MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1961 Didn’t take the brain out?

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"Look at Xiao Mo now, hey, Xiao Mo is a pity." The dark tone is very regrettable.

It is reasonable to say that as a commentary, he should not be so clearly expressed in the commentary, but he may not be able to bear it. When Xiao Mo began to rise, it was also when his career rose rapidly. It was the game that explained Xiao Mo that won the status of understanding the world.

Since then, almost every game in Xiaomo has won a position in the commentary.

Now, Xiao Mo decided to retire after the game, so that he could not help but feel a thousand, there is a feeling of death and fox.

"Everyone has their own choices, and we seem to be very sorry, maybe the parties will find it worthwhile." Lu said after thinking about it.

He admired Xiao Mo's, and he was not sure if he could put everything down like Xiao Mo.

However, there are also very unfriendly gossips.

It is said that Lu is a conspiracy, and he has broken the capital of glory from the inside. As early as the night to go to the sword of ruling, Lu is in the next big banner. This move has gone for two years and finally will give the glory capital to death.

Purely nonsense, Lu is actually a very proud person, how does he know that Xiao Mo will do this.

Can not beat Xiao Mo in a straightforward manner, he is also a variety of regrets.

There is no such thing. The person who defeated Xiao Mo can only be himself, not a **** battle flag, nor is he a land.

In general, the glory capital under the leadership of Xiao Mo, is still the invincible hegemon of the game circle, the sword of the ruling of Lu, and compared with them can only be regarded as a thin and weak child.

There is a very obvious example, that is, the wild BOSS is still the glory capital is taking the big head.

Only the part they let out is the residual food that other clubs are vying for. Even the combination of the three swords of the Weiyuge unparalleled city ruling, there is no determination to let go of the fight and the glory of the capital.

The club is not a one-time business.

The sword of the ruling is at most a group of core masters who have been recruited and cultivated. The quality is not much worse than the glory, but the quantity is far worse.

There are at least ten elite groups in the capital of glory, and the core of the ruling is the core elite.

And they have five hundred elite groups!

The sword of the ruling is ten.

The only one who can defeat Xiao Mo is himself. For more than ten years, he has brought the capital of glory to the supreme throne of the game circle.

This is his first time after he announced his retirement, facing a small half-blooded thief water elf.

Slightly nodded, the two entered the battle state.

The water elf grabs advanced attack, and her battle mission is to consume Xiaomo's blood as much as possible, creating opportunities for those who come up later.

And Xiao Mo’s skill is still very steady and sharp, and there is no sign of any abnormality.

"Xiao Mo is still Xiao Mo!" said the dark tone like a wind and said with a smile.

The water elf is defeated.

The Yuyu Pavilion went up again and lost.

The three did not kill Xiao Mo. The name of the **** of law was not blown out. Many people only saw that Xiao Mo was the master of the capital of glory, but he ignored himself as a super master.

It is a person who forces the game professional league to constantly modify the rules of the game.

Glory Capital and Weiyuge Competition 3:1.

Then there is the team competition.

I thought that with the team of Xiao Mo, the team competition will continue to crush the feast of the micro-rain pavilion with an absolute advantage. Surprisingly, the team competition of the Glory Capital suffered a fiasco.

The final result was 3:3, and it was a tie.

"Hey, it's hard to say a word." The dark tone is inexplicable, and the uncharacteristics do not have a variety of explanations after the end of the game.

Wei Yuge vs. Glory Capital, Xiao Mo did not even play in the ring game.

The match-up game directly reversed a 3:2, and the Weiyu Pavilion took advantage.

In the team competition, Xiao Mo's cooperation was obviously out of touch with his teammates. He couldn't say that he didn't cooperate with his teammates, or his teammates didn't cooperate with him. Anyway, there were all kinds of problems, and naturally he could not win.

The glory capital lost to the Weiyu Pavilion at 2:5.

The two games add up to 5:8 - three points behind.

Although there is hope for a comeback, the hope is not great, at least until the glory capital has solved their group battle problem, they have no hope.

The glory must be defeated by Wei Yuge.

The development of this situation is almost absurd. As for all kinds of media, there are overwhelming reports.

In general, they all accused Xiao Mo of being in a private situation and tired of the entire club, leaving the glory capital club in an unprecedented crisis.

The majestic mountains and rivers that have been piled up for more than a decade have fallen apart.

There is also news that **** has already talked about the next home, and will change jobs at the end of this competition. Some people have said that they have mastered the exact news. Xishanbai may leave the capital of glory, and some capitalists have the will to create a The new club, there are people who say...

Lu was thrown on the table, and his headache was stunned.

"Afraid to meet your wife in the finals?" The roots worked hard and made fun of the land.

The top of the ruling sword is present at the meeting to study the current situation. They do not believe that the glory of the city will fall down, but they cannot understand what is happening in front of us.

"If it really wants to fall, I think this is a good opportunity. We can absorb a lot of elites from the glory capital. This will be a feast for the pie." Cat dad is a little excited, he has seen too many buildings overturned scenes, The collapse of every Super Club is a great thing for other clubs.

"There is a lack of funds." The white bread looks sad.

"You can find a life career alliance to borrow, they are very rich." Lu said.

"Why don't you find your wife?"


"You have finished, there is nothing to discuss!" The drifting in the corner lying in the corner was awakened by their increasingly heated discussion. He said impatiently: "Let's fall, the capital of glory It won't fall, can't you see that it's all fake?"

"Fake?" Others are confused.

"What is fake, the score can't be faked, Xiao Mo can't pretend to retire, the press conference is open, and the fate of the food will inevitably affect his personal image..."

"Hey, how is your IQ so low?" Floating his forehead on his desk, his voice was dull: "Did you not go out with your head today?"

"Cough, we are really stupid, or do you explain to us?"

"Who is Xiao Mo, he is the **** of the capital of glory. He left such a big stall. Who can take over, Wendeli is not good, what is she, but it is a small high-rise in the branch. Why can she Replacing Xiao Mo, how can you succeed this place full of the glory capital of Xiao Mo's personal style..."