, and people don’t care.

This BOSS will summon the mobs. Its summoning skills are very interesting. About 50 seconds, he randomly names a player. After twenty seconds, the player dies the last blood death and is summoned to a doom guard on the body.

In order not to let these doomsday guards disturb everyone's Yaxing, the best solution is to let the people in the end of the day die in front of Thrall.

Sarna will arrange two tanks to pull this kind of blame. Of course, although the mobs attack in general, it is not feasible to arrange treatments. There is a special treatment here to add blood to the tanks that pull the mobs.

They left Azgalo on the weekend.

At that time, everyone called an excitement, and it was a slap and a jump, and it was called a laugh, and then the group was extinguished.

After BOSS is dead, it can still be destroyed. It is also intoxicating.

Unlike the previous mobs summoned by BOSS, even after the BOSS died, those doomsday guards are still there, and the super-successful team is lost. The group of such shame is in the hands of these mobs, only a few People can escape.

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