MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 115 Secret (6)

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When the eyes are covered, the sense of hearing and touch becomes extra sharp.

Different from the icy cold kiss just now, this time, Yu Ning's kiss was like spring rain. After the cold and scorching heat blended, it turned into moist love and fell deeply on Ji Mingxia. .

The familiar breath haunts him, the wet warmth climbs to the whole body, and the numbness between the lips and tongue is surging.

Ji Mingxia was panting violently, and wet physiological tears flowed from the end of her eyes unconsciously.

"Yuning... You tap, um..."

Ji Mingxia struggled almost unbearably. He stretched out his hand, trying to push Yu Ning away, but he just lifted his hand, and the next moment, Yu Ning pressed him strongly on the bed, and the two of them The fingertips were clasped together, not giving Ji Mingxia any chance to move.

The sweet and greasy kisses constantly stimulated Ji Mingxia's senses, and the already hot body, as if being set on fire, boiled all over.

He was like wandering in a boundless dream, just when Ji Mingxia was gradually intoxicated, Yu Ning suddenly stopped.

He let go of the hand covering Ji Mingxia's eyes, and then pulled up the quilt that had slipped, covering Ji Mingxia from head to toe.

Ji Mingxia gasped violently. He opened his eyes and looked at Yu Ning in confusion. After a long time, he regained his consciousness. Only then did he realize that his buttons had been opened several times before he knew it. The skin all over his body was pink and stained with a thin layer of sweat.

His hand was still being pressed by Yu Ning, but Ji Mingxia had no strength to struggle at all.

His body was so soft that even his fingertips were numb. When Yu Ning touched it a little, Ji Mingxia almost hummed.

"Shh." Yu Ning whispered beside Ji Mingxia's ear, his body temperature was higher than usual, his voice was a little hoarse, unbelievably sexy, his lips gently caressed Ji Mingxia's ear, lowered The voice said to him, "There are cameras."

Ji Mingxia was stunned for a moment, and woke up almost instantly in the charming atmosphere: "There is a photo——"

Seeing Yu Ning motioning him not to speak, Ji Mingxia hurriedly swallowed the rest of the words. He stared at Yu Ning, imitating Yu Ning's appearance, and asked in a low voice, "Where is it? ?"

Dew-filled rose petals glowing moist.

Yu Ning couldn't hold back, lowered her head and kissed several times.

Ji Mingxia was kissed softly by him, and he was thinking about the camera, so he was in a hurry: "Yu Ning..."

Yu Ning heard Ji Mingxia call his name, and his breathing became heavier, but this time he restrained himself and said in a low voice, "The router at the end of the bed."

Router? ?

Ji Mingxia suddenly remembered that when he just turned off the lights, he did see the router flashing, but he thought it was a smooth connection of the router, but he never thought that there was a camera hidden inside!

This kind of thing is often seen when surfing the Internet on weekdays.

However, because Ji Mingxia is still a student, he rarely stays in hotels, and even if he does occasionally, he is more relaxed because he is a man.

I never thought that I would meet today.

"Then we just took a shower..." Ji Mingxia's face changed slightly.

He and Yu Ning both took off their bodies and took a bath, and the shower room is made of transparent glass, isn't it all filmed?

"I filled the shower room with water vapor before I started taking a bath." Yu Ning said.

As for Ji Mingxia, he went in to wash after Yu Ning, and the glass was blurred, so naturally he didn't have to worry about being photographed.

Ji Mingxia calmed down a little, and after recovering, she couldn't help but look at Yu Ning and said, "Did you already know there was a camera?"

"I guessed it." Yu Ning said.

Yu Ning smiled softly and whispered beside Ji Mingxia's ear: "It can't be photographed from this angle."

Ji Mingxia pushed Yu Ning and whispered, "You did it on purpose."

"Well, I did it on purpose." Yu Ning whispered, "Mingxia, kiss again, okay?"

Ji Mingxia originally wanted to refuse, but the words couldn't come out of his mouth.

The feeling of numbness still remains, and Ji Mingxia is also a little itchy.

Seeing that Ji Mingxia didn't speak, Yu Ning lowered her head and kissed him gently, this time with a very gentle kiss.

Seeing Ji Mingxia looking up at him in dissatisfaction, Yu Ning pecked a few more times, from the cheek to the tip of the ear.

Although Ji Mingxia was still hot, but when she thought of the camera, her hot heart went out.

As the night gradually deepened, sleepiness came slowly.

Ji Mingxia leaned on Yu Ning, his nose was full of his breath, although the hotel was dilapidated and there was a camera beside him, but his heart was extraordinarily calm and peaceful.

The next day, the sunlight outside the window came in, Ji Mingxia opened his eyes in a daze, and found that it was almost eight in the morning.

The bedside was empty, and Yu Ning was no longer in the room.

Ji Mingxia got up in a daze to wash, and when he was about to change his clothes, he suddenly remembered what happened last night.

He and Yu Ning... kissed? !

Not only did they kiss, but... if Ji Mingxia remembered correctly... he still seems to be the one being crushed?

Although nothing happened last night except for the kiss, there is no doubt that the entire kissing process was dominated by Yu Ning.

Ji Mingxia was kissed by Yu Ning, and his whole body was soft, let alone turning over and pressing Yu Ning, I'm afraid he couldn't tell the difference between south, east, north and west...

This is completely different from what he imagined...

"It must be because I was not mentally prepared last night." Ji Mingxia looked at himself in the mirror with his blushing cheeks and analyzed it carefully.

He didn't expect that Yu Ning would take the initiative to kiss himself, and when he was caught off guard, he became the passive one.

"As long as I'm fully prepared next time, Yu Ning may lie down automatically..."

It is said that the base circle is floating all over the ground, and there is no one to rely on. Sometimes some small zeros even attack with tears in order to satisfy their partners.

Maybe Yu Ning always thought that Ji Mingxia was the one below, so he was forced to be 1.

The router on the wall was gone. After Ji Mingxia changed her clothes and went out, she just walked to the first floor when she met a classmate from the student union.

"Ji Mingxia?" As soon as the classmate saw Ji Mingxia, he stopped him.

Ji Mingxia stopped, just about to say hello to her classmates, but the next moment she heard her classmates say: "Have you seen Yu Ning?"

"No, I didn't see him when I woke up, I was about to look for him." Ji Mingxia said, seeing the vaguely worried look on her classmate's face, she asked curiously, "What's the matter? ?"

The classmate glanced at Ji Mingxia, didn't know what to think, and finally shook his head and said, "Nothing."

After he finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Ji Mingxia watched him walk away inexplicably.

Ji Mingxia somehow felt palpitations, as if something bad was happening.

"Mingxia." At this moment, Ji Mingxia heard Yu Ning's voice.

He turned around abruptly, and seeing Yu Ning standing behind him, Ji Mingxia took a deep breath, and hurriedly walked to Yu Ning and said, "Where have you been."

"There is a camera in the router. I called the police. I just communicated with the police to deal with it." Yu Ning said.

Ji Mingxia followed his gaze and saw several police officers in uniform coming out of the hotel office.

The hotel owner is a thin and wretched middle-aged man, with a pale face at the moment, followed the police into the police car.

Could it be that the students in the student council just said nothing about this?

Ji Mingxia thought suspiciously.

Yu Ning said to Ji Mingxia, "What time is your ticket?"

"Air ticket? Oh, one o'clock in the afternoon." Ji Mingxia replied.

In the first semester of freshman year, in addition to the winter vacation, there are only two holidays: National Day and New Year's Day.

Last National Day, Mingxia planned to go home to accompany her grandma, but it happened to happen with Ye Tian, ​​so it was delayed and changed to New Year's Day to return to her hometown.

"Have breakfast, I'll take you there." Yu Ning said.

The school is a long way from the airport, but they are now in the suburbs and are close to the airport instead.

At more than nine o'clock, the student union gathers all the students to check out together, takes a final roll call, and then arranges a minibus to pick up the students who are going to return to school.

As for Ji Mingxia, who intends to go home, they are free to disband in place.

After Ji Mingxia watched Yu Ning get on the bus back to school, he returned to the hotel entrance to prepare for a taxi.

It just so happens that some classmates who also plan to go home are also located here. A group of people are getting together to negotiate a carpool to the airport, and by the way, chat a little about the gossip I just heard today.

"Yu Ning called the police this morning, did you know?"

"I know, the hotel secretly installed a camera, and he discovered it. It's amazing, you can find it."

"It is said that a lot of people were filmed. It was too scary. Originally, he was going to follow him to the police station to make a record, but there was an accident at his house, so he didn't go."

"His family? Isn't Yu Ning an orphan? Where did you come from?"

"I just received the news, please don't spread it outside. It is said that Yu Ning's own brother has a terminal illness. His biological parents found the school and wanted Yu Ning to save people. If we can meet them, we happen to meet us out to do charity work. Now Yu Ning's parents are waiting for him to return at school..."

The gossip about Yu Ning has always been popular in the school. Ji Mingxia originally listened absently, but when he heard the last paragraph, his face suddenly changed.

He stepped forward, pulled the classmate, and asked in shock, "What did you say??!"