MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 119 Mechanical heart (9)

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Waking up comfortably for a night to wake up, Gu Huai first swallowed his eyes and opened a slit, then he sat up in bed and stretched his body slightly.


A monotonous sound rang next to it, and then Gu Huai saw a mechanical creature pushing a small dining car close to the bed, behind him there was a mechanical creature with hot water and towels.

It is an N2 model robot. Compared with the N1 robot with a humanoid form, the mechanical creatures sent to watch this palace have more in common with the old robots.

The same is the electronic eye with the sky blue light, the body structure is relatively close, but the mechanical creatures of the N2 and N3 models are more free in the form transformation, and can change the shape more suitable for coping according to the event situation, and the destruction ability and the old The model robot is not at all on a horizontal line.

Because the sounds of the two are the same, Gu Huai did not expect to see such a scene when he heard the sound ready to move his eyes, so he paused his eyes.

The small dining car has been pushed to the side of the bed, and a mechanical creature holding a pure white porcelain pot puts the items on the bed and sits in front of the youth sitting on the bed, then stops motionless.

The pure clean porcelain basin is filled with warm water, and a fresh towel is placed on the side of the basin.

Gu Huai first took the towel up, and then he looked up and looked at the cold mechanical creature that was holding him a porcelain pot, and blinked involuntarily.

Wet the towel with warm water and wipe the face. Watching the youth complete this series of movements, several humanoid machines gathered at the entrance of the palace to look inside the probe followed and nodded. It seems that they are not wrong.

"It is very difficult for human beings to raise. There is no problem in the environment of this palace, but other living conditions still need to be considered. There are four days to be the full moon festival. In order not to leave the scorpion, this matter should be more closely watched." Ansair observed After the scene inside, he turned his head and said this to his friend.

After listening to the other party's words, Sage quickly nodded again with an expression of approval.

The normal diet of human beings is three meals a day. If you do not eat for a long time, you will lose your mobility or even death due to hunger. If human consumption is treated as a supplementary energy source, this frequency is really quite frequent.

In addition to eating and drinking these three basic needs, humans also need to have a higher quality of life in order to easily maintain a good mood.

Human moods will affect their health, and as such, they need to provide good living conditions.

At the entrance of the palace, several humanoid machines were smashed, but Gu Huai, who had just washed his face with a towel, was not aware of this. His attention was also placed on several mechanical creatures around him.

When the young man wiped his cheek and put the towel back into the basin, the mechanical creature holding the porcelain pot had a new movement, and it took the porcelain pot to the side. At the same time, another mechanical creature standing next to the small dining car picked up a glass of milk from the dining car and handed it straight to the youth.

The guardian youth is the order given to them by the superiors. The tasks assigned by the superiors must be completed, and there must be no slack, so they need to do every detail.

Keeping the mission objects alive during the guards and raising the youth is one of the details of the mission. These N2 robots think so.

"I prefer to drink sweet, can you change into sweet milk tomorrow?" Gu Huai took the cup of milk from the round clip of the mechanical creature used to pick up the item. After taking a sip, Gu Huai lifted it. Start asking about the mechanical creatures that are looking at him.

It seems that I didn’t think that the youth would talk to myself. Although the face could not make an expression, this mechanical creature seemed to be staying, the blue light on the electronic eyes flashed quickly, and then it slowly sent a monotonous sound. ,"beep."

"And um... I want to eat Black Forest cake tomorrow. Is there a robot that will make cakes in this city?" Gu Huai touched his chin and said this, eyes and this mechanical creature continue to look at it. .

"Beep." The same tone soon rang again.

Black forest? cake……?

These two strange nouns allowed the mechanical creatures that the young people requested to start secretly retrieving their own databases. But this time there was a very serious problem. The lack of data analysis of these two nouns in the database seems to be Need to import some new data.

However, if you have sweet milk, you don't have to wait until tomorrow. After a mere monotonous sound, the mechanical creature looks down at the small dining car that it just pushed over. After thinking about it for less than a second, it put the small dining car back into the palace along the original route.

The cold, tall body of the mechanical creature is in stark contrast to the small dining car in front of it. Don't say that the former is still pushing carefully. This scene is in the eyes of various ethnic creatures outside the kingdom. The latter Probably it will be very unbelievable.

Not long after the mechanical creature that pushed the small dining car back, returned to the palace where the youth was, and went to the bedside. It smoothly moved the cup of milk from the young man’s head and replaced it with a new one. A cup.

Sweet, Gu Huai took a sip of the cup and looked up at the cold mechanical creature that gave him milk.

This expression of human beings generally represents happiness, and the mechanical creatures standing on the side are silently thinking, and it is very dedicated to staring at the youth to complete the meal.

"System system, what is the customs clearance value now?" Without going to the data panel, Gu Huai directly asked his own system.

"28%." Looking at the current situation, the system voice gave a low response.

When he successfully left the Arctic Ice Cap, it was 5%. After reaching the city of Og, he convinced the parliament to reach 13%, and the tree of life for the Elves was raised to 28%. After calculating the value, Gu Huai’s goal has been very clear from the past, he wants to stop other races... or prevent the world from being destroyed.

In order to achieve this goal, Gu Huai actually feels that it is not difficult. As long as the mechanical creatures in the king city can't kill him, the result is doomed.

The companions entered the palace, and they didn't come out for a long time. After the other N2 models outside the palace stood outside for a while, they walked one by one and walked toward the palace.

I have to go in and see if there are any incidents in the companion. For this reason, a group of N2 robots that were originally kept outside the palace are crowded into the palace.

"Beep, beep..." The monotonous sound from the mechanical creatures echoed in the palace, and there was nothing in the companion. The N2 robots that squeezed into the palace logically moved their sights to the objects they were watching.

The young man sat on the arm of an R-shaped robot. At this time, near the semi-circular window, it looked like the scenery overlooking the king city.

Carrying youth with the body or something... If the youth make this request to them, they can also agree to the task assigned by the superior.

The dozens of old robots around the youth look very close to the youth. The N-type robots that entered the palace found this, and the youth used cheeks to pick up these old robots.

These old models of robots are all patched with a different color and overall, seemingly deliberately staying.

After reading the patches that were obviously artificially hit, an N-type robot crystallized a part made of rare metal and a piece of pure energy that had been stored before. These two things are the reward items that the N-type robot got after successfully completing the task. It has not been used.

"Beep..." Near the old model robot on the far side of the team, the N-type mechanical creature reached out and handed its storage to the other side. It wanted to exchange the patch on the other side with the other party.

However, the T-type robot that received the request quickly yelled and made a move of shaking his head. He did not promise to exchange. He looked down at the patch on his body and turned his head again to look at the human youth sitting on the companion's arm.

Near the palace treasure house, Sage asked his men to take some of the treasures he had picked from the treasure house to the palace where the youth were located, while thinking about a problem.

There are still four days from the full moon festival. They seem to have to arrange it again. It’s a grand festival, but the commander didn’t give them any instructions. Is this what they want to do? ?

"The full moon festival is an important festival. We need to make the king city have a festive atmosphere. This should be a good thing for the human beings living in Wangcheng." Auxiliary Ayer participated in the discussion. And in the hall, I expressed my opinion. "It is a virtue to treat prisoners. This matter can be done by the way. I think this can be done."

The assistant officer is equivalent to the second-in-command in the city of Wang. The status is second only to Noah. The other is the chief of the human-shaped machinery currently in the place.

"Since the sir is saying this, of course, there will be no opinions under the sect." At this time, all the humanoid machines on the scene were not moving in a good position, showing good approval and obedience.

"But to change the entire Wangcheng, is it better to ask the commander first? After all, if you want to move the entire Wangcheng, the astrological side needs to be arranged..." Ansier is hesitant about this, the astrology is his own The commander usually likes to stay in the place, they all know.

It seems that it is better to ask for it in advance, in case the commander is not happy...

"Hey, let me know first, I won't go this time." Sage hurriedly waved his hand. "I have let the commander say to me twice, this kind of thing doesn't need to ask me." There will be a dead person for the third time."

"I will go, the commander should now look at the astrology." Ansell took the call, this is his question, just go and ask for it.

The position of the astrological platform is very high, it takes a while to walk up the ladder, and Ansair directly transmits the past.

"Commander, there is one thing to ask for." Just after the completion of the transmission, Ansaire accidentally discovered that his commander did not watch the eternal flower as usual, but looked at the water. mirror.

However, the water mirror that was condensed with magic was swayed at the moment of his arrival. When he came into contact with his own commander, Ansier lowered his head and said something to be asked: "For the full moon festival, subordinate After some discussion and discussion, it is considered necessary to arrange the Wangcheng accordingly. At that time, the astrology station, which is the most prominent building in the palace, will need to be changed. Do you allow it?"

The figure standing in front of the eye slightly moved the eyebrows, there is no mood swing in the beautiful pale gold, but the masters of these eyes did not let the long-term cold sight of Ansier, and soon gave a blank expression. Answered.

"Yeah." Noah's single tone was as cold as his line of sight, and his voice was calm.

It became.

The heart was dark, but Ansair did not express this joy. Before leaving the astrology, he suddenly thought of it and asked: "Commander, what did you observe with water mirror?"

Although only a short moment, Ansair felt that his commander had been observing the mirror quite carefully. I don’t know if something important happened...

"The movements of all ethnic groups." The humanoid weapon with a light golden cymbal is very cold, and the face of a beautiful and beautiful **** reveals a purely cold, "the elf family began to repair the holy land."

It is a self-contained commander who always holds the battle. After thinking about it in the heart, Ansier quickly followed: "Before we send troops next time, the elves will not be able to completely repair the defenses in the territory. Even if the accidents are fixed, it will destroy us again. It is not difficult, the commander can rest assured."

The failure of the Sage mission is only a special case, and this situation will not happen again for the second time.

After finishing this paragraph and being allowed to retire, Ansier left the astrology. Arranging the entire Wangcheng is not a small project. He has to mobilize the team and he is now working.

And when there is no second person on the astrological stage, the humanoid weapon on the high platform will re-enable the element to recall a small water mirror.

Putting his eyes on this water mirror, Noah's eyebrows are still cold, his face is still expressionless, but he has not removed his sight from this water mirror.

Among the water mirrors, a young human figure is clearly visible.