MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 65 White chessboard (ten)

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It is also a person who is obviously wearing a school uniform like everyone else, but who stands out from the crowd. From the moment when the dark-haired teenager outside the classroom walked up to the podium, the classroom that was still full of whispers was like a sudden silence. Afterwards, many people’s eyes on their new classmates were obviously heavier. Curious and interested.

The appearance is not a type, it is difficult to distinguish who is better to see... Look at the juvenile on the stage, and then look at the class leader sitting in the back seat on the left side of the classroom. Some students in the class started the two. Difficult comparison.

"This new look is a bit nice. The position of the old university grass is not enough to be shaken." Shaoyang, who is tall and tall, is squatting at the end. After thinking about it, is it necessary to give this new classmate a chance?

The other party must be stuffed by the class teacher into the only empty seat in the class, that is, the seat adjacent to their boss. They have to teach the other party to converge on words and deeds. Don’t mess with their recent temper. Good boss.

Although their boss is not a bad student who likes to fight in the traditional sense, it is also a bit unrelenting for the other party to pick up people. Especially when the other party's mood is violent, they are still going to provoke. Most of them will be miserable. Some people in the recent senior class will know.

When I got to the podium, Gu Huai saw his own bamboo horse from the bottom of the classmates. The other person’s figure at the same table was too good to find. And the other party's sight on him is too obvious. It is completely that the jail is not removed from him. It is hard to be noticed by such a direct unobtrusive sight.

Really seeing each other at a close distance and seeing it through a screen is still very distinct. It’s not far from the black eyes and the long and narrow eyes, Gu Huai’s quietly squinting at the other side, micro Bent eye tips.

Next, Gu Huai completed a simple self-introduction on the podium in a standard way. The surname was very famous. I used to read these in the school and mentioned it a little. The hobbies and the like were answered in the class teacher's question.

The teenager with a beautiful skin on the podium is introducing himself. He did not find his subtle expression on his face at the same time. Shao Yang reached out and patted the shoulder of the boss at the front of the table, and lowered his voice: "Boss, We know that you are not willing to be at the same table, or that the brothers will help you teach him the rules first, and make sure that this newcomer will not provoke you."

This teaches the rules and does not mean to do it. Shao Yang is thinking about finding a few brothers to give this new arrival together, first scare each other, then tell the other party, so that the other party will tell them what they are saying. Listen into your ears and keep them in mind.

I feel that this idea is still good. After Shaoyang finished speaking, he waited for his own boss to acquiesce or nod. However, he did not expect that the other party suddenly turned his head, and the narrow eyes were cold.

"Don't move him." The voice just fell, Shaoyang saw his own boss and slightly squinted and then added a cold, "Do not move him."

Shaoyang: "..."

? ? ? How can this thing go to him and he can’t understand it?

At this time, the position of the ribs was topped by Chu Yu with his elbows. Shao Yang saw his own table at the same table and gave him a wink. He signaled that he should quickly respond first.

"Oh... boss, you open, our brothers will certainly do it." The natural pressure of the boss when he was slightly stunned made the scalp slightly numb. After Shaoyang reacted, he quickly nodded.

This response is probably to make the other party still satisfied. After Shaoyang nodded, the former removed his gaze.

At this time, as everyone thought, after the new classmates completed their self-introduction, the class teacher took the opportunity to look around the classroom for a week, and then stopped watching in the only empty seat in the whole classroom. "It just happens that our class has been spared. Seat, Xiao Gu, you can sit there."

As the head teacher, this old-fashioned teacher with some white hair is very well aware of the situation in his class. After he said the sentence, he took the math book on his hand and knocked it on the podium. The teenager, who is the head of the class in his class, said: "Since the class has transferred new students, according to the current class size, everyone has to accept that they have a table at the same time. It is not allowed to special."

The most difficult and hard-to-learn student in the class is the young master of this Shen family. The class teacher has some headaches thinking, but the students in his class still regard each other as the boss. I don’t know how to listen to the other party’s command.

The other person’s mind is smart and the results are also very good, but they are not willing to put on a good student attitude, such as serious class or something...

Occasionally, I will hear the other person's name in the fight. Although it is heard that others are going to provoke the other party, it is not always good to fight.

After the cold field was not prepared for the students in the class, the class teacher heard a voice at that time, which was the most difficult student in his eyes.

"Yeah." Shen Yan should have a voice.

The sound of the cold texture was very clear in the quiet classroom. When I heard this, the other students who responded in the class cleverly followed up, "know the teacher."

Between the classmates and the class teacher's dialogue, Gu Huai has walked down from the podium, and a path goes straight to the back row on the left side of the classroom, standing in front of the teenager who has been watching his eyes silently.

This time the other party is embarrassed... Looking at this scene, most of the classmates in the class are thinking.

The students in the class silently observed the development of the matter at this time. Although their boss just echoed to deal with the class teacher, it does not mean that they are really happy to accept a table.

The other side did not take the aisle to the seat of the door, but chose to walk the corridor with the second group. Now, unless they are willing to get up and give up this new table, the other party can't enter. The other side went to the side of the seat and had to go round the other side, which is very embarrassing.

However, in the next second, in front of everyone, the sinking that was sitting in the corridor position stood up. Not only stood up, but also sat in the inside position, and gave the original seat to the teenager standing next to him.

Class students: "..."

"Yeah, get along well with the new classmates, this is good." The class teacher was so pleased that the student who had his headache finally had the time to give him face.

Reassuring, the mood of the class teacher connected to the class was particularly good, and it was not the same as the two people who had just become the same table. The class teacher thinks that it is for the two to establish a relationship. If Shen Yan is willing to bring the other party to play, he will not have to worry that the new students who have transferred from Beijing will be excluded by the class.

Every day, people who are obsessed with their hearts appear in front of their own eyes without any warning. This feeling has a very strong impact, so Shen Jin is still staring at his new desk at the same time.

It is no longer necessary to see through a screen, but the distance that can be easily touched at a close distance, although it is still not completely out of the low pressure of the unilateral termination of contact for a week, this continuation The low air pressure coiled around the sinking is now half-baked.

"This week, I didn't deliberately ignore you. It was because of military training. The mobile phone was confiscated by the instructor, so this situation will happen." The other party still silently looked at himself without asking, Gu Huai Has been rushed to explain at the beginning.

The low pressure on the other side is quite obvious even if it is scattered. If you expect to see your own bamboo horse as the expression of this slightly eyebrow, Gu Huai did not hold back his fingers to poke the other's cheek. Although the baby's fat in the early years has faded, the other's cheeks are still very good.

The action of cheating cheeks is a cover-up. I didn’t want others to discover it. This action ended extremely quickly. After the poke was over, I wanted to take back my hand. At this time, Gu Huai felt that his wrist was caught.

"Ahuai." First thought of the name, Shen Shen decided to look at the teenager in his neighborhood, "Is it not going, can you see it in the future?"

Although the appearance also carries the sense of youthfulness of young people, but after the high heights and long facial features, the face of Shen Yu can now be described by Jun. The eyebrows are cold, with a natural power, and when they reach adulthood, the feelings of the other person will be more like a natural power.

Although the teenager was clearly transferred to school, Shen Yu still wanted to hear the expected answer from the other party's mouth, so that he could feel at ease.

"Don't go." Gu Huai nodded, and then added another sentence: "The holiday is still going back to Beijing to see Grandpa."

Just like when I was a child or a young group, I won’t let go of my own hand. Now I’m still not letting go of the person’s wrist, but like something that is easy to escape. Buckle.

Of course, this scene is not on the desk, but hidden under the table.

"Grow up to find you." Repeated the promise of childhood, Gu Huai coughed, indicating that his own bamboo horse should let him go.

"Hey." A single tone, sinking into the lower lip, did not let go.

The above things are carried out in secret. There are basically no other people in the class. The reason why it is basic is that Chu Yu and Shao Yang, who have been paying attention to the development of the situation in the back row, have heard the dialogue between the two.

What is the relationship between the two people for the time being, not to mention, let Chu Yu and Shao Yang fall into a messy state is a stack of words they heard in this conversation.

Hey... Who is this calling? ?