MTL - The Hunter’s Lucky Little Lady-Chapter 730 Show off your wealth

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"Young Master, we have already arranged the manpower, we will kidnap people tonight!" A man stepped forward and said to Luo Han.

Luo Han nodded, then let out a sigh.

"Cold water, tell me, is the Luo family really going to decline!"

Leng Leng sighed when he heard Luo Han's words.

"Young Master, in fact, something like that happened last time, you should make a decision!"

Luo Han sighed and knew that Lenghui was right.

"Go down and prepare what you're supposed to do! Let me think about it by myself!"

Leng Shui led the way, leaving Luo Han alone in the room.

At this time, the moonlight was melting, Luo Han sat in front of the window, and his heart was cold.

After taking a nap, Luo Han opened his eyes.

Just after washing her face, Luo Han saw the cold water coming back.


"Fortunately not to be disgraced, son, the person has been arrested, what should we do next?" Leng Leng said.

"It makes people dizzy, take her, let's go back! There are some accounts, and it is indeed time to settle!" Luo Han said.

Cold water nodded and got ready.

At this time, a servant sent a letter in.

"City Lord, King Qin's letter!"

When Luo Han heard this, he quickly took the letter and opened it directly.

After reading this letter, Luo Han's face became ugly.

"Son, are you ready, shall we go now?"

Luo Han sat directly on the ground, thought for a long time, and finally shook his head.

"No need, ask someone to take her home! By the way, bring my parents and family to Bailu City."

"Master and Madam asked why they came to Bailu City?" Leng Leng asked inexplicably.

"If you ask, please ask them to come and see me one last time!" Luo Han said.

When Leng Leng heard this, although he didn't understand what happened to his son, he still went to work according to Luo Han's instructions.

Although the reason is unknown, the cold water can feel the pain from his body from his own son.

Perhaps, he doesn't know how to persuade, the only thing he can do is to do what the son ordered!

Cold water left and took the crazy woman back to Luo's house.

After Luo Han calmed down, he dealt with the official business and left Bailu City alone.

The grilled fish shop opened as scheduled.

This opening is basically full.

I have to say that the previous trial operation is still effective.

At least the fame of the grilled fish is out, and many people in the town know the food here.

No, this is the official opening day, everyone will come to taste the grilled fish here.

The kitchen and yard in the back are busy, and the shop assistant in the front is too busy.

Li Xiaoran deliberately waited for an hour before returning, but the shop was still full.

"I really didn't expect that the business of this grilled fish shop would be so good!" Shu Ruyue said with a smile: "Looking at this, it feels a bit like those food shops in the capital!"

"It's just the beginning, so everyone is looking for something new, so so many people come. After a few days, the business will stabilize. I want to say that the business here can catch up Beijing, that's impossible! But it should be good!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile, looking at the lively scene in front of him.

"Bailu City is also ready! If there is another grilled fish shop there, the business will definitely be better!" Wu Qinghe said.

"The shop in Bailu City will come at the beginning of next month. In the future, it will not only be in Shu, but I want our grilled fish shop to fill the entire dynasty!" Li Xiaoran said proudly. .

"That's a lot of fish! And we can't just raise fish here and send them over!" Shu Ruyue reminded of something.

"Yes, it is indeed necessary to raise fish! I have discussed with my husband, and every year there are many soldiers and soldiers who are disabled and leave the battlefield, and most of them face the hardships of making a living after returning. We think Bringing these people together and letting everyone raise fish to generate income can be regarded as a mutually beneficial cooperation!" Li Xiaoran said.

"Sister-in-law, Brother Luo Cheng married a wife like you, it's really his blessing!" Wu Qinghe said with admiration.

"It's not a blessing for me to marry him! In fact, the two of us have made each other better and better because of the appearance of each other!" What did Li Xiaoran think of? , said: "One person's strength is weak, but when one adds another person's strength, it can become very large!"

Shu Ruyue and Wu Qinghe heard Li Xiaoran's words, although they didn't understand, they didn't ask any questions.

"Okay, there's a table over there, let's go and sit down! Otherwise, I don't know how long it will take to get a seat!" Li Xiaoran's eyes were sharp, and he saw a Gang Teng When the empty table came out, he quickly greeted two people over.

The four people just sat down, and the person who found the difference came.

"Get up, get up, don't open your eyes to see, our son is going to sit in this place, you hurry up!" A housekeeper came directly at this moment and pushed Wu Qinghe .

Wu Qinghe didn't pay attention, so he was almost pushed down.

Fortunately, Shu Ruyue supported him at the moment, and then she swung her hand and slashed at the arm of that villain.

The group of people who came behind saw that the housekeeper suffered a loss, so they ran over and surrounded Li Xiaoran and the three of them.

Soon, a handsome boy came over from behind with a paper fan.

"Yo, it's you who hurt me! You're good at it! Do you want to come to me and be a guard! Don't worry, the wages given by this son will definitely satisfy you! "

Shu Ruyue laughed when she heard this.

"Really? Can you afford one ingot of gold a month?"

"What? A piece of gold, why don't you **** it?" A thief-eyed man next to the son jumped up and yelled, "My son lifts you up, you still don't You know how to exalt yourself, and you dare to ask for a piece of gold!"

"Oh, didn't you say that the wages satisfy me? That's too much! You know, my employer gives me two pieces of gold every month!" Shu Ruyue looked disdainful said.

"How is it possible? Who is your boss? Please invite your boss out and let me see who is richer than this young master!" The young man who was holding the fan was shaking his face. Not happy anymore.