MTL - The King of The Worlds-Chapter 15 Naruto's Thoughts

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Pain caused him to growl again, followed by the twinkling operation, at this moment the speed was extremely fast.

He only had the last forbearance, and was almost lethal by a blow in almost an instant.


Launched again, without jutsu and other abilities, but Chakra was rapidly increasing.

In a blink of an eye, his Chakra volume has reached the peak of the level of middle tolerance.

One after another mad plunder, Qin Yi improved considerably in this short battle.

He shook his body and stared at the last person who was already a little flustered in front of him. He launched blinking.


The body shape suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of the other side.

Stubbornly stunned, Qin Yi at this moment almost relies on instinct.

"Feng Huo, the wind and fire dragon art."

之下 Under the amount of Chakra at the peak of this time, the flames swept out like the wind, mixed with the sharpness of the wind blade and the high temperature burning of the flame, and immediately swallowed the last one.

"Do not!!"

The cry of horror came out, and the last Sha Ren was directly killed by this sudden jutsu.

Qi Qinyi's series of actions, like the autumn wind cutting leaves, was dazzling quickly. The kingdom soldiers around him didn't react until now, and saw his face clearly.

"Your Majesty!"

他们 When they saw Qin Yi killing them alone, they were almost ashamed of their enemies, and each one was surprised, and then they yelled excitedly.

After discovering that there was no enemy around him, Qin Yi felt relieved.

At that moment, the severe pain in his head was even more intense, and a heavy feeling of fatigue hit his heart, making his eyes dark and falling down softly.

"Your Majesty!"

The soldiers were frightened, holding Qin Yi, and looked nervously.

Gandalf also turned around and came here at this time. He quickly took over Qin Yi, and was relieved only after the investigation.

"Your Majesty is fine."

之上 Above the edge of the jungle.

"Let ’s also go and see. This battle with Sha Ren is temporarily over."

Thousands of hands flickered.

When I saw a thousand hands in a ninja costume, the soldiers became nervous again, and Gandalf waved his hand.

"Don't be nervous, they are not enemies."

"how is he?"

After looking down at Qin Yi, Qian asked with a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter."

Gandalf glanced at a thousand hands, and could feel the majestic energy of the other side, said Ningshen.

He pointed the staff to Qin Yi's chest, and the pale white energy radiated out, converging into Qin Yi's body. Soon, Qin Yi's face improved a lot.

"The leader may not be able to go for the invitation said by Lord Guiying Naruto."

Stood up slowly, Gandalf said to Qianshoujian again.

"No rush, wait for your leader to get better, and it will be the same again."

Chishou said with a smile.

He looks very gentle, but everyone who knows him at the scene understands that the brother of Lord Naruto has never been a gentle person.

Gandalf nodded, and when she saw the girl coming, she nodded slightly, and said to Qianshoujian.

"We have something to do for the time being, sorry, thank you for your help."

1000 hands shook his head with a smile and said that he was rude and respected Gandalf.

Subsequently, under the guidance of Gandalf, the soldiers of the kingdom quickly entered the deep forest and merged with Fang Lan's location.

After looking at the thousands of people disappearing, Qianshou only recovered his eyes.

His expression became dignified, only then the old man's strength made him feel a creepy feeling.

"The old man, the strength of his body, is very close to that of Master Zhu Jian, like life energy, but it seems not."

Yu Zhibo mirror Shen channel.

"This group of people is very mysterious. After close observation, I find that they have a very different atmosphere from people in this world. It is strange!"

"And that old man, I am afraid that it is so extraordinary!"

Thousands of hands across the road.

的 The ninjas around them all showed magical colors, but didn't say much.

"Go back, pay close attention to the position of this group of people, but don't be found by them."

"When their leader wakes up, we will be in formal contact with them and we may be able to learn more."

He said softly, but the curiosity in Qianshou's heart grew stronger.

The group of Qin Yi, different languages, costumes that are very different from this world, the powerful power of Gandalf, and so on, all seem to be unsolved puzzles, attracting him.

Two hours later, in Muye Village's Naruto office.

I stared at the copy on the table, Qian Chouzhu always looked cynical, but at this moment became a little serious.

"A mysterious army that suddenly appeared in the forest of wood leaves."

"Juvenile Ninja with amazing talents who can develop blood sacrifice, ninjutsu, and new ways to seal."

"Finally, is there a strong old man?"

Thinking carefully, after a moment of groaning, the Naruto Douyu over his head was dropped between the thousand hands.

"It seems necessary to meet them."

希望 "Hope, there will be a good result!"

He raised his head and looked out at the wooden leaf village under construction outside the window, his eyes between Qianshouzhu a little deeper.

The wooden leaves just established, I hope the major forces, the strong to join, but put an end to all those who have other thoughts trouble. The person led by Qin Yi, UU Kanshu can be said to be a huge force, with a total number of six or seven thousand. Although the strength is not much for Muye, it cannot be ignored.

This power, for Qianshouzhu, must be handled with caution.

He must not violate his philosophy, nor can he influence the newly-developed Muye Village.

At this time, 5,000 soldiers such as Gandalf have also joined with Fang Lan and others.

At this point, all the kingdom soldiers gathered together, letting them all sigh of relief.

"How's your brother?"

Along the way, Qin Xiyao had no idea how many times he asked.

"Mr. Gandalf just said, Your Royal Highness, Your Majesty is fine."

General Qin Lin, who was accompanied by the long princess, comforted softly.

I looked at Qin Yi who was carried on the stretcher by the soldiers. Qin Lin was also mysterious at this time. In his impression, His Majesty has always been delicious and lazy, and he is stupid.

But how can a waste material behave just now? It was simply unexpected!

I also asked this strange tall old man about this, but the old man had only one answer.

"Your Majesty is exceptionally talented, and he has begun to understand the power of this world!"

Qi Qinlin was shocked, he was very clear about the meaning of this sentence. The kingdom travels through other worlds. Once the king can reach the power of the other world, it means that they will also grow!


He was shocked, but also surprised.

"Her Royal Highness rest assured, Her Majesty only used her power excessively and passed out temporarily, and she will soon wake up."

Gandalf once again comforted Qin Xiyao.

The latter was worried about Qin Yi, so he didn't want to leave.