MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 54 Qi Ling (19)

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I heard that the spirits who had come close to the front answered ‘know,’ and Gu Huai still had no reaction. At one time, she was passively bent down by the other side to kiss him.

Really know? Doubt about this, Gu Huai silently looked back at his lover, he can still remember how to teach each other in the last world.

Lovers in the last world understand the mating of the tail as intertwined with the tail, so even if the other party replies that they know, Gu Huai can not help but think about whether the other party will have any new insights into the cave.

In fact, the same problem, the two seasons pity was extremely euphemistically told Xie Tao two days ago, while the latter did not answer with a blank expression, actually was asked to fall.

Knowing that the Lord's Lord is only half-baked about the customs of the human world, and that the feelings are always indifferent, the season will only specifically ask the other party.

"The cave room is... double repair." The tone is very firm, although there is actually a difference between the two, in order to allow the self-respecting master to understand the 'dongfang' in a short period of time, the season pity chose A vocabulary related to cultivation.

When it comes to cultivation-related matters, the talent is amazing, such as Xie Zhen, it is natural to understand, although the double repair is a range that Xie has never touched in the past, but this does not affect him to learn it in a short time.

"I have studied the exercises two days ago." Xie Wei put the boy sitting on the bed unconsciously and occasionally shaking his legs and lying on the bed. It would not be wrong to do it according to the double repair method. So this is the current In this position, Xie Wei lowered his head.

Practice? ? Gu Huai squatted, but the fine kiss on the side of the neck made him slightly tightened his body. When he was bitten by the throat, Gu Huai could not help but scream a single tone, "Hey."

make a mistake……? Hearing the low-pitched snoring sound of the young man underneath, Xie Hao suddenly stopped the action of this bite, and squinted back and kissed the boy's lips.

Although it is doing things related to desires, at this time, Xie Wei’s cold and beautiful face still carries a kind of abstinence beauty, and the movements of kissing the younger lips are also very simple.

"Oh." I didn't want to understand which step I was doing wrong. Xie Yu hesitated, so I didn't have the next move.

The result is still half-understandable... I feel that the people above are obviously filled with caution and temptation to kiss, and the editor has some helpless expressions.

However, there is still progress compared to the last world, at least the other side knows that they have to do their homework in advance.

"It's not that I have studied well." I have already guessed that this method is mostly a double-practice method. Gu Huai coughed and turned too low. He said with a low voice: "...Continue."

This shame is much lower than that of the previous world. The editor has basically accepted the setting that his lover has always been very simple in this regard.

It’s normal to have a desire for a person who likes it. However, the appearance of a teenager’s wedding dress is in the eyes of Xie Tao. The beloved treasure is decorated with beautiful packaging, and now he needs to remove the complex and beautiful decoration from the treasure. open.

No need for decoration, just the treasure itself is enough to look good.

Since tens of thousands of years since the monastic practice, Xie Tao is actually in a strange state to this feeling, but the treasure has already shown a particularly beautiful posture in a position close to himself. Xie Tao is in the treasure of love. Occasionally, the low-pitched whine continues to accomplish the goal of unity.

Double repair is a cultivation method. In the realm of comprehension, there is no shortage of monks and monks. When double-education, the one who is high is helpful to the one who is low, so in some respects, double repair is indeed a good way to improve the cultivation.

It is the same as the last world. In the process of achieving great harmony in life, the lover repeatedly tossed it for one night. Gu Huai was so tired that he was too tired to turn around and fell asleep. When you are on the top of the day. In the moment when he woke up, when he was conscious, Gu Huai discovered his own cultivation as a realm.

The real fairyland -

The current customs clearance value is 55%. After the robbery into the immortal, each level of improvement is a 5% clearance value. According to this calculation, Gu Huai estimates his cultivation as a saint. At that time, the customs clearance value should be 75%.

Even if you change a world, Xie Tao and Yalves' behaviors are still similar. For example, the next day when the partner is taken into the abdomen, he will wake up early in the morning to stay in the still sleeping partner. Next to it, the eyes are focused on watching.

There are still many unseen traces of white skin on the neck of the juvenile neck. Xie Yan reached out and held the waking teenager into his arms. He lowered his head and used the cool and soft lips on the traces left by him. I touched it, "Oh."

Probably called the feeling of satisfaction, and discerning his own feelings, Xie Tao came to this conclusion.

He has lived for a long time, longer than all the creatures in this world, and is tens of thousands of years old. But most of these tens of thousands of years have no meaning. What is meaningless is that he has not waited until he thinks that he needs to wait.

I have a person who wants to wait anyway. Xie Tao had this vague idea long ago. This idea is unfounded, but it has been lingering like instinct.

Wait... When you wait, give something to each other.

What kind of person I have to wait for, what is to be sent, neither question is known, but Xie Tao knows now.

"?" There is a cool and soft touch on the neck. I remembered the double joy caused by the double practice method last night. Gu Huai originally shook the body slightly, but noticed that the lover seemed to be extraordinarily serious at this time, he could not help but First cast a doubtful look.

"I want to wait for Ah Huai, but also give flowers to Ahuai." Under the eyes of the teenager, he whispered this sentence. After Xie Tao finished speaking, the corner of the lips was followed by a slight bend. Light curvature.

It is certainly impossible to say that it is not moving. Gu Huai squatted, waiting for this word to let him think for a moment that the other party remembered something.

And Xie Wei thinks that the young boy who holds him probably can't understand why he has to wait. After all, this is just a vague idea of ​​his own, so he quickly shifted the topic: "Before the 10th stone in the turbulent situation As witnessed by Heaven, Ah Huai and I really became a Taoist."

"Ten Shishi?" Gu Huai asked, this should not be something similar to the Sansheng Stone in his original world...

After that, Xie Tao’s explanation is indeed similar to that of Gu Huai’s imagination. It is a stone whose legend is the marriage of the Secretary. If the monks on the side of the Thousand Worlds want to be a Taoist with the people of the heart, they need to be witnessed in the tenth stone.

If you say this, his family seems to be the first to get on the bus and then make up the ticket? Imagine that both of them have not officially become a Taoist, but they have already doubled their experience. Gu compiled and could not help but give birth to this idea.

Tiandao’s testimony is very important. Gu Huai naturally does not oppose the other party’s statement. After the general retreat, he and the other party arrived at the embarrassing situation.

Shishi Shi is in the place where the river is closest to the coast. This area is not big, but the crowds are very lively. The monks who came here are basically directed at the Shishishi.

The same is true for those who are happy with the heart, and the vows that everyone has made under the testimony of Heaven are not the same.

The monk made a vow to the gods, and witnessed by the heavens. The vows made can not be changed, and those who violate the vows will be countered by the corresponding degree. Therefore, many monks are very cautious in making a vow. After all, it is possible to repair it as a damage, and it is possible to repair it into a total waste and even destroy it.

There were not many monks with the same priests to squeeze the position, waiting for the most crowded and busy time of the 10th stone, and Gu Huai took the sleeves of his own lovers and walked together.

The vows are mutual, and it is generally the two people who have consulted before and come here to witness the heavens, but Gu Huai does not know this. To be precise, he only knows that the Taoist priests need a heavenly testimony, and he does not know that there is a need to make a vow with the Taoists.

Xie Tao did not mention this matter. Standing with the young man in front of the 10th stone, with the ability of the sage, he began to lead the pledge.

"Xie Wei only likes Ah Huai." The vows made are only constraining themselves. Xie Xiaowei bowed his head. "Unless you are eliminated, there is no change."

But if you can have the next life, it is said that it is the Shishishi, but there is no ability to define the marriage of the tenth. Xie Tao is not satisfied with this.

Although on this point, Shishi is actually very innocent. The monks who have been robbed into immortals are not in reincarnation, that is, there is no such thing as the next generation, they will have a day of demise, but the long years of eternal life can be regarded as eternal life for mortals.

It seems that as long as I agree with myself, I will become a Taoist. Standing in front of the 10th stone, I felt some kind of invisible power around me. Gu Huai stretched out his hand to hook Xie's tail and swayed and swayed.

Obviously knowing that there will be no next life, Xie Tao is still low and low after opening the head of the boy. "The next generation will also send flowers to Ahuai."