MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 3

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"I...I suddenly remembered that I still have something to take." Ji Mingxia said with difficulty.


"I, I, I..." Ji Mingxia hurriedly said, "I forgot to take my homework book."

"Workbook?" Zhao Zhuoyue said strangely, "Didn't you just say you've finished it?"

Chen Zhen also said: "Yes, when I was studying in the evening, I saw you finish it with my own eyes."

Ji Mingxia: ...why do you two have such a good memory at a time like this!

"The test paper, it's the test paper." Ji Mingxia had no choice but to talk nonsense.

Everyone looked at him helplessly.

Although Ji Mingxia tried very hard to find a reason, but he is not a good liar, just the guilty expression on his face, as long as his eyes are not blind, you can see that he is lying.

"Mingxia, you really want to go with him..."

"People may not be happy yet."

"When did you and Yu Ning have such a good relationship?"

When Ji Mingxia heard this, he waved his hands frantically: "No, no, no, I'm not familiar with him, it's not good at all!"

Don't add dramas to supporting roles, readers hate adding dramas the most these days!

Zhao Zhuozhuo said, "How about I go in and get it for you?"

Ji Mingxia suddenly got stuck.

He doesn't really mind if it's normal.

But no one knows what is going on in the classroom at the moment.

He went in to help Yu Ning to save his own life.

It was dark at this time. Seeing Ji Mingxia's silence, the roommates didn't want to waste any more time.

"Come on, we'll be waiting for you."

Ji Mingxia smiled wryly, turned to look at the eerie classroom, took a deep breath, and daring to go back in.

As soon as I stepped into the classroom, a cool feeling hit.

For thunderstorms, it should be cooler outside than inside.

Ji Mingxia seized the time, raised his hand and patted the switch.

With a "click", the switch was clicked by Ji Mingxia, but the strange thing was that the lights in the classroom did not turn on.

The lights in the school classrooms will automatically go out at the time, but if the students need to continue their studies in it, as long as the switch is turned on, the lights will continue to be on.

In the boys' dormitory last night, although ghosts also appeared, the lights did not affect the use.

This ghost can already control the power after only one night of work? Could it be that Lan Xiang's talents graduated...

Ji Mingxia complained in her heart, trying to ignore her inner fear.

There are several roommates waiting for him outside, and Yu Ning's situation can't be delayed.

There is no electric light, so Ji Mingxia can only pick up the mobile phone, turn on the flashlight function, and take a picture in the direction of Yu Ning.

I have to say that the dim classroom itself is scary enough, but after turning on the flashlight function, it is not much better at all (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

The only gratifying thing is that as Ji Mingxia got closer, the lights became brighter and the ghosts began to shrink.

During this period, Ji Mingxia was also worried that Yu Ning would suddenly ask a question, but fortunately, Yu Ning kept his head down, like an unconscious puppet.

The roommate outside could not see the ghost, and Yu Ning lost consciousness again.

Yuning's seat is in the last row of the group against the wall in the classroom.

Ji Mingxia was the third last.

Ji Mingxia moved to his position in small steps while taking a picture of the ghost, focusing all the light sources on Yu Ning.

Under his unremitting efforts, the ghost figure became smaller and smaller, disappearing behind Yu Ning little by little.

Seeing the ghosts disappear completely, Ji Mingxia's tense muscles loosened, and he slowly put down the phone, and people gradually relaxed.

Just as she was about to praise herself for being dutiful, resourceful, and brave, suddenly, Ji Mingxia faintly noticed something unusual.

Not true.

In the dormitory last night, after the shadow disappeared, the temperature of the dormitory quickly rose and everything returned to normal.

But after the ghost disappeared, the classroom was still as cold as an ice cellar.

Not only did nothing recover, but…

He always felt like someone was watching him.

Yu Ning lowered his head and couldn't see his face clearly. The ghost behind him disappeared. As for the roommates, they were all chatting and playing with their mobile phones outside the classroom, and didn't even look inside.

So who?

Ji Mingxia couldn't help but look around, just when he thought he was over-hearted, suddenly, a hand came to the end of his eye.

The blue-white, bloodless hand, with a blood-red ring on the index finger, was pressing on his shoulder.

He sees.


Ji Mingxia screamed and took a step forward uncontrollably.

There was a desk in front of him. Ji Mingxia panicked and slammed into it with a bang. Even the table and the table were overturned to the ground, making a loud noise!

After the table fell to the ground, all the books in the drawers fell out, then hit the chair, and even Yu Ning's desk shook.

Yuning, who had his head down originally, was shaken by the table, and instantly recovered, raised his head and looked forward.

At the same time, the roommates who were playing with their mobile phones outside the classroom were also startled when they heard such a big movement inside, and ran in quickly.

The classroom was dark, and Zhao Zhuoyue, who was walking at the end, tapped the switch reflexively.

With a click, the lights illuminate the classroom.

"Mingxia, what's wrong?"

"Ji Mingxia, Ji Mingxia."

"Fuck, what are you doing, why did you fall like this?"

Seeing Ji Mingxia collapsed between several tables and chairs, with books and homework scattered all over the place, looking like a mess, a few roommates hurried forward and slowly helped him up.

"Are you all right?" Zhao Zhuoyue picked up the phone in the distance and handed it to Ji Mingxia.

"It's fine." Ji Mingxia said.

Although his expression was calm, his pale complexion could not be concealed. The whole person looked much worse than before he came in.

I just took a workbook, I don't know what happened, and it fell like this.

Several roommates looked at Yu Ning almost condemningly.

Sure enough, nothing will come to fruition with him.

The four roommates cleaned up the classroom together and quickly pulled Ji Mingxia away.

"Go back and take a shower."

"Tell you to ignore him, but you won't listen."

"You didn't get hurt?"

"For Yu Ning, what about you?"

Ji Mingxia was just frightened and did not take any protective measures after the fall. At this time, from the waist to the thigh, there was a hot spot, although it did not bleed, but it was definitely bruised.

The rain that slanted down the aisle hit the wound, and it was painful.

Fortunately, his expression control ability has always been very strong. In order not to make everyone sad, and to assume the identity of Yu Ning disaster star, at this moment Ji Mingxia can only endure the pain and defend: "It has nothing to do with Yu Ning, really of."

"Look at it, talk for him again, have you taken the wrong medicine, and I have never seen you like him so much before."

Ji Mingxia was almost not frightened to death by this sentence, and quickly said: "Zhao Zhuoyue, you should speak more rigorously, how can you say such nonsense, I am a straight man!"

"Who said you're not straight anymore..." Zhao Zhuoyue was stunned and said slowly, "That's not what I meant, why do you think so much."

Ji Mingxia: “…”

If you want to blame it, this is a tanmei novel. Didn't he emphasize his sexual orientation because he was worried about causing misunderstandings! Who would have thought that it would be more than a cover-up!

Seeing everyone looking at him in disbelief, Ji Mingxia was so worried that her head was almost bald.

In the classroom, Yu Jing stood quietly.

The conversation in the aisle got farther and farther, until Ji Mingxia and his party left this floor, Yu Ning slowly retracted his gaze and looked at the table in front of him.

From childhood to adulthood, because of these eyes, Yu Ning has always been excluded.

Small county towns are not very developed. More than ten years ago, most people in the county towns did not know about beauty contact lenses, and they had never seen yin-yang eyes with gray on one side and black on the other.

Although the orphanage took him in in the spirit of humanitarianism, even in the orphanage, in the gathering place of a group of abandoned children, there will still be people who are isolated from the crowd again .

The teacher didn't like Yu Ning, the children hated Yu Ning along with the wind, and Yu Ning hated his own eyes countless times.

Even a blind person is a thousand times better than he is treated in this world.

Until one day, he found that he could see many mysterious events that children could not see.

Children are always full of curiosity. When they found that Yu Ning can always tell all kinds of magical stories, everyone couldn't help but move towards him and listen to the stories around him.

At that time, Yu Ning really thought that he had friends.

Until these things reached the ears of adults, since then, rumors have spread throughout the county.

Not only did he not gain friends, but he made more people fear him.

Sometimes after looking at him inadvertently, seeing his eyes, timid people will even scream directly.

He is like a monster living in the crowd, no matter how hard he works and how well he achieves, no one will ever want to contact him.

Therefore, when Yu Ning found out that those mysterious events were getting closer and closer to him, and finally even found him gradually, Yu Ning's first reaction was to solve it by himself.

This ghost has been haunting him for almost half a month.

As time goes by, the power of ghosts is getting stronger and stronger, Yu Ning can only passively counterattack and try his best to save himself.

Last night was the first day of his official attack.

He made countless preparations, only waiting for the ghost to appear after the night, deliberately showing weakness, looking for the breakthrough point of the ghost.

Just as he was about to fight back, there was a sudden loud noise. Ji Mingxia shattered several glass bottles, and the whole dormitory was awakened.

The ghost disappeared, and Yu Ning's plan was forcibly disrupted.

At that moment, he almost thought that Ji Mingxia did it on purpose.

But since then, Ji Mingxia fell asleep, and there was nothing unusual today.

After the evening self-study, everyone left the classroom, and the ghost appeared again while he was alone.

Unexpectedly, Ji Mingxia interrupted once again

If it wasn't for several tables and chairs being pushed down in a row, he saw Ji Mingxia fall heavily on the ground, and even his mobile phone slipped a long way, Yu Ning almost thought that Ji Mingxia was deliberately playing tricks on him .

But, if it wasn't to make fun of him and disrupt his plans, what was Ji Mingxia for?

Yu Ning overheard all their conversation in the aisle just now.

What do you care about him, take the workbook, and go back to the dormitory with him.

These words, if they lie to him in the kindergarten, will be quite effective.

Now he is not so naive anymore.

If it is a lie that Ji Mingxia came in to get the homework book, then there is only one possibility.

Ji Mingxia, like him, can see ghosts.

As for why he fell to the ground, it was also to sabotage his plan.

As long as his plan fails and ghosts attach to his body, Ji Mingxia will naturally be at peace.

It's impossible to care about him, in order to save him from being possessed by ghosts.

Thinking of this, Yu Ning taunted the corner of his mouth.

It was getting late at this time, and the voice of the night patrol teacher urging people to leave the school came from the classroom of the next class.

After Yu Ning heard the sound, he immediately packed up his books and prepared to leave.

At this moment, he stepped on a stack of workbooks, and the toe of Yu Ning's shoe was facing the six characters.

[Plan], Ji Mingxia

After Ji Mingxia fell, all the books and homework in his desk fell out.

Zhao Zhuoyue and others helped him tidy up in a hurry. One of them fell to Yu Ning's feet. Because of its relatively corner position, it was not seen to be put away.

If it is normal, Yu Ning will naturally pretend not to see.

But so many things happened just now, and now I suddenly see Ji Mingxia's plan...

It seems that God wants him to see through Ji Mingxia's plan and see through his tricks.

Yu Ning bent down and picked up the plan.

He can already imagine what's inside.

It's nothing more than how to deal with him, how to use him, and how to make him disappear in this world.

From childhood to adulthood, countless people have insulted him like this, and Yu Ning has long been used to it.

Ji Mingxia's plan is very new, only the first page has been written, and it seems that he just started recording today.

Yu Ning took the plan book and opened it casually.

The next moment, Yu Ning's eyes narrowed.

On the first page, as he expected, in addition to all kinds of strange symbols and incomprehensible letters, many of his names were written in pieces.

But unexpectedly, all the two words "Yuning" are always followed by the three words "Ji Mingxia".

Some are next to each other like "Yuning (Ji Mingxia, while others are expressed like "Yuning→Ji Mingxia", "Yuning & Ji Mingxia".

What surprised Yu Ning the most was that at the end of the first page, Ji Mingxia drew a neat love with a red line between the words "Yu Ning" and "Ji Mingxia".

In the middle of the love, the two characters "love" are written.


Yu Ning stared blankly at the plan.