MTL - The Immortal Emperor Returns-Chapter 7 Deliberately make things difficult!

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"This sword comes from the tomb of the emperor of the Western Han Dynasty. It is a symbol of status. The reserve price is 1 million. Please make a bid!"

Hong Ling was concise and did not introduce the sword too much, and it is estimated that she did not know much.

"I don't know if Miss Hong Ling can find someone to watch it?" A boss asked.

"Boss Zhou, please rest assured! The word" Jumbo Xuan "is not only a signboard, but also a guarantee of credibility! The value of this sword's collection is definitely greater than the current price.

After hearing this from Hong Ling, everyone except Chu Xun nodded, because Jumbo Xuan never produced fakes.

"In this case, I will come first, 1 million!" The boss Zhou said first.

"2 million!"


In the end, the sword was bought by Boss Zhou and sold for 5 million.

Chu Xun did not expect that it sold things by auction.

Next, Hong Ling opened another safe, took out a wooden box, and opened it with a yellow copybook, then slowly unfolded.

"This is Zhang Xu's bellyache post." Someone who already knew the goods called out.

Zhang Xu was from Jiayou in the Song Dynasty. He loved drinking, and his stomachache was his pinnacle! Zhang Xu's wild grass, Li Bai's poems, Pei Ye's sword dance are also called "three musts."

This shows that the collection value of Zhang Xu's bellyache post is great.

"I bid 5 million!"

Before waiting for Hongling's offer, the earliest person who recognized the stomachache posted a price of 5 million.



These rich people have bargained, and there is a lot of stance that they can't stop getting belly pain.

Chu Xun was not interested in these at all, sitting in the corner of the sofa with a lack of interest.

"Little brother Chu Xun, don't you bargain? Or do you look down on me?"

Hong Ling said that other people's eyes moved to Chu Xun, all showing disdain.

"I'm afraid it's not downright eyes, but shy in my pockets?" Someone abused.

"Miss Hongling's threshold is getting lower and lower. Why can anyone come in?" Someone was full of disdain.

"People need to be self-aware, don't think that having tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands on them is a personal thing. I think it's better to spend 10,000 yuan to buy gadgets to coax those little girls who have never seen the world! Don't swell I'm a fat man, but it's a daddy in the end! "

In their opinion, Chu Xun may be a rich child, with hundreds of thousands of people, and was directed at Hong Ling.

"Do you have to bargain when you enter here?" Chu Xun asked lightly.

"The younger brother laughed. There is no such rule everywhere. It's your freedom to shout or shout." Hongling Jiao laughed.

Chu Xun nodded and fell silent again.

Others saw this scene with even more disdain.

In the end, Zhang Xu's bellyache stickers were sold for 10 million yuan.

Hongling opened the third safe, which was also a wooden box, but smaller than the first two. After opening, a crystal clear jade appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The jade is square in shape, ten centimeters high and low, and looks like a piece of white tofu.

When Hong Ling took out the wooden box, Chu Xun's eyes narrowed slightly. The spiritual fluctuation he felt before came from this box.

When he saw the jade inside, he sat subconsciously.

"This is jade?" Someone asked subconsciously.

Because this white jade is also the first time they see it, it looks nothing like jade, but more like a piece of tofu.

"This is indeed jade. Look at the shape of this jade, it doesn't look like the emperor's jade seal?" Hongling asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Is this the jade seal of an emperor?"

Everyone was instantly excited. If it was a jade seal, the value of the collection would be unimaginable.

Hong Ling shook her head and smiled: "I know that Hong Ling is just a middleman. Everything here is a commission."

Except for Chu Xun, everyone knows this. Gujiang collectors, tufuzi, upside-downers, if there is something good in their hands, they will be sent to Jumbo Xuan!

Because Hongling is a well-known social flower, the big brothers of all parties in Gujiang know almost all. Through this layer of relationship, these things can be a few more layers than the regular auction house.

And most of these things are rare, Jumbo Xuan is the best sales channel. And Hongling eats the difference in the middle.

"As far as we know, this piece of jade was the first choice of the emperor when he created the Chuanxi Jade Seal. Only after the appearance of He Shiyi, this piece of jade was put on hold. Hongling paused and continued:" This piece of jade can Fancy by the first emperor is naturally extraordinary. You can come up and touch this jade with your own hands, and you will naturally feel the difference of this jade. "

"Can it be different, is it just a good piece of jade?" Someone didn't believe it. He stepped forward and touched the jade, and a touch of surprise appeared on his face. "This jade is hot?"

As we all know, jade is a good conductor. When the skin comes into contact with jade, jade will absorb heat as quickly as possible, and then quickly dissipate the heat in the air. Therefore, when people play with jade, they will always feel that jade is cold.

This piece of jade is so big that it can only dissipate heat quickly. The man was stroking the jade, and was surprised that the heat continued to flow from the jade body.

Most of the people here have some accomplishments in identifying antique artifacts. When they heard that jade was hot, they came forward to experiment with it. The results shouted incredible.

"This is definitely not jade, it should be something else," someone said.

Others also echoed, which is fundamentally different from the familiar jade.

Chu Xun remained calm, but his eyes slowly became hot. This is indeed jade, and it is a rare piece of precious jade. It is very rare even in the other world. It is called warm jade.

If you wear accessories with warm jade and inspire them with real elements, you will wear them without the cold and heat, and you will feel like spring in all seasons. In addition, chalcedony has been bred in this warm jade. Even in the other world, it is an invaluable treasure.

"Miss Hongling, what is the reserve price for this piece of jade?" Someone asked.

Hongling's look was a bit unnatural, because she wasn't sure if the white tofu was jade, and the client's reserve price was too high.

"Bottom price, 10 million!" Hongling still said.

"10 million? Crazy?" Someone already made a disdainful voice.

"Is this client thinking about money and going crazy? Who knows what this is? Maybe it's a broken stone that has been moved."

"How about the first emperor? If it is really the first emperor, who would be willing to put it up for auction?"

Hongling is a little embarrassed! Indeed, no one will spend 10 million to buy a piece of white tofu that will be hot. If the client is not a patron, she will not accept the commission.

"10 million!"

When everyone scoffed, a lazy voice sounded!

Everyone looked back, it was Chu Xun who had never said a word from now on. Even Hongling was a little surprised and a little unsure.

"Little brother, you say you make 10 million?" Hongling asked unsurely.

Chu Xun nodded and said, "If no one is bidding, is this thing mine?"

"Is there something wrong with this boy's brain?" Someone whispered.

"Isn't it a trust that the client paid for?"

"I think it's possible. Seeing his poor sourness, how could he get 10 million?"

"Is it right? You will know if you try it." The boss Zhou said with a grin on his face and shouted at Hongling: "I have 15 million."

Everyone froze and thumbs up.

"Boss Zhou is doing a good job! If this kid is really entrusted, he will continue to bargain. If not, then buy the broken stone by himself at the original price, haha ​​..."

Everyone understood, could not help but send out a laugh!

Chu Xun frowned secretly, looking coldly in the direction of Boss Zhou, Shen said, "Did you mean it?"

"What do you kid say? You are allowed to bargain, can no one else bargain? Boss Zhou is the chairman of Huating Industry, worth over one billion yuan. Can't he use pocket money to buy gadgets?

Boss Zhou hasn't spoken yet. Someone has stepped up to make a flattering blame, and accused Chu Xun.

"Huating Industry, I have written down!" Chu Xun said lightly, then stopped looking at the group of people, his gaze moved to Hong Ling, and he said softly: "18 million!"

As a result, as soon as Chu Xun's words fell, the boss Zhou followed and laughed: "20 million!"

Chu Xun's eyes were slightly cold, and only 20 million was given to him by Chen Hanlong.

Seeing Chu Xun's silence, some immediately shouted: "Boy, why don't you shout? Are you afraid that the client will go back to you to settle the bill?"

Boss Zhou is calm on the surface, but his heart is really tense. If Chu Xun does not continue to bargain, he will spend 20 million to buy a useless broken stone.