MTL - The King’s Avatar-Chapter 1644 Final choice

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In the seventh season, Sun Xiang was in the first place and immediately received wide attention. Although he is in a weak position like the Yuyun team, he has performed extremely well, smashing the rookie wall and easily taking the best newcomer into the bag.

For a time, genius, the star of hope, all kinds of beautiful words rushed, so that Sun Xiang quickly floated up.

There is still quite a lot of remarks in this. If Sun Xiang is not dragged by the team or has a top-level role, then perhaps Sun Xiang of the debut season will have even better results, and even history may be created.

Sun Xiang appreciates this statement very much. He also believes that his talent has not been brought to the limit and he believes that he should have a broader space.

He needs a better team and a top role.

The autumn of the gods is undoubtedly the most fascinating character in the history of glory. Ye Qiu, who is known as the textbook, is also the top **** in the history of glory.

But Sun Xiang did not agree.

Of course, he also knows the glory of Ye Qiuxi, but only when he began to glory, what he saw was only a year in which Ye Qiu and Jia Shi were not as good as one year.

So when the eighth season of Jiashi extended an olive branch to him, Sun Xiang was ecstatic, and he felt that this was a perfect match. He is in need of such a team, such a role.

He came to Jiashi, replaced Ye Qiu, and took over the autumn of the fight.

Sun Xiang is full of ambitions. He feels that a new era is coming. He has such a top role and team, and he will fly to the sky.

As a result, Jiashi was out of the season.

There is no more painful record than this. Even when the season was over the clouds, Sun Xiang had the hope of launching a shock to the playoffs when he was in the team. After Sun Xiang left the team, he did not fall to the point of being so miserable.

How is this going?

Sun Xiang, who has only a career of two years, wants to say that he is not flustered at all. It is a fake.

I have a top role and have a team that competes for the title. How can the final result be out? In the end, is there something wrong? Is it that his strength is not good? Do not! Of course it is impossible for this reason.

At that time, Sun Xiang had already begun to have doubts about himself, but he did not want to believe it. He did not want to seriously think about this problem. He actively avoided this possible surname.

He was anxious to prove himself and thought about leaving Jiashi soon. However, the quick action of the Jiashi team after he left the game made him finally look forward to this team.

As a result, that season, the final of the challenge, Jiashi lost to Xingxin, he lost again.

He lost to Ye Xiu and lost to the guy who was squeezed away from Jiashi and became nothing.

Top role? Xing Xin did not.

Gorgeous lineup? Xing Xin did not.

Ye Xiu is defeating Sun Xiang and Jia Shi with such a team. This is not just a win or loss in a game, not even a whole season of winning or losing. This is a destruction of Sun Xiang’s glory values.

With top-notch characters and strong teammates, you can fly to the sky.

This is what Sun Xiang always thinks.

None of these Xingxin did. In the end, Xingxin won.

From the best newcomer to the top of the transfer, in just a year and a half, Sun Xiang has a radiant, tens of life that countless people can't achieve; then another year and a half, out, the challenge is defeated, this However, quite a lot of professional players have not experienced the frustration.

In the first three years of his career, Sun Xiang’s experience is not rich. Just looking back and looking back, he found that these three years, not to mention the final stage of the finals, he is even far away from the playoffs.

Are you not a genius? Isn't it talented? Is it not an alum star?

Jiashi was dissolved, and Sun Xiang and Yiyeqiu joined together in the reincarnation.

He still controls the top role. He has a more powerful teammate around him. He is the master of the two crowns of this era. His career has ushered in such a turn in the dark, even arguably A step up.

But this time Sun Xiang is no longer self-righteous and self-satisfied. He began to seriously examine himself and seriously learn how to become stronger.

He did a good job, and he quickly integrated into the reincarnation team, not as many critics did, because the core position and other issues lead to internal contradictions. He and Zhou Zeyi's nearly one-for-one combination, and ultimately undoubtedly won the best partner of the season.

He finally set his own mentality, and in this season's campaign, he met Xingxin again and met Ye Xiu. Even once again, in the finals, they were **** for tat, and now they just gave them a map called tit-for-tat.

Sun Xiang wants to win.

He wants to win Xingxin and wants to win Ye Xiu.

He admits that it is Ye Xiu. It is Xing Xin that makes him awake, but it makes him want to overcome them. He hopes to let Xingxin let Ye Xiu look at it, and he is not the Sun Xiang who has been defeated by them.

So he was careful, he was cautious, he did not allow himself to make any mistakes in this matchup, in order to reincarnate the team's victory, but also to prove himself before defeating his own people.

But the result is still very embarrassing.

However, this time Sun Xiang did not resent, no anger, no longer, as before, only looking for reasons other than what he thought.

He started self-auditing in the first place, and then he realized that he might have used the wrong method.

Careful, cautious, psychological confrontation, these are not his strengths, but in order to prove himself, he chose this fighting style that is not suitable for him.

Although he hopes that he can surpass Ye Xiu in all directions, in fact, everyone has their own strengths. In these respects, they are afraid that they really do not have the corresponding talents.

He should choose the fighting style that he likes and is good at. Because in the arena, the pursuit is the outcome, not what is beyond! Everyone needs to transcend, it should only be their own. It will become stronger and stronger as you follow your own footprint and step beyond oneself.

Ye Xiu, or anyone, is not to be overtaken, but should be defeated!

Fighting the mountains and rivers!

Fighting Master 75 big move, this is Sun Xiang's final choice. In the case that the npc's attitude toward the player's character is unclear, he is not careful, and he does not think carefully, because this is not what he is good at, and he may not be the kind of player who is good at playing with the brain.

He took the initiative to attack the npcs, fighting the magical temperament of the mountains and rivers from the ground, and the obstacles that ran across him were all in the air.

Let the guys who are in the way, let them die!

At this moment, the momentum displayed in the autumn of a leaf is like the fighting **** under the sorcerer's hand. (To be continued.)