MTL - The Immortal Emperor Returns-v2 Chapter 874 Sword Emperor! (First more)

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

The improvement of Jiuyou was very fast, and the blessing of the artifact in her hand greatly increased her combat power ... The sneak attack of Yan Wushuang's Xianjun is the late period of Xianjun ... However, it was also defeated by Jiuyou Hand.

Yan Wushuang was a bit ashamed ... Watching Jiuyou hit his opponent and hurt him ... and then look at himself ... there was a sense of humiliation.

His opponent is two levels higher than his cultivation ... He is not an opponent ... Yan Wushuang has some dilemmas ... Damn, no matter what, fight, anyway, there is Chu Xun to escort, it is impossible for him to die. .


The terrible power of Xuanbing swept through, Yan Wushuang was murderous, raised his hand to print, and the void shook. A sword of heaven appeared in the air and was chopped down by the thunder.


The immortal Jun of the ancient family refused to be outdone. The whole body turned into a sea of ​​internal interest. The turbulent Peng Bao, like a thousand layers of waves, swept towards Yan Wushuang.

Two terrible forces collided in the air, the storm swept through, the landslide broke, the entire Gujia mountain was trembling, collapsed everywhere, and the boulder rolled down.

Yan Wushuang was again flicked out by Zhen, and his blood was surging ... he almost spurted blood.

Alas ... The colorful light burst out. The arm of the fairy monk who had previously attacked Yan Wushuang exploded into blood mist, and was almost swept open by a shot of Jiuyou.

"Little swallow ... You can do it ... No, I'll do it ... Look at Jiuyou ... Look at you ... aren't you ashamed?" Huo Qilin shouted gloatingly.

Yan Wushuang was embarrassed and insufferable, and once again went crazy to repair and kill the past.

"If you have this free time ... might as well look for the treasure house of the ancient family?" Chu Xun looked expressionless, his voice almost unheard of.

But Huo Qilin heard it ... Wu Cai Xian Jun and others also heard it.

"Why didn't I think of it?" Huo Qilin patted his head and smiled: "Chu Mo head, or you Yin."

Chu Xun glared at him ... would you like to mention it yourself? He didn't want to say it, after all, it's Xiandi now, and the shelf should be carried ... This thing should have been raised by Qilin ... As a result, the two goods were here, and he couldn't help saying it.

Wucai Xianjun and Jinlun Xianjun took a strange look at Chu Xun ... feelings ... our terrible Emperor Chu Xian even remembered the treasure house of the ancient family.

Shouldn't the immortal be transcendent?

The two did not know much about Chu Xun's behavior.

"I'll go now." Huo Qilin excitedly shouted to Jin Lunxian Jun: "Lao Jin, let's go together ... I like to steal the treasure house the most ... I wanted to follow Chu to find the treasure house ... What a sight that is. "

Chu Xun suddenly became black ... When did I steal the treasure house ... Don't talk nonsense.

The corner of Jinlun Xianjun twitched a few times ... not because of stealing treasure trove ... but Huo Qilin called him Lao Jin ... like a stocked old man.

Fire unicorn and Jinlun Xianjun stormed into the ancient home.

Huo Qilin is very experienced in this, grabbing an ancient disciple and asking, "Where is your treasure house?"

This disciple is a little shy.

Hey ... Huo Qilin exploded him directly ... This is called a chicken killing monkey.

"You say, where is the ancient treasure house?" Huo Qilin stared at another elder character, looking a bit of identity.

"In the....."

Alas ... The fierce temper of Huo Qilin exploded directly, and said angrily, "Nothing is clear, what is the use of you?"

The other elders of the ancient family, the elders, were trembling with fear. The grandfather was too fierce, and he had to die slowly.

"Where is the treasure house of the ancient family?" Huo Qilin's eyes were vicious, and another person who looked a bit like him was asked.

"Don't kill me ... I'll take you ... I'll take you ..." The elder of the Luojinxian Realm was actually a seducer and almost didn't scare the urine.

Fire unicorn was happy, "Lead the way."

Jin Lunxian Jun faced with aggression ... Sure enough, it was a treasure robber, which was simply a robber ... However, he even liked it a little, and excitedly followed the fire unicorn.

Just when the ancient family was plagued by the genocide, behind the ancient family, there was a towering mountain with peaks like swords pointing directly at the sky.

Bang ...!

The mountain shuddered, and even the ground around dozens of kilometers followed.

Chu Xun frowned slightly, his eyes flickered, and he said, "All come back."

Yan Wushuang froze slightly, but knew that Chu Xun would not let them retreat for no reason, without much thought, he flew back directly.

Alas ... The **** mist exploded in the sky, and the fairy Jun who fought with Jiuyou was actually shot by Jiuyou through his head. He rushed out and wanted to escape ... but was directly detained by Jiu You.

The disciples of the ancient family shivered ... In the ancient family, there was an immortal monarch falling ... This is the day to destroy his ancient family.

"Lion, come back soon." Yan Wushuang yelled at the fire pretending that Kirin didn't hear it.

Huo Qilin was reluctant to find his face, and finally found someone willing to lead the way to the ancient treasure house, and now tell him to go back, a little unwilling?

"You come out, or should I take you out?" Jiuyou looked at Huo Qilin coolly.

"Xiao Jiuyou, don't think that I can't beat you ... well ... give you a face ..." Huo Qilin was annoyed ... because he really couldn't hit Jiuyou.

When the fire Kirin and others returned, Chu Xun stood tall and stared.

"Lao Chu, what are you looking at?" Yan Wushuang and others also flew higher, looking down at Chu Xun's eyes, but seeing Chu Xun staring at a mountain like a giant sword.

"This mountain is like a sword." Huo Qilin said, "But bare, what's so nice about it? Could it be ... what's in it?"

Chu Xun glanced at the shining fire unicorn, then raised his eyes to look at the sword mountain.

Bang ... Jianshan trembles again ... the ground trembles.

"It ... it's moving ..." Fire Kirin screamed, "There must be a baby in it."

This time, not only Chu Xun and others discovered ... even the people in the ancient family felt it.

"The sacred mountain moved." Some ancient disciples mumbled.

"The holy mountain is different, ancestor, what's going on?"

All the Gujia disciples looked at the ancient Jiaxian Jun who fought with Yan Wushuang.

The ancient emperor of the ancient family is also puzzled ... the ancient mountain behind is the ancient family ... the ancient times existed, but the ancient emperor ’s cultivation place ... but the ancient emperor of the ancient family has fallen from the ancient times, this The sacred mountain is not so sacred ... Today's intentions, he can't figure it out.

Could it be ... the ancient emperor Xianjun's eyes were dim ... could it be the big killer left by the ancient emperor of the ancient family?

Booming ... The trembling of Jianshan became more and more fierce, and the ground cracks around the foot of the mountain spread ... On top of the mountain, the boulder rolled down, as if the ancient giant was pressing down to escape from it.

Click ... Suddenly, a crack appeared on the mountain, stretching from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain ... As if someone slashed a sword on the mountain ... Then, the crack started Burst dazzling light.

Buzzing ... the sword sings in the light ... it seems that there are thousands of sword shadows interweaving.

The crack was like a door, which opened wider and wider ... but soon, everyone felt a terrible killing spirit ... like a sharp blade, a kind of cold skin.

Huo Qilin and others also became serious. They felt a tingling throat, and their hairs were erected.

Chu Xun slowly raised his hand and gently waved, an invisible force spread, covering everyone ... Huo Qilin and others immediately felt that the violent killing gas disappeared.

Booming ... The fissures on the mountain spread again, like an open door ... The terrible light was shining directly into the sky, dazzling.

The next second ... except for Chu Xun ... everyone's eyes widened.

Someone ... someone came out of the rift.

The figure was a bit sloppy, obviously humanoid ... but it felt like a sharp sword out of the sheath, chilling.

Gradually ... the light in the cracks converged ... the figure became clear ... this is a middle-aged man with a tall figure and a crown-like face ... his eyes were closed. .. but the whole body is full of terrible sword meaning, as if he is a sword ... a sword that can destroy everything.

At this moment, the figure suddenly opened his eyes ... stunningly, the moment he opened his eyes, two sword shadows flew out of his eyes.

The sword shadow rose to the storm, and instantly turned into a three-foot green front, which flickered in the air, and then disappeared.


Chu Xun snorted slightly.

Boom ...!

With Chu Xun's cold hum, a sudden explosion occurred in the air, and a terrible storm rolled over ... The ancient mountain guarding team was instantly destroyed ... dozens of people in the ancient family turned into blood mist ... People's Congress coughs up blood ... the rest are pale as paper.

Gujia Xianjun stared blankly at the figure ... Suddenly, his eyes stared horribly round ... With an incredible ... Then he shivered with excitement.

"Gujia is not a descendant of Xiao, see the ancestors." Gujun Xianjun immediately fell to his knees, his eyes filled with excitement.

The surviving children of the ancient family were stunned ... they couldn't return to God ... their ancestors called this person the ancestor ... what should they call?

And ... who this person is, it looks awesome ... But even the ancestors are kneeling, it may be a big horror ... they are right to kneel.

Someone fell to their knees, the others awakened and hurried to kneel.

"I didn't expect ... there is more than one immortal in this fairyland." Chu Xun said lightly.

"Sword Emperor."

Wucai Xianjun and Jinlun Xianjun blurted out at the same time.

Chu Xun glanced at them and said indifferently, "You know each other."

"I don't know." Wucai Xianjun felt that he was a bit out of character, and his face was right. He said, "This person is like a sword with the same handle ... In ancient times, there was a sword emperor in Xianyu ... I want to come. "

"I didn't expect that ... after the war of ancient times ... the Emperor Emperor almost fell ... I didn't expect this sword emperor to be alive."

Sword Emperor?

Chu Xun smiled ... this person turned himself into a sword ... this title is well deserved.

The ancient family Xianjun bowed down with his disciples ... but the sword emperor was silent ... looking ... a bit silly.

Only Chu Xun knew that this person had been sleeping for too long ... the spirit has not fully awoken ... but, soon.
