MTL - The King of The Worlds-Chapter 21 Uchinami spot

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最后 "Finally, I also hope to get some basic ninjutsu scrolls for each department from your village."

"Just need C level!"

Qin Yi said cheekily again.

Gandalf's expression remained the same, but Qin Lin and Yang Yi's faces were a little red.

I want seeds and food, even if I need supplies. This mysterious power can be said by His Majesty, and it is unique.

"Uh, that's impossible!"

For Qin Yi's shameless request, Qianshouzhu also directly rejected it.

After a few more chats in the Naruto office, Qianshouzhu left in a hurry.

He said that the alliance was not big, but small but not small. He had to discuss with the high-level leaders of Muye.

Xi Qinyi and others were out of the office, walking around in wood leaves accompanied by a cat-faced ninja.

At this time, the wooden leaf village is awaiting revival, and the sound of "Bang Bang" is everywhere, and it is under construction everywhere. Qin Yi and others wandered all the way as if they were visiting.

The people in the village did not show curiosity about them, but just glanced at each other and went to work on their own.

I can see that even in the newly established Muye Village, even some of the village's personnel are in the running-in period. The degree of rapport with each other did not reach the level when Naruto was behind.

"Wood leaves for three years."

The eyes flickered slightly, and Qin Yi had determined the time period at which it was.

Led by the Chiyu Zhibo family and the Qianshou family, they waged a war against the entire Ninja family of Fire Country, and finally completed the establishment of Muye Village.

In the early days of Wujian Village, Yu Zhibo spot proposed the name of the hidden village to be Muye, and it was determined. After that, Konoha submitted the Naruto selection to the country of fire, and Thousand Hands became a generation of Naruto.

With this information, Qin Yi, who had seen Naruto in the previous life, had only a rough idea before, but after entering Naruto village, after comparing the surrounding buildings, banners, and other items with each other, he also knew it.

"If there is nothing wrong with the course of history, this year is also the year when there is a disagreement between Uchiha's spot and Qianshouzhu!"

"That is to say, the end of the Valley of War is not far!"

Qin Yi's heart meditated, as the crowd moved forward.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Guests from Qin Zhiguo, Lord Naruto has invited you."

The caller was about 20 years old, with a gentle attitude, and was curious about Qin Yi and others. He was constantly watching.

"Ape flying."

Cat face mask Ninja could not help but called out.

The magpie ape slashed for a moment, then heard the other's identity, nodded slightly, but didn't say much.

On the contrary, Qin Yiduo glanced at the young man called Ape Fei a few times. If he did not admit it, this young man will be the third generation of Naruto in the future.

"Has Master Naruto discussed the results?"

Qin Yi asked.

"I don't know. The guests will know when they go."

The ape flying sun shook his head and was helpless.

Qin Yi nodded, and took Gandalf and the two generals, flying away with the ape.

Soon, several people came to a courtyard.

Looking inward from the door, Qin Yi saw many people who seemed to know each other.

At this time, although there are not many people in this courtyard. But they are the backbone of this huge village, and everyone is a strong one.

Wearing a kimono, the Uchiha clan with the fan flag engraved on the robe, the Hyuga clan with white eyes, and the Qianshou clan headed by Qianshouzhu, even Qin Yi saw a red-haired swirling figure.

"The guest is here. Please come here."

Qian Qianzhu laughed.

Qin Yi nodded and walked quickly, Gandalf and the two generals followed, standing behind him.

At this time, the atmosphere was a bit weird. Except for the smile on Qianjuzhu's face, the others were either indifferent or cold, saying nothing.

The Uchiha clan standing on his left side did not squint, it seemed that they were too lazy to look at it.

"Qin, after just discussing, Muye agreed to form an alliance with Qin Zhiguo and can provide you with a certain amount of seeds, food and weapons and other supplies."


Speaking of which, Qian was a little embarrassed.

只是 "Just, as you said before, you have to double it back."

Hagi stood in the back of the pillar and said in a thousand hands.

It seemed a little embarrassing for Qian Qian to slap his forehead between his pillars and cover his face.

For him, such a request is excessive. But he couldn't help it. After all, although Koyo was Naruto at this time, he couldn't do it all.

"Of course you can."

Qin Yi smiled slightly, without hesitation.

As long as they are given a chance to buffer, after going through this difficult time, these supplies will return sooner or later when they stabilize.

"In addition, our alliance, I heard from Qin You, your country is very sincere, so, as you say!"

"There is a problem with the leaves, and I would like to ask your help. As for your difficulties, I believe that you can solve it yourself."

Thousands of hands said solemnly.

He is not in a thousand hands and is not so gentle, so his words seem awful.

实际上 In fact ~ ~ The people present here are the early presbyterian churches formed by these families of Muye. When Qian Qianzhu proposed an alliance, they did not agree. They were even extremely disdainful, and only when these conditions were raised did their attitudes ease slightly. Ordinary soldiers with a population of 6,000 are not a cause for concern at this moment for Konoha, which has more than 20,000 ninjas.

Moreover, they have no confidence in Qin Yi's follow-up development of leading these 6,000 people in this troubled world.

What can 6,000 ordinary people do? Not to mention the five great nations, the ninjas of other small sites, are all difficult bones. In the face of these scattered ninjas, it is difficult for them to gain a foothold. The support at this moment is more like hitting a dog in a meat bun, with or without return.

"This one comes out of your mouth and counts naturally."

Qi Qin Yi still had a smile on his face.

"These two points, since your country has agreed, the last one is the most important."

Thousands of hands nodded, his expression became dignified.

Seeing the other party's changing look, Qin Yi also sank in his heart. Gandalf's expression was slightly calm at this time, but the two generals behind him had already clenched their fists.

I can say that this time the alliance, Qin Guo lost too much interest. It's okay to double the supply, but the latter one completely puts himself in a lower level.

This is an outright inequality treaty, but they have no choice.

They wanted to remind Qin Yi, but couldn't speak on this occasion.

At this moment, the Uchiha clan who had been standing aside, the one in front, suddenly opened his eyes.

"I am Uchiha Spot!"

A brief sentence, but everyone in the audience's eyes seemed to condense, staring at this person.