MTL - The King-Chapter 400 Flick your sleeves

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   Chapter 400

   "The fire element is changing, it's not good that the enemy is releasing a forbidden spell, spread out!"

  As soon as the white-haired old man finished speaking, everyone in the Holy See, who gathered together to defend, scattered and fled like frightened birds.

  The expected forbidden spell did not fall, but because the team was scattered, Bear Stearns could take advantage of it, and the victims kept getting +1+1+1...

   Realizing that they have been fooled, everyone is helpless.

   This is a conspiracy. Maxim was able to control the forbidden curse freely, if they didn't avoid it, what fell would be the real forbidden curse.

  Resisting the forbidden curse with their small bodies, ninety-nine out of ten will end up in ashes, and there is a one percent chance of leaving a little wreckage.

   If you choose to dodge, the original defensive formation will be gone. In the face of Bear Stearns' sneak attack, if he was prepared, the eighth-rank paladin could still make two moves, and the rest would be in a tragedy.

  The disparity in strength is too great. No matter how well prepared you are, you can't stop the strong in the sanctuary from launching a sneak attack!

   Especially magicians are the worst. Even the eighth-level great magister, once Bear Stearns gets close, there is no room for struggle.

  The giant dragon attracts everyone's attention in front, and the earth bear plays a sneak attack from behind. Such a golden combination directly made the Holy See and his party lose their temper.

  Watching the continuous reduction of the team, and wanting to organize a counterattack, I don't know where to start.

   Originally thought that the dragon knight Hudson would be a weakness, but unfortunately the dragon didn't play close combat with them, but just released magic harassment in the sky from a distance.

   After advancing less than five kilometers, they were attacked seven times. The original team of more than 200 people has now been reduced by more than half.

   Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Jerachic said with a gloomy face: "The gang of hypocritical nobles have the most reputation, and Hudson was able to lower his face and sneak attack, making it clear that he was not going to let us leave alive.

  The gunfire has stopped, and the enemy's navy is outside. The evacuation plan we made earlier is no longer feasible.

   Right now, the only way we can break out is to take shelter on the island first, and wait for the fog to cover the sea area again.

  The target is too big for everyone to gather together, and it is easy to be targeted by the enemy. Then we spread out and live or die by luck.

  As long as someone is alive, bring the news back, let..."

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the meteorite rain falling from the sky.

   "The enemy's sneak attack is coming again!"

   As soon as this idea came to mind, Jerachich didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately ordered: "Separate and go!"

  This order is very cruel, which means that most of the people in the team will die in the pursuit of the enemy.

  But there is no way, instead of gathering together and being grinded to death by the enemy's sneak attacks round after round; it is better to disperse to hide and seek that glimmer of life.

  Anyway, the ship is destroyed by the enemy, even if everyone gathers together, there is no way to evacuate Dulong Island.

  Now I can only bet on my life, betting that after the fog covers this sea area again, there will be merchant ships straying into this place, creating a chance for them to leave.

   Otherwise, they could only be trapped and starved to death on this isolated island.

  The team fled in all directions, and indeed won a glimmer of life, but it also created an opportunity for Bear Stearns.

   Originally, it could only be a sneak attack, but now it has directly become a chase. Flying separately in the face of disaster, you don't need to outperform the enemy, just outperform your companions is enough.

  The white-haired old man running at the front of the team suddenly realized that something was wrong. He always felt that something was staring at him from his back. When he looked back, it was a giant dragon that was chasing him.

   "Earl Hudson, I have something to discuss! Everyone is..."

   Before the old man could finish speaking, the rain of fire had enveloped the sky, scaring him to dodge in a hurry.

  It's a pity that everything was in vain. He escaped the magic attack, but he couldn't avoid Maxim's dragon wagging its tail.

  The crispy skin attribute of the magician is exposed at this moment. Even if he propped up the magic shield, he still couldn't avoid the fate of being patted into flesh.

   It was at the last moment before his death that the old man realized the problem.

  Everyone has no grievances and no enmity, so many younger brothers along the way did not kill, and he was specifically caught and chased by him, obviously for the "glory scepter" in his hand.

  It's a pity that it was too late for everyone to realize all this. If he had reacted earlier and thrown the artifact in his hand when he was running for his life, he would definitely not have died so quickly.

   Putting away the scepter of glory, Hudson sighed. It's not that he's cruel and merciless, it's because things are too tricky, so I have to silence him!

  When he took the Excalibur just now, he hadn't realized it yet. When the old man released the forbidden spell with the help of the staff, he realized that it was the legendary "Scepter of Glory".

   "Holy Crown", "Scepter of Glory", and "Holy Sword of Light", the standard three-piece set of the Holy See's artifacts, unexpectedly two of them fell into his hands.

  If this news gets out, there will never be peace in the Mountain Territory. Not only is the Holy See looking for trouble for him, but other forces in the mainland will also spy on him.

  Looking at this Holy See squad, you can see how deep the real top power is, and it is simply not something he, a dragon knight, can parry.

  For the sake of safety, the only way to kill them is to silence them. Hudson has already made up his mind, if he can't strangle all the Holy See and his party, then block the foggy sea area and prohibit ships from traveling this route.

   This matter is obviously not something that he can accomplish alone. It is only possible to do it together with several nearby coastal nobles.

  With Hudson's current status, it is not difficult to ask everyone to sell favors, but the difficulty is not to arouse suspicion from the outside world.

  Human nature, the more you block it, the easier it is to arouse everyone's curiosity. The blockade of the route can only block the passing merchant ships, but it cannot stop these great nobles from sending people to explore.

   There are two paths before Hudson:

  First, carve up the two artifacts with the Dalton family and face the crisis together.

  Just based on Hudson's understanding of Earl Pierce, he is not such a courageous person. What's more, artifacts are of no real significance to the Dalton family.

  The political significance of the artifact is mainly to divide the legal system of the Holy See, which cannot be controlled by a large noble alone.

   Both artifacts are of the light system, and at least two eighth-level practitioners of the light system must be found to be able to basically drive them.

  Even if they gave the artifact to the Dalton family, they couldn't find anyone who could use it. For the Dalton family, keeping the artifact in their hands is purely a hot potato.

  Second, throw one piece to the king, divert the firepower, and return some benefits by the way.

  Anyway, the only people who knew that he had obtained the two artifacts were people from the Holy See. As long as these people are not allowed to leave alive, the outside world will not know that both artifacts are in his hands.

   After all, it is a miracle that such a artifact can meet one. If you meet two people at once, no one will believe you when you tell them.

   "Forget it, you can only gain if you give up!"

   After hesitating for a moment, Hudson made a choice between the two artifacts. The "Scepter of Glory" can't be used at all, and the "Holy Sword of Light" can still be used to cut people.

   On the surface, the sealed holy sword of light looks similar to his knight sword. Because of Maxim, no one dared to check his knight sword up close, and no one would notice if it was replaced.

   A decision was made, and when Hudson wanted to catch a living person for questioning, Bear Stearns finished the work first.

   Except for a few lucky ones who were hidden, the rest either became ghosts under the claws of bears, or died under the mouths of poisonous insects. If you want to get an answer from them, you may have to summon the undead.

   Hudson does know a little bit of undead magic, but how could someone who has dealt with heresy for a long time be unprepared?

  The holy water they carry with them greatly reduces the probability of turning them into undead. Even if the summoning is successful, most undead creatures cannot retain the memory of their lifetime.

   Why the "Battle of Glory" and "Holy Sword of Light" appeared here has become an unsolved mystery here in Hudson.

  The high level of the Holy See must know, but it is impossible for him to ask. It is important to satisfy curiosity, but it is even more important to keep your life alive.

   Putting down his inquisitive thoughts, he picked up the artifact and returned to the fleet, only to see a group of pirates gathered on the shore to surrender to the fleet.

   Obviously, these guys who surrendered are smart people. Knowing that the people of the Holy See would not let them go, they decisively changed their followers.

   It's just that they are in trouble at this moment. The fleet in front of them not only represents the Dalton family, but also the Koslow family.

  The two companies can work together, but how to deal with these pirates needs to be decided after discussion.

  Perhaps out of respect for the strong, the fleet just let the pirates stay on the shore, and did not immediately accept their surrender.

   Glancing at the leader of the pirates resting on the shore, Hudson said indifferently: "I will give you a chance to survive and explain everything you know clearly.

   Don't try to hide it, without our shelter, you can't survive a month on the island! "

  Deep in his heart, Hudson has already begun to think about whether to silence this group of people together.

  Pirates are pirates after all, even if they surrendered, Hudson can still find an excuse to kill them all, not to mention that they have not yet accepted their surrender.

   "Don't worry, my lord, I will explain everything!

  Originally, I was a down-and-out aristocrat in a small country in the middle of the country. Because of the decline of my family, I went out to find a living, and was later spotted by people from the Holy See.

   Since then, according to their instructions, he has become a pirate and has been active in the south-central waters all year round.

  I was chosen to go north to Dulong Island this time, mainly because I entered this place by mistake once when I was wandering in the mainland, and I survived and left.

  The purpose of the Holy See's trip seems to be to find some artifact on the island. My status in the Holy See is very low, and that's all I know. "

  After hearing Man Beard's answer, Hudson's killing intent subsided a bit. It doesn't matter if you don't know, but you're afraid of knowing too much.

   No matter who asks, Master Hudson only got one artifact in Dulong Island.

   "I have already obtained the artifact, but there are still many remnants of the Holy See active on the island. These people are not weak, and they hide in the dark, so there is no time to encircle and suppress them for a while.

  Byron, before the fog can block your view, you send people to search around the island and destroy all the ships.

  Even if it is an antique ship from hundreds of years ago, I will smash it to pieces with the magic crystal cannon. Don't let go of large pieces of wood.

  The time left for us is running out, we must destroy all the navigation tools before the fog rises.

  Let’s put these pirates here first, I’ll watch them in person, and I’ll take them with me when I go back! "

   Command tone, should not appear among partners. However, Hudson's status is special, and he also serves as the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom's war readiness mobilization.

  A position where even he himself can't figure out the boundaries of power, the outside world is even more confused.

  Whether it has the power to mobilize the country's armed forces, the capital did not give an accurate statement, but this does not affect Hudson's ordering.

   "Obey, Lord Earl!"

  Byron replied respectfully.

   Originally, he wanted to discuss the ownership of the artifact, but he forcibly took it back when the words came to his lips. Regardless of who the artifact belongs to, it is not his turn to be a descendant of his family.

  The earl's nephew did not open his mouth to talk about this issue, and he was too lazy to be the first bird.

  Negotiating this kind of thing needs to pay attention to identity reciprocity. Letting them negotiate with Hudson will obviously suffer a lot.

  The fleet began to perform missions, and only Viscount Cayo stayed in place with a group of guards and Hudson. In name, they helped guard the pirates, but in fact they still missed the artifact.

   It's just that Hudson snatched the thing, and Kayo really didn't know what excuse to intervene to get a share of the action.

   "Scepter of Glory, are you interested?"

   While speaking, Hudson threw the scepter in his hand to Viscount Cayo without hesitation, as if he had lost a big trouble.

   "The scepter of glory of the Holy See!"

"How can this be?"

   Kayo said with a trembling voice.

  As the symbol of the Holy See, the scepter of glory will appear in almost every grand ceremony. There is no news of the loss at all, but the magic wand in his hand cannot deceive anyone.

   After hesitating for a while, Kayo hastily returned the scepter of glory to Hudson. This thing is really not something that the Dalton family can worry about, taking it back will only bring disaster to their own family.

   "Lord Earl, you obtained this item, you can handle it yourself, we will not participate!"

   Seeing this scene, Hudson pretended to be embarrassed and showed a wry smile.

   "The scepter of glory is different from ordinary artifacts, and it is really too hot for our two families.

  Since the Dalton family is not interested, I will send it to the capital. If His Majesty the King wants to establish a separate Holy See, this is the best legal basis. "

  Caesar IV is not Caesar III, no one can be sure whether he dares to take this hot potato.

  But throwing things out is better than staying in the southeast province and causing trouble for oneself. With the size of the Alpha Kingdom, as long as the king has ambitions, he can still withstand the pressure.

   "Master Earl, this topic is too sensitive. There are still a group of pirates here, and it is really not suitable for discussion now!"

   Viscount Kayo said in a panic.

   It can be seen that he is really scared. Hudson can talk about things in an open and honest manner, because his own strength is strong enough, and he is not burdened with too many debts.

  Viscount Cayo can't. Although he is a direct member of the Dalton family, he is only a "member" and not the heir of the family.

  Political weight is much lower than that of Hudson. If you get involved recklessly, you might die at some point.

  For the Holy See, it is very difficult to kill a dragon knight, but it is not difficult to kill a son of a great nobleman.

  In political struggles, Hudson has never done things absolutely, but he is worried that he will push people into a hurry, and the other party will directly break through all political bottom lines and attack ordinary members of the Koslow family.

   "Okay, the Scepter of Glory is not suitable for keeping. I will send it to the capital after dealing with the affairs on the island.

  These pirate captives can only be used as coolies, they are of little value, and there is no need to subdivide them.

   Simply, you and I each have half, and you can send half of the people to the mountain area afterwards. "

   Hudson said calmly.

  Naked conspiracy, the opportunity is given. If the Dalton family wants a piece of the pie, they just need to send someone to follow them.

   The artifact cannot be given in vain, and the king will definitely compensate in other ways. The benefits are visible to the naked eye, but the risks are also close at hand.

   It is uncertain how long the news can be blocked. Once it is spread, the political consequences of robbing the artifact and killing important members of the Holy See will be borne by both families.

  Compared to these, some pirate captives are really not worth mentioning. For the Dalton family, these people can only be used as coolies.

  The moment he took the scepter of glory, Viscount Kayo's first reaction was to silence these people.

   There are only a few hundred captives in the area, and the Dalton family, which has a large family and business, does not lack this labor force.

   "Your Excellency, you can decide for yourself, we will not participate.

  The successful completion of this operation is mainly due to your credit. You have the right to dispose of all spoils.

  Pirates captured, we will send you a lot of them to your territory afterwards. "

  Viscount Cayo hastily refused.

  He believed that even if his uncle was here, he would make a similar decision. If they had known that there was a scepter of glory on Dulong Island, they would not have joined in the fun no matter what.

  The current situation is not to mention the loss of the family, and it may be involved in the maelstrom of the game between kingship and theocracy. If the family is not careful, the family will be photographed to pieces.

   Let Hudson handle this kind of hatred. Dragon knights are rough and thick, and can withstand wind and rain, ordinary people like them can't.

  In an instant, Kayo's desire for strength reached its peak. The lack of peak combat power has become the biggest shortcoming restricting the development of the Dalton family.

   Not to mention the abnormality of the dragon knight, even training a few eighth-level powerhouses can increase one's own right to speak.

   Of course, this is Kayo not knowing what happened on the island. If he knew that in the team sent by the Holy See this time, there were eight eighth-level powerhouses and more than twenty seventh-level powerhouses, his perception of peak powerhouses would change.

  Hudson has no intention of showing off his record, and the way he wins is not in line with the aristocratic spirit.

  Buying the truth forever is the best choice. When the Holy See retaliates in the future, it is better to let the Dalton family accompany them.

   Purely from the statistics, there is not a single weakling in the Vatican team of more than 200 people. Obviously, it is not possible for Hudson to kill all of them with one person and two monsters.

  According to the understanding of normal people, the Dalton family must have participated in the battle, and the two sides joined hands to commit the murder.

  People will only believe what they see. The Dalton family fleet suffered heavy losses, and there is a high probability that the Holy See will calculate the battle losses.

   "Ghost Ship", "Storm at Sea", the more legendary these legends are, the less people believe them.

  The fog gradually thickened, as if it was about to cover the entire sea area, and the noisy Dulong Island became silent again.

  The fleet began to slowly return home. A dragon's chant broke through the air, and Hudson had already left first.

  (end of this chapter)