MTL - The King of The Worlds-Chapter 17 Target wave country

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The people of King City did not lack wisdom, because their civilization was once strong. It's just that it degenerates too much and starts again.

So, for some things, these generals have a very clear concept in their minds.

实际上 "Actually, before we saw the edge of the land of fire and wind, 50 kilometers west of the desert, there was a blank area before we wanted to go."


He said, Yang Yi shook his head.

In order to survive in this world, you first need to stand firm. Today, they are like drifting people without a fixed land, which is very desolate.

Ji Qinyi and others were silent, and they knew what happened next.

"After discussion, we changed our plans, and now Koba and we can say that the relationship is relatively peaceful."

"But you can't believe it. After all, there have been frictions before."

Yang Yi continued, sliding his finger over the map, crossing the forest of wood leaves, to the valley of the end, and finally staying on the island behind.

"As far as I know, this island is still without land, not even marked on the map!"

"And the area is not large. The five major countries are now afraid of each other, and small frictions continue. This will be our best place to go."

Qi Fang Lan also spoke at this time.

"Yi Yi said it right, this island is indeed our best place to go. What we need to do now is stability, then development, and feedback to the city of Wang, materials are too short for us."

"This island is medium in size but rich in resources. If we go there, it will be easy to occupy it and develop steadily."

Listening to the three, Qin Yi's eyes flickered slightly.

He recognized the island that the three said was the land of waves in the future. It was close to Muye Village and surrounded by the sea. Today, there is no indication on the map, that is to say, there is no country called wave country at this time.

A smile appeared in his eyes, and Qin Yi nodded.

不错 "Yes, this is our best choice!"

那么 "Then, then, our goal is this island!"

After hearing Qin Yi's agreement, the three generals smiled.

他们 They have discussed this many times before, and even discussed whether they can depend on a certain big country, but they were eventually rejected. Their ultimate goal is to have a big development in this world. If there is no good start for some things, the follow-up will become very difficult. If they can occupy this island and then build small villages and small countries, they can develop step by step.

"Second, the approximate historical background of this world. As I said before, the five great powers have just passed the Warring States period and entered the Ninja era. It is a period of mutual balance and relative stability."

"This is good news for us. In such a peaceful time, it is suitable for our development. Otherwise, if during wartime, in the previous battles, Koba will not be merciless, and our losses will be even worse."

Fang Lan said.

Qin Yi nodded slightly, he also understood this, and motioned to the other party to continue speaking.

"Finally, power!"

Speaking of this, Qin Lin's eyes sharpened.

When they come, they are defeated. What is the reason for the heavy losses? It is because they are weak!

"In this respect, you have to rely on your Majesty."

"Mr. Gandalf and General Fang Lan both said that you have come into contact with such a force."

Qin Yi nodded: "Yes, this kind of power is called Chakra. It is divided into seven properties. Depending on the talent of each person, they will awaken different Chakra properties."

他们 "They divided the ninja levels into lower tolerance, middle tolerance, especially upper tolerance, upper tolerance, elite upper tolerance, and shadow."

"The film level is the highest power in the village and the strongest!"

"In the next time, our army must quickly grasp this power. Even though we have not had enough ninjutsu at this time, Chakra has a very strong effect on the increase of the body and the use of some small means. "

I heard here, all three generals nodded silently.

"Gandalf, Fang Lan, teach the others about Chakra, I leave it to you!"

After speaking, Qin Yi glanced again at the scroll in front of her eyes.

"I need these scrolls. In addition, the language of this world, I will let everyone master it through the power of the king."

The three generals rose quickly and put their right fists on their left chests to salute.

"Thank Your Majesty!"

Then they left quickly with Gandalf. Obviously, these three men and their fighters have great enthusiasm for mastering Chakra.

I looked at the back of the three, Qin Yi shook his head, and then slowly rolled out the scroll.

"Is the soil technique?"

"Heart decapitation, earth wall, hardening, etc."

Soon afterwards, Qin Yi saw what was on this scroll, and it was exactly the method of recording the earthen ninja.

He tried to memorize it in his heart, and later found that his talent was really amazing. However, after half an hour of exercise in my heart, I was already proficient and was able to release it at any time.

"Then there are some formations, but now, there are too few ninjas in Qin Kingdom, and they are completely useless."

Shake her head and take down the matrix scroll.

"Blood following limit, Chakra nature, jutsu."

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Qin Yi thought.

I want to increase my strength. In addition to plundering, I am looking for a breakthrough in Chakra's nature. UU Kanshu just wanted to develop the blood following, in addition to the luck he started, but there was no sign of it.

"I still have too little knowledge!"

After a short while, Qin Yi shook his head.

He wants to understand the power of this world. Mastering power is just an introduction. What he needs to do is to understand.

如果 "If I can get a lot of ninjutsu scrolls."

His eyes are bright, Qin Yi's heart is enlightened.

Chakra is energy, and ninjutsu is the way to release this energy and increase the energy. The energy must be strong, and the ninjutsu must be strong.

"I can try to develop stronger Ninjutsu myself!"

For example, if his left and right hands are imprinted and borrowed by others, if he develops further, he can even turn it into ninjutsu.

若 And if this seal technique is developed, it belongs to the first case in the world!

"This is also the most promising and easiest to develop for me at the moment!"

Thought of this, Qin Yi was a little excited.

Qi Qinyi found the fastest way to become stronger at present, and soon began to exercise in his heart.

With his talent, if reached in the heart, the outside of the body can also be released.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

During the 23rd day, Qin Yi's army and 6,000 soldiers basically mastered Chakra's cultivation method. At this time, everyone's expression was filled with confidence and excitement.

It also eased his mind. As long as the soldiers mastered Chakra and learned ninjutsu, they could do more in the future.

It was also on this day that the ninja sent by Muye arrived.

"Master Boss, Master Naruto wants to see you."

的 The shadow ninja with a cat face mask was very polite, but Qin Yi's expression became serious.