MTL - The Green Gourd Sword Fairy-Chapter 1413 Keep going

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"Sure enough!"

Liang Yan's face was excited, looking at the power of restraint like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis, at this moment, it slowly receded like a low tide, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda is suppressed by the realm, it was built by the monks of the Tianji Pavilion after all.

As the treasure of the sect, the Tianjizhu is in the same blood as the Tianji Pavilion, and it is of the same origin. It is not surprising that it can resist the force of the ban here.

Liang Yan was originally a little worried about breaking through the realm in the Tianxie Tu, but he quickly thought of the Tianji Pearl and felt that at least 70% of it would be able to resist the suppression of the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda, so he was willing to come out of the Tianxie Tu.

Of course, he also made the worst plan. If the Heavenly Jewels did not work, he would immediately get into the Taixu Gourd, close the connection between the world in the Gourd and the outside world, and then let Wuxin take him out.

Now, he found that he had guessed correctly, the Heavenly Mystery Pearl could indeed resist the suppressing power of the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda.

"Liang Yan!"

Just as he just appeared from the Tianxie map, a crisp voice sounded not far away.

Looking back, it was the unintentional wait for a long time!

The witch originally looked worried, but when she saw Liang Yan's cultivation level clearly, her eyes widened again, and her face was full of surprise.

"You broke through! You actually broke through!"

Because I was too surprised, Wuxin said it twice in a row.

Before Liang Yan could speak, he felt a fragrant wind blowing across his face, and the next moment, a shadowy figure had plunged into his arms.

The bottleneck that had been troubled for many years finally broke through. At this time, there was another beauty in his arms, and Liang Yan's mood was extremely relaxed.

"Yes, I not only broke through the realm, but also killed the enemy of the year!" Liang Yanjiang Wuxin embraced him and said with a smile.

"The he one of the two monks who fought in Huaiyuan Town?"

Wuxin had seen part of Liang Yan's fragmented memories, and asked softly at this time.


Liang Yan nodded, with a hint of reminiscence on his face, and said slowly: "Actually, Yan Blind did not kill anyone in Huaiyuan Town, but this matter started from him and eventually became my inner demon. Although these Years of cultivation has improved rapidly, and gradually suppressed this demon, but it was buried deep in my heart after all, and finally became the first of my three disasters and nine calamities... This calamity It is both a calamity of life and a calamity of heart, and breaking this calamity now can be regarded as an explanation for my father and everyone in Huaiyuan Town!"

Speaking of this, I thought of Liang Xuan again.

Although he knew that he was not his biological father, his nurturing affection was real, and this affection even surpassed blood kinship.

Back in the imperial capital, Liang Yan did not recognize his ancestors even though he already knew his identity.

Because in his heart, there is always only one father, and that is Liang Xuan.

"Father, Liang Yan avenged you today, may you rest in peace under Jiuquan......"

Liang Yan meditated silently in his heart, and looked to the south, as if he had traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, and saw the simple and lively town on the southern edge of the island.

I also saw that occasionally serious, but caring smile in his eyes.

At this moment, Liang Yan was no longer a cultivator with supernatural powers, but the simple young man of the year.

Seeing his expression, Wuxin was extraordinarily quiet.

The witch buried her head in Liang Yan's chest, and seemed to be mourning the deceased relatives with him. After a long time, she said softly, "Did your father still have any wishes?"

Being asked inadvertently, Liang Yan also recovered from his past memories.

He glanced at the beautiful woman in his arms, with a strange look on his face.

"Wish.... but there is one..."

"Oh? What is it, let's hear it? I think... With the strength of the two of us, we should be able to help him complete it, right?" Wuxin said softly.

"Cough cough......"

Liang Yan coughed, and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"My father's most regrettable thing before his that he didn't help me find a daughter-in-law, get married, have children, and start a family! Since this fairy is so enthusiastic, why not help me fulfill my father's wish?"

After listening to Liang Yan's answer, Wuxin's face turned slightly red, looking a little charming.

"You idiot, when did you become so glib!" Wuxin pinched Liang Yan's arm, it sounded like she was complaining, but there was a hint of joy in her voice.

Seeing the shy appearance of the beauty, Liang Yan achieved his goal and couldn't help laughing, causing Wuxin to roll his eyes again.

"Don't be sloppy, let me ask you, what exactly did you experience in that flame painting?" Wuxin asked curiously.

"Dao struggle."

"Dao Zheng? You said that Yan Blind is your enemy of the Great Dao? That's how it is... No wonder you can break through in it." Wuxin's face showed a look of surprise.

Liang Yan nodded, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "How long have I been in Tianxie Tu?"

"You've been in there for ten days!" Wuxin sighed and said, "In these ten days, I have exhausted all kinds of magical powers, and even mobilized the aura of a true devil, but I can't break this strange thing. The magic weapon of the picture scroll. And you are in the painting, I am afraid of hurting you, I dare not use the 'Wonderful Magic Hand' to attack, and it has been delayed until now."

After listening to Wuxin's answer, Liang Yan nodded slightly.

He knew that Tianxietu was a rare treasure, and it was because of this magic weapon that Yan Xiazi, whose realm had fallen, was so confident. In fact, Yan Xianzi's strength is similar to Liang Yan and Wuxin. If there is no Tianxietu in hand, how can he dare to face both of them at the same time?

Now, the magic weapon of Tianxietu already belongs to Liang Yan.

Raising his hand and playing a magic formula, he put the Heavenly Evil Figure in the air into the storage ring, Liang Yan thought for a while and said, "Ten days...for such a long time, why hasn't Yang Jianying come back? "


Wuxin seemed to have only thought of this question, and there was a dazed look on his face.

In fact, it's not her fault. The so-called concern is chaos, because Liang Yan was trapped in the picture of the evil, and Wuxin was a little confused. He only wanted to rescue Liang Yan, and he would care about others.

It wasn't until now that Liang Yan mentioned it, Wuxin didn't remember that Yang Jianying was there to find out the way. It stands to reason that he should have returned long ago, but now he has not returned, which is too unreasonable.

"It seems that our ally is in trouble on the road..." Liang Yan expressed his guess.

Wuxin nodded and pondered: "You are right, this is the only possibility, otherwise he will definitely come back...... What should we do now? Do we go directly to the upper reaches of the Soul River, or go Looking for Yang Jianying?"

Liang Yan didn't even think about it, and said directly, "Go to Yang Jianying! When he fought against Luo Qing, he didn't leave us. Now that he has an accident, I, Liang Yan, will never leave him!"

After listening, he smiled slightly.

She knew that the best strategy right now was to rush to the lower reaches of the Soul River, because Luo Qing and Zhao Xunzhen were already rushing there.

Going to find Yang Jianying will only waste his time, and the opportunity may be missed by them.

But sometimes people are like this, not every time they choose the best strategy, sometimes it is "knowingly committed".

Wuxin knew Liang Yan and knew that the choice he made would not change. At this time, he smiled slightly and said softly: "Okay, then we will go to Yang Jianying, but he has been away for so long, and he is definitely not nearby, how do we search? "

"I can do this."

Liang Yan thought for a while and said: "He has the Yang Family Sword Seal on his body. This thing has been with me for hundreds of years, and it has already tainted with a trace of my breath. As long as he is within ten miles, I can feel it. Even if he leaves too far, he will still be on the road. There is a residual breath, and it will never dissipate within ten days. As long as we follow the breath of the Yang Family Sword Seal, I believe that we will be able to find Yang Jianying."

After Wuxin heard it, his face was also excited, and he smiled: "This is much easier to handle, it's not too late, let's start now."

"it is good!"

Liang Yan raised his hand and played a tactic to spread out his consciousness, and soon found the aura of the Yang Family Sword Seal outside the entrance of the cave.

"follow me!"

Liang Yan didn't say much, put his hand on Wuxin's shoulder, and a gentle breath poured into Wuxin's body, making her feel that her body became lighter.

"This is........."

Before Wuxin could react, a flash of light had already wrapped himself up.

The next moment, both feet off the ground, involuntarily flew towards the outside of the Huoyuan Cave!

"Can you fly?"

Wuxin's face was full of surprise. You must know that the entire Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda is restricted from empty space, from the first floor to the fifth floor. The top ten talents who came in have long been accustomed to using their feet to travel. .

Now that he can suddenly fly in the air again, Wuxin feels a little weird.

For Wuxin's surprise, Liang Yan just smiled slightly. He has now broken through to the realm of robbery, and the prohibition in the Thousand Machines Magic Tower is not so absolute for him.

And after the realm is improved, it can play the role of the Tianji Pearl, which can not only resist the suppression of the realm, but also resist the prohibition of air.

However, Liang Yan was still a bit apprehensive about the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda. He didn't dare to fly too high. He just flew at a low altitude above the ground, at least ten times faster than before.

In this way, Liang Yan rolled Wuxin and himself with an escape light, and soon left the Huoyuan Cave, and began to chase along the aura left by the sword seal of the Yang family......

About half a day passed, Liang Yan and Wuxin flew all the way, and saw many traps, formation restrictions, and many powerful puppets along the way.

However, some of them seem to have been destroyed, and the remaining part was also cleverly bypassed by Liang Yan and Wuxin, and there was no obstruction along the way.

Until the front, a golden circle appeared.

Liang Yan's brows were slightly wrinkled, he stopped the escape light before the magic circle, and fell to the ground together with Wuxin.

"Have you found anything?" Wuxin asked beside him.

"Yang Jianying entered this magic circle and stayed in it for a long time, but the movement behind it was a bit like a lake...I think there must be some clues in this magic circle." Liang Yan pondered. said.

Wuxin carefully looked at the array in front of him, and said slowly: "If you don't pass through the 'Shen Zhao Wall', this is indeed a must pass. Now that we are here, let's go in and take a look?"

"Exactly what I want, let's go!"

Without hesitation, Liang Yan walked into the array in front of him with Wuxin.

As soon as I entered, I felt a fierce killing aura!

Looking up, there seemed to be some ferocious beast hidden in the golden mist, waiting for the intruder to approach, and the next moment would choose someone to devour.

Wuxin frowned slightly, and just as she was about to speak, she saw Liang Yan suddenly stretched out her middle finger, fast as lightning, and lightly pinched it in front of her forehead.

Wuxin was slightly taken aback by the abnormal behavior. When she reacted, she realized that Liang Yan's fingertips were holding a gold needle as thin as a hair!

"This is.........."

Wuxin's face was surprised, she didn't expect that she almost got hit just after entering this formation!

After carefully scrutinizing it for a while, I found that this golden needle contains a powerful Qi of Gengjin, and there are small runes on the tail of the golden needle, which seem to be used to break through the protective aura.

"What a strange material! I have been in the Antarctic Immortal Continent for hundreds of years, and I have never seen any material with such a pure spirit of gengjin. Could it be the refining material in the ancient times? Look at the sharpness of this golden needle. I'm afraid that the magic weapon used by ordinary monks in the robbery will be pierced by it!" The witch stared at the golden needle in Liang Yan's hand, and said with some heart.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, Liang Yan rubbed his hands together and rubbed the gold needle into flying ashes in front of her.

Wuxin: "............"

Liang Yan's expression did not change in the slightest, and he said: "Go forward, about ten steps, three golden needles will shoot from the southeast, be careful."

"you sure?"

Unintentionally doubtful, concentrated, and took ten steps forward.

When the last step fell, there was indeed a wave of fluctuations behind him.

Due to the preparations this time, Wuxin caught it for the first time even though the fluctuation was very slight.

She didn't hesitate at all, the demonic energy condensed in her palm, she turned her palm and shot it out, purple magic light spurted out, blocking the three golden needles as thin as hair in the air.


The three golden needles were locked in the air by the demonic energy, and they trembled unwillingly, their tails swaying gently, as if they wanted to penetrate the unintentional magic light.

"You really expected it, is this the feeling of heaven and man?" Wuxin looked at the three golden needles in front of him, and said excitedly.

"Not bad." Liang Yan nodded slightly.

Since entering the Tribulation Realm, he has initially mastered the sense of heaven and man, and can predict the changes of some things around him in advance.

Of course, this kind of foreknowledge has its limitations, it can only see an extremely short future, and the content of the foreknowledge cannot involve the layout of the saint.

Even if it is an opponent whose strength is similar to his own, it is very difficult to predict the opponent's behavior.

However, an unmanned killing formation like the one in front of him was not a problem for Liang Yan at all.

Even if he didn't know how to crack the formation, he could predict all the attacks in the formation in advance, as if he had opened his eyes, how could he be injured?

"Let's go, Yang Jianyin's breath is very strong, I have a feeling that Yang Jianying is in the center of the array."

With a sound transmission, Liang Yan led Wuxin slowly into the depths of the fog.......