MTL - The King-Chapter 345 joint

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  Chapter 345 Union

  Maybe it was to show the importance to the Principality of Moxi, or maybe it was to show the strength to the outside world. The whole wedding is just two words—grand!

  As a melon eater, Hudson feels like a bumpkin. I thought that my wedding standard was high enough, and it was completely incomparable with the wedding of Crown Prince Caesar.

  The kingdom's magician group is serving the wedding, creating a beautiful fairy tale world with pure natural and artificial magic methods.

   Immersed in it, Hudson barely distinguishes between reality and magic. It can be said with certainty that this grand wedding will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Aslant continent.

   If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Hudson would not have known that magic could still be used like this. Sure enough, there is nothing impossible but unexpected.

  Other human nations are constantly developing and progressing, and the Alpha Kingdom is not idle either.

   Perhaps limited by capital investment, it is indeed behind in some aspects, but there are also some aspects that have reached the forefront of the mainland.

  War is the driving force behind human technological progress. How could the Alpha Kingdom, which has been under high pressure for a long time, stand still?

  It seems to be a beautiful fairy tale world, but once it is slightly modified, it can become a life harvester.

   From the astonished eyes of all the guests, it can be seen that this grand wedding has come to a successful conclusion.

  Caesar III's move is not only to deter the countries in the mainland, but also a silent warning to the nobles in the country.

   "Hudson, I'm afraid something big will happen in Wangduzhong. As one of the representatives of the military, what are you going to do?"

  The voice of Earl Oran rang in his ears, pulling Hudson back from his contemplation. Having commanded the national army once, Hudson was directly included in the military camp.

   There is nothing wrong with him. Apart from being able to get involved with the army, he basically has little say in politics. If you want to rely on the civil service system, there is no place for him.

   "The situation is a bit complicated, and I am also in a dilemma now. Your Majesty summoned us this time, mainly for tax purposes, but it is actually a game between the great nobles and the royal power.

  The focus of the contradiction is on the distribution of Warcraft cubs. As a representative of the military, I naturally hope to give priority to meeting the needs of the Warcraft Legion; but as a member of the great nobles, I...

   Alas, trouble! "

   Hudson said with embarrassment.

  The **** decides the head, and the current Holliser family is a member of the great aristocratic group. Although they are at the bottom of the list, the interests of the family still determine their position.

  Even if everyone is an ally, when it comes to specific interests, Hudson does not dare to expect that everyone will always have the same position. Proper retention is good for everyone.

   "When you step into this circle, you can't help yourself. Hudson, with your status and status, this incident is destined to be inevitable.

  Sooner or later, you have to express your position. Instead of being forced to express your position, it is better to take the initiative now and take the opportunity to gain some benefits! "

  Although he didn't say it clearly, Hudson still understood what Earl Oran meant. It was nothing more than trying to pull him into his own faction to increase the Holliser family's voice in the faction.

   There is no rush to stand in line, but Hudson still knows the political faction relations within the kingdom.

  As the second family of the former southeastern province, the Holliser family has always been the target of suppression. In order to fight against the Dalton family, they had to surrender to the king.

  With the rise of Hudson, the Koslow family replaced the original responsibilities of the Holliser family and became a new force to check and balance the Dalton family.

  With a successor, the Holliser family has the opportunity to jump out of the southeastern province. Going north to develop is not only the Earl of Oran's own choice, but also the king's choice.

  If it weren't for the strong support of Caesar III, the Holliser family, who performed mediocrely in the war, would not be so simple to stand out from many competitors.

  As far as Hudson knows, in addition to defecting to the king politically, the Holliser family also maintains a close relationship with many big nobles in the country.

   Not only the Holliser family, but many nobles in the kingdom are like this. It is difficult to divide political factions with a unified standard.

  It is common for a noble to belong to several major camps at the same time, or to maintain close relations with multiple political factions.

  The operation that everyone is most accustomed to is to stand with this group of people on this issue; and to stand with another group of people on another issue.

   It can be said that apart from the relatively fixed political groups of the northern nobles, the other political factions in the kingdom are often me in you and you in me. The internal relationship is complicated, which is constantly being cut and chaotic.

  Including the big aristocratic camp that is now playing games with the king, it is essentially just a competition for interests caused by the distribution of Warcraft cubs.

  Because of the immediate interests, everyone formed a temporary alliance. When the interest demands are met, or if they fail in the political game, the temporary alliance will be disbanded.

  From this point of view, although the internal struggles of the Alpha Kingdom are fierce, compared with other countries on the mainland, the factions are distinct, and overall they are relatively moderate.

   "Don't worry, Count Oran. The current situation is indeed complicated, but the ending has been doomed from the beginning.

  Without the threat of the orc empire, a group of nobles in the kingdom are no longer willing to continue to provide high military expenditures. This time, the allocation of Warcraft cubs is just the fuse.

  Even if there is no such thing, there will be other things that cause disputes. Under the general trend, no one can stop the kingdom's trend of reducing military expenditures! "

   Hudson reminded.

  Political issues never exist in isolation. Things that seem simple and clear are often linked together.

  If he hadn’t come to the capital this time and had contact with many military generals, Hudson couldn’t guarantee that he could figure out the relationship behind him in such a short period of time.

  Hearing the "reduction in military spending", Earl Oran frowned. Since the end of the war, the kingdom has continued to disarm and reduce military expenditures.

  However, affected by the Warcraft Legion plan, the kingdom's military budget this year still exceeds that before the war.

  Among the multi-ethnic countries on the continent of Aslante, the proportion of military expenditure of the Alpha Kingdom has always been at the highest level.

  In most of the time, the military budget accounts for more than 70% of the financial budget, and occasionally there will be more than 90% of the extreme situation.

   There are threats from foreign enemies and high military expenditures, so everyone will naturally have no objections. But now that the foreign enemy has disappeared, the situation has changed.

   "Hudson, you mean the king will compromise?"

   Count Oran said with a flustered expression.

  A powerful standing army is not only a powerful means for the Alpha Kingdom to deter foreign enemies, but also an effective measure for the Kingdom to suppress internal conflicts.

   Regardless of which noble family or political group, the military strength they possess is far inferior to the kingdom's standing army.

  With this powerful standing army, the kingdom can effectively maintain the rules of the game and limit internal struggles within the rules.

  Once the military budget is greatly reduced, the strength of the standing army will inevitably be greatly damaged, and the authority of the central government will also be affected.

   For the Holliser family who just moved their base camp to the Northland, this is by no means a good thing.

  If there is no central government to suppress the nobles of the North, none of them, who have yet to gain a firm foothold, will have a good life.

   "Don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

   "However, His Majesty's methods should not be underestimated. Even if he agrees to cut military expenditures, it is impossible without conditions.

  If my judgment is correct, then the power of the royal family will usher in a period of rapid expansion.

   Open the map of the kingdom and you will know that among the thirty-two provinces, the royal family occupies two provinces in the middle and three provinces in the north. The sum of the directly subordinate princes of the royal family distributed in other provinces can almost equal a province.

   Except for the three northern provinces, the remaining areas are economically developed areas with densely populated areas. In terms of overall strength, even the nobles of the North would not dare to say that they surpassed the royal family.

  Once the development of the three northern provinces is completed, the advantages of the royal family will become more and more obvious. You must know that apart from the royal family, there is no noble family in the kingdom that can monopolize a province!

  For His Majesty, there is absolutely no need to confront everyone now, as long as you develop the royal family step by step!


   Earl Oran may not be unable to see these problems. It's just that the Holliser family is deeply involved in the situation, and there are too many interests involved to analyze the problem objectively and fairly.

   Originally, Hudson didn't want to be troublesome, but the Holliser family was his in-laws and the only allies among the great nobles.

  In case the Earl of Oran fails to solve the puzzle in time and is pulled into the vortex of the storm, the Koslow family will also be dragged into the water.


   "Four, the opportunity we have been waiting for is finally here!

   As it turns out, the silence ahead of us was correct. Without us putting pressure on them, the **** would be infighting themselves. "

   Duke Torsten said excitedly.

  Since the last five Dukes committed suicide, the northern aristocratic group has suffered a series of suppression.

   Not only lost the qualification to distribute the spoils, but even the officials in the court who belonged to the noble camp of the Northland were driven home one after another.

  The entire northern noble camp was in turmoil, and was even on the verge of collapse.

  Faced with the complex situation, the new five dukes, who were appointed in danger, made a decision after many deliberations: strategic contraction. Tolerance externally and politically, internally stabilize the situation.

   This tolerance lasted for a year and a half. During this period, the Northland Noble Group was a good boy who couldn't fight back when they were scolded or beaten. No matter how the enemy provokes, they have no intention of fighting.

  Many times, before the enemy could make a move, they sold off the property outside and completely retracted their tentacles back into the territory. All parties do not know how to start.

  After a lot of tossing, seeing that they had obtained all the advantages they could take advantage of, everyone shifted their attention and stopped staring at them.

   "It's still a bit too early to say this. Although they had disputes with Caesar III because of the Warcraft Legion, these conflicts did not break out after all.

   Judging from the current situation, all parties still exercise restraint. Our Majesty the King used the pretext of the crown prince's wedding to call everyone here instead of directly talking about taxes, just to leave enough room.

  This time, at most, they will divide their relationship. If you want to intensify the conflicts between the parties, you need a fuse.

  The more this is the case, the more we must keep calm. Any drastic move may draw the attention of all parties back to us! "

  The cold water poured by Duke Rodriguez directly extinguished everyone's enthusiasm.

   It took a lot of effort to get everyone to look away from them. If they were accidentally drawn back, it would be a big loss!

   Being stared at by the king and a group of great nobles every day, although it may not be possible to do anything to them, it can definitely make them unable to do anything.

   "Actually, it's not impossible to break the situation, but it's not now.

  Now is the era of Caesar III, and it was all planned by him to get us into the current situation. It is almost impossible for him to overturn the previous decision.

   But our good king is not in good health. According to the information obtained by Anzi, in the past year, Caesar III fainted three times and coughed and bled seventy-eight times.

   No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the Lord of Longevity. Maybe this year, maybe next year, in short, the era belonging to Caesar III is coming to an end.

  Compared to His Majesty the King who wished to get rid of us quickly, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's attitude towards us is completely different.

  The last time he rescued the Principality of Moxi, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince accidentally lost tens of thousands of kingdom troops, directly offending the nobles in the southeastern provinces to death.

   Now we are in need of supporters. If we secretly contact him, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince should not refuse our kindness. "

   Duke Hero suggested.

  The relationship between the royal family and the nobles of the North is certainly tense, but this does not mean that the two parties have no contact in private.

   Perhaps because of the congeniality, the relationship between Hiero and Crown Prince Caesar has always been very good. Even if they belonged to different camps, it didn't affect the two of them becoming friends.

   Proposing to join forces at this time is obviously discussed in advance.

   "Hero, you should know the king's attitude towards us. Once he finds out that we are in contact with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who knows what will happen next?

  Because of factors left over from history, the reputation of our five families in the kingdom has always been very bad. If His Majesty the King wants to take action against us, there will definitely be many people who will make trouble! "

  Duke Angel on the side said worriedly.

   This is not selfishness, it is entirely because the ancestors offended too many people. In their generation, if they want to repair the relationship with all parties, they don't know where to start.

   "Don't worry, Angel! The king's side is not a problem, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will naturally have a way to deal with him.

  As a mature politician, His Majesty the King only has interests in his eyes, and hatred has never been a problem!

   What's more, the royal family's homeland has been taken back, and the hatred between us and the royal family is no longer as deep as it used to be. "

   Hiro said confidently.

  (end of this chapter)