MTL - The Green Gourd Sword Fairy-Chapter 1424 Shard of the Sacred Artifacts

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Liang Yan had never seen such a mad, fiery spell that could give up everything, even his own life.

In mid-air, General Lion is dead!

There was no hesitation, not even a last word.

Today, he has turned into a blazing sun, with the power to destroy everything, and pounces on the swallowing insect at the mouth of the valley!

The worm also seemed to sense the crisis, the original twisted body stretched straight, the huge worm mouth opened, and the bottomless black hole appeared again.

"here we go again!"

Liang Yan once again sensed the power of the space ban and the irresistible suction, which seemed to swallow everything around him into that mouth.

However, this time, what the worms have to face is a blazing sun!

In just a moment of effort, the crimson scorching sun fell from the sky, smashing on the top of the swallowing insect's head, and a loud noise that shook the sky and earth broke out.

The entire space began to distort and deform, and a powerful force formed a red beam of light in place, rising up into the sky, tearing the sky!

The big mouth of the swallowing worm is constantly absorbing the power of the scorching sun, but the power is too much, part of it is poured into the mouth of the monster, and part of it starts to tear the flesh of the monster.

Countless explosions came, and huge holes began to appear in the body of the swallowing insect, which was as long as a hundred feet.

With the eruption of black blood, everyone could actually see the golden liquid hidden in the hole.


There was another loud noise, and the blazing sun exploded!

The terrifying power is like a mountain tsunami, razing everything outside the valley to the ground!

The swallowing worm bore the brunt and was bombarded by this force, a huge hole appeared in the abdomen, black blood sprayed continuously, and the breath on the body was also dropping rapidly......

Liang Yan looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

In his perception, the aura of General Lion has completely disappeared,

The puppet guarding the fifth floor, the general who has blocked the insect tide for countless years by himself, disappeared like this, leaving no dust behind.


Ling Tiandg silently looked at the place where the blazing sun burst, and he, who had always been mean, actually shed a tear.

"It turns out that the spirits also have tears..."

The white-robed artifact who noticed his tears laughed, stretched out his hand to take off the tear, and sprinkled it in the air.

The next moment, his face was solemn, his hands were imprinted, and his body gradually turned into a chill, which condensed in mid-air, and finally turned into a dagger again.

"Fellow Daoist, I'll leave the rest to you."

Just leaving this sentence, Ling Tian Dagger broke through the air.


This dagger full of chills, no one urged it, turned itself into a stream of ice, falling from the sky, taking advantage of the moment when the swallowing insect fell to the ground, it got into its wound.

After a while, a powerful icy aura erupted from the body of the swallowing worm.

Although the coverage of this icy aura is not as good as the magical powers that the white-clothed artifact had previously displayed, the power contained in it is more than three times stronger!

Liang Yan could feel that the breath of Lingtian's dagger spirit was rapidly disappearing.

Like Lionheart, the guard on the fourth floor chose to sacrifice himself to seal the mysterious power in the swallowing worm.

As they had discussed before, if you want to completely kill the swallowing insect, you must first seriously injure the monster, and then seal the golden liquid while it heals.

Lionheart and Ling Tiandhi both knew their mission, and they chose to sacrifice themselves to achieve this goal.

With the outbreak of the cold air, the golden liquid in the swallowing insect body was completely sealed, and the golden thread that originally bound the demon insect was also broken at this moment.

Swallowing insects are no longer bound by any restraints!

But at the same time, it was also weakened to the extreme, the wound on its body could not be healed, and large tracts of black blood sprayed out from the wound.

At this moment, Liang Yan's spirit was extremely tense.

The sacrifice of the two guards made him not allow himself to make any mistakes!

There is only one chance to attack.

If this blow cannot kill the swallowing worm, when the frozen power of the Lingtian dagger is broken, the swallowing worm will no longer have any restraints, not only Lionheart and Lingtian dagger sacrifice in vain, but even himself and Wuxin will die. it's here!

Liang Yan was engrossed, his right eye turned gray, the "Wu Go" supernatural power was displayed, and the gray death qi began to spread on the surface of the demon insect.

As the death qi continued to spread, the skin of the swallowing insect gradually withered and turned yellow.

But its power of flesh and blood is very strong, even though death energy can make some flesh and blood age, but soon new flesh and blood will grow, and so on and so forth, it maintains a balance that does not increase or decrease.

Obviously, although the death energy is powerful, it cannot kill the holy insect of the demon race like swallowing the sky.

However, Liang Yan was not surprised.

He never thought that he could kill the swallowing insect with the dead energy of his cultivation. The reason for using "Wufu" is to find the life gate of swallowing insects through death energy!

Soon, when the death energy spread to about ten feet above the abdomen of the swallowing worm, the body of the swallowing worm suddenly tensed, and the huge body bent into a "bow" shape.

"right here!"

A gleam of light flashed in Liang Yan's eyes, and the reaction of the swallowing worm let him know that this position was the gate of the devil's life!

Without any hesitation, Liang Yan pinched the sword art in his hand, and an invisible sword light flew out from the Taixu gourd.

There is no vision in the air, and there is no aura fluctuation, as if the sword disappeared into the void......

After a breath, a ray of silver light appeared on the top of the swallowing insect's head.

With the appearance of this ray of silver light, the Tianshu District, which was originally bright as day, suddenly turned into night at this moment, as if everything darkened in front of this ray of silver light.

Leng Yue and Xinghui condensed together to form a dazzling sword light, and the sword light contained seven colors.

Star and Moon Seven Lights!

At this most critical moment, Liang Yan used the last move of "Xingyue Invisible Sword", Xingyue Qiguang!

In the boundless night, only the brilliance of this sword is dazzling, exactly the same as the sky that Liang Yan saw in the void.

As his mind moved, the Dingguang Sword Pill descended from the sky, turned into an aurora rage slash, and went straight to the gate of life of the swallowing insect!

The cold moon starlight fell, as if the galaxy was flowing backwards, pouring into the body of the swallowing insect.

At the gate of life, a huge gap was torn open by the sword light, black blood was sprayed in the body, and the organs were broken.

This aurora furious slash successfully cut through the huge body of the swallowing worm. As the sword light continued to deepen, the worm's body was shattered inch by inch, and it was almost about to be chopped in half.


Liang Yan's eyes flickered, and his face was extremely serious!

This sword is not only for himself, but also for General Lion and Ling Tiandagger!

Wherever the sword light passes, it will destroy the dry and rotten, and cut open the huge body of the swallowing worm bit by bit......

But just as the monster was about to be cut in half, Liang Yan's eyes suddenly jumped.

A mysterious and powerful force erupted from the depths of the swallowing worm's body, and actually blocked his "Xingyue Qiguang"!

"what happened?"

Liang Yan's complexion changed greatly, and when he looked intently, he saw that in the depths of the endless darkness, there was actually a slap-sized golden light group.

The scorching golden light radiated out, forming a golden net in mid-air, blocking his fixed light sword pill in mid-air.

"That is........."

Liang Yan's child hole shrank.

The thing wrapped in the golden light group is actually a small fragment of a golden ring!

I have seen this kind of debris before.

At the Xuanyuan Doubao Conference that year, Guangchengzi fell, and the devil in his body once took him into his inner world and took out a small fragment of the ring.

The fragment of the ring still remains in his body to this day, almost exactly the same as the one in front of him!

At this moment, Liang Yan's heart was full of doubts.

But before he could think about it, the fragment of the ring vibrated slightly, and mysterious power poured out and circulated in the body of the swallowing worm.

In just a few breaths, this force destroyed most of the ice seal left by Ling Tiandagger!

"not good!"

When Liang Yan saw this scene from a distance, his face changed greatly.

This mysterious ring fragment completely disrupted his plan. The Heaven Swallowing Insect, who was on the verge of death under the "Xingyue Qiguang", has now regained a trace of vitality!

Liang Yan's mind changed, and he understood that he had no way out now. Once the swallowing worm broke through the ice seal, the golden liquid would heal the wounds in its body.

By that time, General Lion and Ling Tiandhi would be sacrificed in vain.

There is absolutely no escape at this time!

Liang Yan is very clear about his mission. The two guards have completed their respective tasks. They put all their hopes on themselves......

Before the swallowing worm breaks the seal, it must be completely beheaded!

Facing the swallowing worm who was about to break the seal, Liang Yan did not retreat but advanced, and the sword intent on his body rose to the extreme.

With the sword tactic in his hand, "Xingyue Qiguang" was used again, the powerful sword qi tore the golden net, and Leng Yue Xinghui went straight to the gate of the devil's life.


In the face of Liang Yan's full-strength sword, the swallowing insect let out a roar.

The true demonic energy on its body erupted violently, its terrifying mouth opened, and the demonic energy condensed into a dark ball of light, hitting Liang Yan's sword light directly.


An earth-shattering loud noise came, and the true demonic energy of the swallowing worm collided with Liang Yan's "Xingyue Qiguang". The sword light and the demonic energy were entangled with each other. The terrifying force ripped apart the void, and light of various colors collided. The halo exploded in mid-air, illuminating the dark sky like day!

"Damn, what is the 'ring fragment'? Just this little time has helped the swallowing worm recover so much strength!"

Liang Yan's face was gloomy, the power of Jiuzhuan Jindan and Jianying in his body was madly motivated, and the "Xingyue Qiguang" kept changing. He wanted to bypass the true devil energy of the swallowing insect before its power was fully recovered. Kill it.

However, the swallowing worm is worthy of being a holy worm of the feather clan. Even if it only regained a trace of vitality, the power of supernatural powers is extremely powerful.

It also seems to have seen through Liang Yan's mind, the spirit of the real devil is mighty, always entangled in Liang Yan's sword light, to buy himself time to recover.

In this way, the two sides come and go, fighting demons with sword light, and actually formed a stalemate in the air.

Although no one can do anything about it, Liang Yan's heart has become impatient.

If this goes on, Tiantianworm will be able to recover from his injuries sooner or later, and he will be the one who will die by then!

"let me help you!"

A voice suddenly sounded, but it came to him unintentionally.

I don't know if it was Liang Yan's illusion, but he actually saw a trace of excitement in Wuxin's eyes!

Her eyes were fixed on the swallowing insect in the distance, looking at the wound cut by the sword light just now, and even her breathing became a little short.

"Worryless?" Liang Yan asked softly.

Hearing his voice, Wuxin suddenly came back to his senses, turned his head, and said solemnly:

"Just now your sword light tore open the body of the swallowing insect. Although it was only a glimpse, I have already seen it clearly... The thing in its body is what I have been looking for. Feathered Sacred Artifact!"

When Liang Yan heard this, surprise appeared in his eyes.

"You mean the 'ring fragment'?"


Wuxin nodded affirmatively.

"The Six Paths Heavenly Demon Ring is my clan's sacred weapon! The reason why I traveled thousands of miles, traveled through mountains and rivers, and came to your human race's continent, is to find this sacred weapon and complete my dream of restoring the country!"

"But..." Liang Yan hesitated.

"I know what you want to say, and I don't know why there are holy artifact fragments here. I'm afraid only the two seniors who chased and escaped know what happened in the past. But I can be sure that the "Six Paths Heavenly Devil Ring" does not It will be destroyed, as long as all the pieces are collected, the power of this holy artifact will be restored!" Wuxin said with great certainty.

After listening to Wuxin's explanation, Liang Yan's eyes twitched slightly.

There is a saying, he doesn't know whether to say it or not, that is, there is also a small ring fragment in his own body!

If this ring fragment is really the sacred artifact of the Feather Clan, who is the devil hidden in his body?

This devil not only recognizes the "Six Paths Heavenly Devil Ring", but also knows how to collect the "Six Paths Heavenly Devil Ring"!

At the Xuanyuan Doubao Conference that year, he actually deceived Li Yuxian and Wei Wenxiang, and secretly took away the ring fragment in Guangchengzi's body under the eyes of two saints...

Liang Yan's thoughts turned, combined with the secret Wuxin had told him, he vaguely guessed He looked inside, and soon found a purple magic cloud vortex near his dantian.

The devil who was included in the Tianji Pearl by himself was never under his control. Over the years, his relationship with himself has always been somewhat delicate.

As long as there is a chance, this devil will compete with Liang Yan for the physical body. When he built the foundation, he almost let him go into the devil, but once Liang Yan is in danger of death, he will come to the rescue.

This relationship continued until the Xuanyuan Doubao Conference, when Liang Yan helped him get the ring fragment in Guangchengzi's body, and the devil promised that he would never take away Liang Yan in the future.


Now that he learned the true origin of the ring fragment from Wuxin, Liang Yan suddenly had some guesses in his heart.

While resisting the swallowing worm, he separated a ray of spiritual consciousness and came to the vicinity of the purple vortex, but he saw a deeply hidden child hole in the depths of the vortex, watching him at the moment.......