MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 13 : Our girl Ah Fu also has it?

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Eleven didn't notice Xie Cheng's strange expression at all, and continued to whisper, "When the old lady came to your place, the subordinates went around the mansion and asked all the people they saw, and there was no one who didn't like Jiang Fu. of."

"Second Young Master and Miss are even more fond of her. They are very close. They give her all the delicious food and drink first. How can there be such a perfect person in the world."

"It's so perfect that everyone in the general's mansion likes it. Either there is no city mansion at all, or the city mansion is too deep!"

"She must not be simple!"

"It's still the general who can see people clearly!"

After he babbled a lot, Xie Cheng finally lowered his eyes and glanced at him.

Xie Cheng's eyes were completely cold. If it was someone else, he would have been too frightened to speak, but Eleven seemed not to notice, and continued, "General, she can't stay in the house."

Xie Cheng didn't speak, his eyes were lowered, and his black eyelashes covered the emotions in his eyes.

This Jiang Fu is too wicked.


the second day.

Many guests came to the General's Mansion, Eleven thought they were here to visit Xie Cheng, but saw them hastily put their things in Gui Ranju, and then left, when they asked, they all went to Jiang Fu.


It's outrageous!

Is this really General Xie's mansion?

This should be Jiang's mansion or something, they are the guests of this mansion, right?

When they left, what happened in the house?

Jiang Fu is really not a human, but a vixen, right?

Eleven didn't believe this evil, and clasped his hands in Xie Cheng's bedroom, "General, I'll go to her side to see what kind of monster she is!"

Xie Cheng obviously didn't want to talk to him, and waved his hands a little irritably.

Eleven looked as if he was going to die, and said with a face full of death, "Your subordinates must live up to the general's expectations!"

Xie Cheng raised his eyes and glanced at him, but he didn't think he was Jiang Fu's opponent.

Eleven ran over, and when they arrived at Jiang Fu's yard, it was bustling inside.

Xie Yao's voice was the loudest. He put his hands on his hips and yelled at the young prince of An Guogong's family, "Bah! Sister Ah Fu is mine! You line up at the back!"

Another childish voice sounded, louder than Xie Yao's voice, "What! I don't want to line up, why should I line up! I am the eldest son of the Duke of Anguo's mansion! Sister Ah Fu will have a lot of money to spend when she marries me !"

A certain bully immediately retorted loudly: "Our Xie family is also very rich! The emperor has rewarded us a lot! I also have a lot of money to spend for Sister Ah Fu!"

Although the other didn't know what a prince was, he still raised his face and shouted at Xie Yao: "But you are not a prince! I am a prince!"

"What's the matter with the son!? I will be a general in the future! A general can kill the enemy on horseback!" Xie Yao objected, "The general is much more powerful than the son, sister Ah Fu must like the general more!"

"My son is amazing!"

"The general is amazing!"

"Shizi! Sister Ah Fu likes Shizi more!"

"General, general, general! Sister Ah Fu likes general more!"

Before the eleven people entered, they vaguely heard two children arguing for several rounds.

"Hey, Master Eleven, why are you here?" The maid in front of the door smiled and looked at him in surprise, "But what's the matter with the general?"

Eleven: "...Yes, a lot of people came today and gave away a lot of things. The general doesn't need them, so let me give you some."

The servant girl was even more surprised, "Our Miss Ah Fu also has it?"