MTL - The King of Special Warfare-v7 Chapter 500 : hole card

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Cooperate with Beihai Wang again?

Jiang Shangyu's heart moved slightly, and then he subconsciously shook his head.

"The North Sea is a quagmire, and they have no value for cooperation."

In fact, from the heart, if it wasn't for Wang Xiaoyao's tossing too much in Beihai, the current Beihai Wang's would be Jiang Shangyu's best partner.

Just like Jiang Shangyu finally chose to cooperate with Beihai in another time and space.

Although that cooperation was a failure.

And still threatened.

But in this space and time, the Beihai Wang family is indeed a good partner.

The premise is that they don't have infighting.

Because Li Tianlan is too strong now, under that kind of strength, Jiang Shangyu believes that the Beihai Wang family will be very generous, and the conditions for cooperation are also easy to discuss. With Li Tianlan's edge, Jiang Shangyu can continue to expand outside, and eventually the two sides will combine, and the impact will be very terrifying.

Moreover, it could even be a game for Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan is really strong.

But after all, he was seriously injured, which was a temptation for everyone, but no one dared to move yet.

And even if Li Tianlan returns to his peak state, he is not absolutely immortal. Although it is not easy to kill him, it is not impossible.

In fact, Jiang Shangyu had already had the idea of ​​cooperating with the Beihai Wang family.

At that time, Wang Xiaoyao had not shown any ambition.

At that time, the position of his Jiang family was quite delicate.

At that time, Li Tianlan had not officially risen since he joined the WTO.

Jiang Shangyu very much hopes to marry Wang Yuetong at that time and marry the Beihai Wang clan.

Jiangshan is still a member of parliament no matter what, and the northern Xinjiang is a treasure land. The energy of all these is undeniable.

The reason why the Jiang family's current situation is so embarrassing is because there is a huge gap with the group and they cannot get strong support.

But if all of this is married to the Beihai Wang clan, the Southeast Group will have the country and the country will have the backing, and all this will no longer be a problem.

But it is a pity that the Beihai Wang family rejected their request for marriage.

In desperation, Jiang Shangyu could only choose Kunlun City.

In this way, the effect is naturally greatly reduced.

Gu Xingyun is really not a strong protector of the country, and Kunlun City is also very weak. Sure enough, Gu Qianchuan was killed, and Gu Xingyun was seriously injured by Situ Cangyue with a murderous attack. Come on, Jiang Shangyu's plan failed before it even started.

"It's really bad luck..."

Jiang Shangyu muttered to himself and shook his head: "It's a pity that the situation is not on our side."

"It now seems that it is not necessarily a bad thing."

The black robe commented lightly.

Jiang Shangyu glanced at him, and the other party could know what he was thinking. Obviously, the thinking of both sides started to synchronize again.

He shook his head: "You are a typical weak thinking, and looking at the results based on the current situation is meaningless.

If I could have been with Wang Yuetong at that time, Li Tianlan would not be alive now.

At that time, the Reincarnation Palace was very strong, but its foundation was not comparable to that of the Beihai Wang Family. I entered the Beihai Wang Family, and Qin Weibai was no match for me. Li Tianlan would die, the chaos in the Snow Kingdom would not happen, and Wang Xiaoyao would not. There is a difference, even he can conquer Qin Weibai after Li Tianlan's death, and then he will be completely immersed in the gentle village, so today's dark world will be the world of Wang Shengxiao and me, the prototype of the dynasty will also belong to us, and ultimately belong to me completely. . "

"Well, the real situation is meaningless, yours is really meaningful."

The black robe laughed mockingly.

Jiang Shangyu didn't react at all, and he couldn't blame himself for being angry at all. The two seemed to be two individuals, but in fact they had the same thinking. This also means that what he said now, and what Heipao said, is just a difference. What's the point of competing with yourself when your mind is active?

"Beihai Wang Clan, really don't think about it?"

Hei Pao suddenly said: "You know what I mean, the North Sea is indeed a quagmire, but whether this quagmire is internal or external, it is hard to say at present.

If there really is a higher being that can create life energy who has cooperated with the Beihai Wang Clan, then Wang Tianzong's current state is very delicate, and the internal state of the Beihai Wang Clan is even more delicate.

If Wang Tianzong recovers and is dormant, then we will cooperate with the Beihai Wang family, and the collaborator will not be Wang Shengxiao, but the Sword Emperor. "

"Seek skin with a tiger."

Jiang Shangyu said indifferently: "Looking for death."

"Wang Tianzong's chances of recovery are still very small."

He shook his head: "If he recovers, there is no one in the world who is his opponent now.

What if Li Tianlan could kill Li Kuangtu?

The seriously injured Li Tianlan killed the seriously injured Li Kuangtu. Facing a recovered Wang Tianzong, Li Tianlan had no chance. In this way, Wang Tianzong would have no reason to lie dormant. Such a good opportunity to sweep the whole world is Wang Tianzong's style. "

"As for higher life...

It doesn't make sense to ask Wang Shengxiao, there are only two possibilities, either he really forgot, or he pretended to forget, Wang Shengxiao's current strength is average, but his acting skills are still online, I'm too lazy to tell, too headache, just ask Xingguo. . "

"You're right."

Heipao nodded and said calmly: "But I want to know, does all this have anything to do with our own problems?"

"It must be related. Although I don't know what it is, I can always find out."

Jiang Shangyu said calmly: "I hope to find some clues from Xingguo."

"Star Country..."

Hei Pao frowned and said helplessly, "Who do we contact? The Star Nation Council?"

If this issue is placed in Central Continent, there is no need to consider it at all. If you want to cooperate with Central Continent, you will definitely not be able to bypass the Central Continent Council.

But the stars are different.

If you want to cooperate with Xingguo, the best way should be to contact the major consortiums of Xingguo.

That is the one who truly controls the fate of the star country.

But the problem is...

Among the current ten major consortiums of the Star Kingdom, three are currently following the Shengshi Fund to recklessly seek benefits. Among the other seven, two are currently in dire straits. They have joined the North Sea Wang and Rothschild. The financial alliance headed by Germany suffered heavy losses.

At present, although Shengshi Fund has not officially expanded to Xingguo, these two consortiums have been trapped in the quagmire of Europe, how can they have the mind to pay attention to other things in a short period of time?

Especially the two that followed the Shengshi Fund, they were the real Big Macs, Morgan and Rockefeller. Their status in the Star Kingdom was, to a certain extent, supreme.

As a result, they are now working with Shengshi Fund.

Under normal circumstances, such cooperation will naturally not last long. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than profit.

But now that Li Tianlan is here, whether Li Tianlan's deterrent power can make this kind of cooperation last for a long time, even Jiang Shangyu has no idea.

After such a toss, half of the ten major consortiums of the Star Nation are not from their side, and the remaining half, most of them have their own thoughts and cooperate with their councils?

Their speaker has made it clear that they will not participate in the next competition, so who else can they go to?

"Xingguo is really not a good choice."

The black robe said softly.

"There is no way."

The rain on the river is a little big.

In the final analysis, too many things happened on the night of the alliance's action, and the continuous impact has truly affected the whole world. If the choices that can be selected now are not very good, Jiang Shangyu will feel that he has gone out. If the problem wants to dormant, it will not be in the current state of isolation.

"Contact their emperor."

Jiang Shangyu smiled and narrowed his eyes: "There are still a few powerful people over there.

In recent years, the situation of Xingguo has been very complicated. In other words, since Middle Continent replaced their hegemony, there has been no peace within them.

The consortium, the monarchy, the parliament, the stories here are very exciting.

Before the chaos in the Snow Kingdom, the men in black in Xingguo could be said to be the dogs of the consortium, while the fantasy world was the spokesperson of Junfang in the dark world. The parliament was even marginalized. Now we can only talk to them, and if I If you guessed correctly, compared to the parliament and the consortium, they are the people who most welcome us to join the Star Nation, and even can't wait. "

"Can't wait..."

Hei Robe squinted his eyes: "What if they ask you to intervene in the situation in the European underworld?"


Jiang Shangyu said without hesitation: "I'm seriously injured, not to mention Li Tianlan, I can't beat Ou Lu and Lin Fengting, I can't beat either, in my current state, I'm even struggling against Lin Fenglin. , I want to recuperate and let them figure out their own way."

"What's this about?"

Hei Pao felt that the task of his trip was arduous.

Jiang Shangyu's meaning is to join the Star Kingdom and take the benefits openly, but he doesn't do business, at least temporarily.

"What Xingguo and Oulu hope most now is that we can check and balance Li Tianlan. We are even the only candidate to check and balance Li Tianlan. If you don't do anything, they..."

"Don't underestimate Xingguo, and don't underestimate Continental."

Jiang Shangyu interrupted Hei Pao's words, and his voice became a little serious: "To be exact, don't underestimate any of the five powerhouses, they can become the five powerhouses, do you think it's just mushrooms? how is this possible?

Li Tianlan is indeed invincible, but no matter how invincible it is, it is also in the realm of people. If you underestimate the five powerhouses, it will really die miserably. They are not a wealthy family, but a behemoth that is finally assembled by the various resources of countless wealthy families. You can say that they can't come up with a master who can fight against Li Tianlan, but it is impossible to say that they are afraid of Li Tianlan.

What they were afraid of was Zhongzhou plus Li Tianlan plus Dong Palace.

It's just Li Tianlan's words, huh..."

"They may not have the masters who can kill Li Tianlan now, but if they say that as the five powerhouses, there is nothing that can kill Li Tianlan, do you believe it? Mushrooms are not everything."

"What are you talking about?"

Black robe's eyes flashed a bright light.

"how could I know?"

Jiang Shangyu shook his head: "But I'm sure there are, the five powerhouses, any of them."

After a pause, he said softly: "It depends on how reluctant they are to take it out. I will not play for the time being, just to give them a chance to perform. If I don't force them once, how can I see what cards they have?"