MTL - The Head of My Family is Number One In the World-Chapter 391 Sit opposite!

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   Chapter 391 Sit opposite each other!

   Many scattered immortals of the nine stars entered the peach blossom world of Ren Shen and encountered all kinds of strange events.

   Watching those scattered immortals experience the experience of withering when encountering wood and entering when encountering soil, they lost their lives in an instant.

   "The laws of the world here are too weird."

   Li Muqing, Shi Longjun and the others, even though they were Liujiu Sanxian, had no choice but to feel a sense of heart palpitations at this time.

  Shi Longjun looked solemn:

   "Is this kind of rules of heaven and earth completely different from the outside world, a special world created by Jiujiu Sanxian at will, starting from the era of Sanxian, the number of people who can reach this level is only five fingers!"

   Even if it is the nine star masters, only two or three become the ninety-nine scattered immortals, and the rest are all eighty-nine scattered immortals.

"What should we do now?"

   "You can't stand on the ground, you can't touch the grass and trees in this world, you can only fly in the air... Does anyone know more rumors about Senior Ren Shen?" Li Muqing looked at the crowd and asked.

   If you can know some more information about Ren Shen, it will be helpful for them to walk in this world.

The magician Tan Guang seemed to have thought of something, and said solemnly: "I heard that the nine-star No. 1 strong man had no close friends in his life, nor did he establish a sect, and he did not depend on any force, but was only making eight achievements. When Jiu Sanxian was a fairy, he took the first life he created as a disciple. It was a non-human, non-demon, and non-immortal existence. Ren Shen named it 'Yuan Sheng'er' and took this disciple with him. I traveled to other stars many times, and in the end, along with Senior Ren Can, I disappeared into the chaotic star group outside Geng Star. Now that we have entered this peach blossom world, maybe that 'Yuan Sheng'er' may also be here. in the world."

   "Yuan Shenger..."

It seems that he was reminded of something by the magician Tan Guang, and the big demon gudu also thoughtfully and said: "When you said that, I also remembered that I did see Senior Ren Shen from a distance on the moon star with a The 'Nine-Headed Creature' visited the Taiyin Star Master, and I was only far away back then, and I could feel that the Nine-Headed Creature's strength was stronger than mine, and it was about the peak of Liujiu Sanxian's cultivation base."

"But at that time, the catastrophe of heaven and earth has not yet come. After that, it is very likely that he has already stepped into the seven or nine scattered immortals. If the seven or nine scattered immortals are found, then even if we find them, he should be in a muddy state. What is the use?"

  Li Muqing said: "Of course it is useful. Now we have very few scattered immortals. If we can find one more survivor from that year, there is hope for our scattered immortals to continue in the future."

   "There must be a race of living creatures created by Senior Ren Shen in this world. We might as well move forward to see if we can find the living people of this world, and ask us what is going on in this world."

   "Okay, it's all up to Master Li's orders." The loose immortals who had suffered a big loss by acting rashly immediately decided to surround Li Muqing and follow their lead.

  Li Muqing nodded and began to count the number of people. After this count, he asked, "How many of our fellow Daoists from outside have come in?"

"Hey, Ding Yin, the Daoist Immortal Sect..." The magician Tan Guang said in surprise: "I was the last to come in, I clearly saw him coming in after Young Master Li and Young Master Sun, but why didn't I see him here? ."

   This opening, other people also felt that some people seemed to be missing, and said: "Yes, the fellow Geng Xing Taoist by my side is also gone."

   "Brother Chen Xing, who came in with me, is also gone!"

   This discovery made Li Muqing change again: "What? Are there so many people missing?"

  Shi Longjun immediately guessed: "Could it be because the entrance to the world was forcibly torn apart by that person, resulting in the instability of the space, even if everyone came in one after another, they may not all appear in the same place."

   Li Muqing said quickly: "No, we must find other people quickly."

At this time, a scattered immortal said anxiously: "Something's wrong, my Taoist companion and I are also separated, we both have a 'concentric fate card' on our bodies, just a moment ago, I felt a crack in my fate card. , it was my fellow Daoist who had an accident, and I too...cough..."

   Everyone looked at him quickly, only to see that when this man spoke, his face was extremely pale, as if he had suffered some serious damage, and his vitality was quickly disappearing.

   Concentric Life Tablet, this is usually a life-and-death covenant made by two cultivators. On one side, two people who are extremely infatuated will make this oath. Once one person dies, the other will also die in love!

  Li Muqing knew this kind of magic, so he quickly asked: "I heard that the concentric technique can vaguely sense the voice and position of the other party, and you may sense the direction of your Taoist companion."

   "Without her heart, she seems..." Sanxian was anxious and desperate: "I can only vaguely feel one direction, over there!"

   He stretched out his hand!

   "Go! Go and have a look!"

  Li Muqing immediately made a decision and entered this world. The most feared thing was that he had no direction. Now that he has a direction, everything is easy to handle!

   A group of scattered immortals, headed by Li Muqing, did not dare to land immediately, only galloping in the air.

Below   , piece after piece of peach tree forest appears from time to time. The fruit above is plentiful, and the fragrant and fragrant air carries strong vitality, but no loose immortal dares to pick it again.

  Those peach fruits, although they are comparable to elixir, they are not fortunate to enjoy at all.

   Accompanied by the galloping of a group of Sanxian teams.

  There are famous mountains and rivers from time to time on the ground below, all kinds of fairy fruit trees, like fairyland, really let them see the fact that this ninety-nine scattered fairy world is no smaller than the stars outside.

   I don't know how long the scattered immortals have been flying, and finally accompanied by a scream of the scattered immortal who was looking for a Taoist companion: "Ah!"

  I saw him stretch out his hand tremblingly and point behind a mountain in front of him.

next moment!

  His body was in mid-air, and it turned into a bone that was visible to the naked eye.

   A kind of scattered immortal stunned.

   It flew in mid-air and didn't touch any trees, so this ominous misfortune appeared.

It was the big demon who judged: "No, he was a 'sacrifice' who was implicated by the death of a Taoist couple. This technique of 'concentricity' was created, and I don't know why. Enough to kill."

   simply mourned for this pair of infatuated loose immortals. Li Muqing and the others directly crossed the mountain in front of them. After this crossing, the scene they saw was extremely mysterious.

  Behind the high mountains, it is not a higher mountain, but a towering tree.

Under the big tree, there are uncountable little people who are running freely on the ground, but there is no difference. They are all white and fat, and the tallest is less than three feet. With soaring pigtails.

   looked back at the hundreds of scattered immortals suspended on the mountain.

   screamed in an instant:


"so many people!"

   "Catch it, catch it, give it to Grandpa Dashu, give it to Yuan Shenger..."

   A group of scattered immortals looked at the tens of thousands of red-bellied three-inch little people running under the big tree, and they were extremely shocked:

   "Ginseng essence, a lot of ginseng essence!"

  The nature of things is essence. Generally speaking, 'elves' are one of the rarest creatures between heaven and earth, because they want to have wisdom, which is really more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Ordinary monsters are at least transformed from all kinds of beasts and beasts, but most of the elves themselves are things without wisdom, such as wood and stone tools, so if such existences want to have wisdom and cultivate into essence, they generally have a great deal of power. Good fortune is a gift from heaven, and if you encounter a big opportunity, you will unconsciously open your intelligence.

   Ginseng essence is even rarer. It is the king of all herbs in the fairy world. Once cultivated into essence, it is equivalent to a 'human-shaped great elixir' that can continue to grow.

   "Ginseng essence, a lot of ginseng essences, at least ginseng that started hundreds of years ago, became fine ginseng, the age they live is equivalent to how much they can supplement their cultivation skills..."

  In an instant, many Sanxian all had red eyes.

   This is even more tempting than the peach spirit fruit I encountered before. After eating one ginseng essence, it will increase its skill for hundreds of years. There are so many ginseng essences here…

"Everyone should be calm and rational! Don't be carried away by desire, have you forgotten how people died before? Also, the ginseng essence here is most likely created by Senior Ren Shen with the creation of eight or nine repairs. 'Elves'..."

  Li Muqing hurriedly reprimanded everyone.

   But Shi Longjun quickly refuted him and said loudly: "Don't say it, even if we don't want to do anything to these elves, they can come at us, everyone should be careful, don't fall to the ground!"

Li Muqing watched the thousands of red belly dolls fly up from the ground, densely packed, like an army of tens of millions, surrounded by them, and immediately shut up, his eyes flashed, and he directly took away the ones he had taken away. Everyone's magic weapon was returned to everyone's hands:

   "Protect yourself and prepare for war!"

   As he spoke, dozens of red apron dolls swooped in front of Li Muqing. With a wave of his right hand, dozens of golden threads flew out and swept out.

   bang bang bang bang!

  I saw the golden threads falling on these ginseng dolls, as if one thing conquered one thing, as soon as they touched them, they swept them down.

But the number of thousands of ginseng dolls is too many. Although it can't affect a master like Li Muqing, it has made the other loose immortals bad luck, and I saw them one by one. , Some grabbed their ears, some grabbed their hair... At the same time, they took off the red ropes one by one from the braids, tied the captured loose immortals one by one with five flowers, and threw them into the air and landed on the ground. One after another, the ginseng dolls caught it, just like ants, and transported them to the position of the big tree one by one.

Seeing this, Li Muqing didn't hold back immediately, Liu Jiu Sanxian cultivation base broke out completely, the power of Tai Chi Thunder Pond in his body was endlessly generated and destroyed, and a golden mountain was directly created in his hand, and it smashed at the densely packed ginseng dolls on the earth. past.


   This smashed down, and there were screams on the ground, although Li Muqing's eyes flashed a trace of unbearable, but he didn't dare to stop, because more ginseng dolls rushed towards him.


  The Young Master of the Sun, Shi Longjun, is like a small sun, making all the ginseng dolls that come across him turn into coke in an instant.

At the same time, the big demon Gudu and the magician Tan Guang are also full of killing power, but they soon see sweat on their foreheads, so they can see clearly, no matter how they kill, the ginseng dolls seem to be endless, from the big tree Bamboo shoots sprang up below.

   "No, you can't kill them, you can't kill them at all!"

   "That ancient tree is the source of these ginseng dolls, we have to start with it!"

   Magician Tan Guang snorted coldly:

   "Look at me!"

   The Rahuxing Immortal Art in his hand turned into a black spear, tore apart the void, and drew a graceful trajectory in mid-air, projecting it straight towards the towering tree.


   passed by in a string, bringing out sparks one after another, stretching thousands of feet.

   "Ah!" "Ah!"…

  Suddenly, the ginseng dolls on the ground let out a few high-pitched screams, as if the gun was also stuck in their hearts at the same time.

   "It works!" The big demon said with joy.

"No, something's wrong..." Li Muqing was keenly aware of a more powerful threat that spread out from the ancient tree. This sense of threat was no weaker than when he faced Chen Sha before. It came from that towering ancient tree.


   He roared almost instinctively.

  The big tree seems to be alive, with deep roots and luxuriant leaves, thick branches and leaves, fluttering in the wind, and the leaves rustling, and Li Muqing roared for a moment.

  The magician Tan Guang was still immersed in the emotion he had just made with one shot. In the next instant, he felt an extremely ancient and desolate aura coming from the ancient tree.


  I saw the huge tree vibrate, thousands of branches, dancing non-stop, like a human hand, and like a long whip, smashing through the air, directly piercing the long empty space, and the slap came.

   bang bang bang bang!

   The power of each branch and leaf that broke through the sky was stronger than that of ordinary Liujiu Sanxian.

"not good!"

Li Muqing and the others seemed to be besieged by hundreds of Liu Jiu Sanxian all at once, and they were beaten by the branches of the huge ancient tree. was drawn.

   puff puff puff...

   is accompanied by hundreds of sounds of flesh piercing.

   "Ah!" "Ah!"…

Only Li Muqing, Shi Longjun and the others could be heard screaming. The beaten bones were like falling apart. Before they could fly out, they were bound by sticks of paper like vines, and moved towards the big tree. Pulled back.

Li Muqing's entire body was broken, and he felt the power that bound him, which was comparable to the power of the "Turtle Emperor's Prison Tower" that he faced at the entrance of the world before, directly binding his whole body, unable to move .

   The severe pain and unwillingness were pulled across the sky and hung on a treetop.

When he opened his eyes and looked around, it was an extremely shocking scene. He saw that the treetops in all directions were full of loose immortals who had been outside before. On the tree.

   It also includes the disappearing Ding Yin and other loose immortals, all of which are hung on the tree.

   Looking down the tree, he was even more shocked.

   I saw a five-color temple under the tree, which was the body of the phantom of the temple that had manifested at the entrance to the world before, and in front of the temple, two people sat cross-legged.

  A person is wearing a large robe, with a bare chest, and nine thick tentacle-like hairs are floating behind his head, more like nine branches growing from the back of his head.

   He is like a person and like a tree.

As a human being, this is the image of a young man. He is too mighty and domineering. He sits cross-legged under the temple tree, with both feet facing the sky. The breath of heaven and earth.

   "This is that senior's direct disciple, Yuan Sheng'er?"

   And when Li Muqing turned his eyes away from this mighty and domineering white-robed young man, he was even more shocked. He saw a Taoist-robed young man also sitting cross-legged at a position of ten meters across from the white-robed young man.

   He squeezed a sun and moon seal with his hands on his abdomen, like a **** king holding the sun, sun and moon in his hands, a **** among gods, more domineering than any **** statue in temples, shrines, and Taoist temples in the world.

   Hundreds of gods and spirits are faintly surrounding him, running on his body, and every pore in his body exudes an unimaginably tyrannical and vast power all the time.

   He sat opposite the white-haired Yuan Shenger.


   The first Chen Sha to enter this world!

   (end of this chapter)

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts