MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 351 : Provincial gossip affecting girls and generals

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Ms. Guo and the others stood together and suddenly opened their eyes wide.

In an instant, the quiet needle drop could be heard in the hall.

Several women stood together, as if struck by lightning.

They subconsciously looked at Zhao Heng, who was standing in front of the big sapphire case, writing, hoping to see a look of anger on his face.

The bright yellow figure standing in front of the big sapphire case paused, holding a pen and looking at Jiang Fu who was drinking tea.

The cup of tea was still in Jiang Fu's hand. She was holding the teacup, and a trace of confusion flashed across her fair and well-behaved face. She didn't care about Zhao Heng's sudden stop. Instead, she put down the exquisite teacup and looked at Miss Guo and the others. , surprised and bewildered:

"They, chew my tongue?"

Zhao Heng walked over from the front of the big case with a pen in his hand, his slightly gray face tightened, and he nodded solemnly, while nodding, he stood beside Jiang Fu and turned to look at the few who had been shaken to their senses The unclear woman, with a somewhat fierce look in her eyes, looked like she was protecting the calf.

Seeing his expression, the noble ladies turned even paler.

The one who was the most shocked was Ms. Guo. She squeezed the veil tightly and looked at Jiang Fu and Zhao Heng in disbelief. Her whole body was so stiff that she lost the ability to move.

Isn't she just a plaything given to the emperor by the Xie family? How could the emperor treat her like this...

No, this is not right, this is different from what His Highness said.

It's not like this, it shouldn't be like this...

The emperor has never been special to anyone in the palace before, no, no...

Zhao Heng couldn't speak, so Jiang Yingxiu could only speak. Jiang Yingxiu, who was wearing a python robe, was standing on the other side of Jiang Fu, holding a dust whisk in his hand, and said, "That's right, these young ladies are chatting in the Yunzhi Pavilion, and they happen to be comforted by Anle." The princess heard it, if the princess hadn't asked the mother-in-law to go to the mansion to teach them the rules, the emperor would not have known about it."

Jiang Fu sat there steadily, raised his eyes to look at Zhao Heng who was standing beside him.

Zhao Heng was still holding a pen in his hand, and his expression was still not very good, but he still showed a flattering smile, as if to say, I found out, I was the one who specially summoned people into the palace for admonition , how am I doing, am I doing well! ?

Jiang Yingxiu pursed her lips, and continued to pass on the message for Zhao Heng, and said in a reproachful tone, "The emperor would not summon people to the palace if he just said a few words. It's too outrageous, the emperor has no choice but to call people in, so as to avoid rumors that will affect Miss Jiang and General Xie."

Zhao Heng held the pen, raised his chin slightly, and nodded solemnly, indicating that Jiang Yingxiu was right.

"Affect me and the general?" Jiang Fu raised his eyes and asked.

The hearts of the noble ladies standing with Miss Guo are beating like drums, what does this mean! ?

Didn't the emperor mean to take Jiang Fu into the harem?

But the Xie family clearly...

Do you really want Jiang Fu to be the mistress of the Xie family with such an identity? ?

"Isn't it!" Jiang Yingxiu said, "There are rumors that the emperor wants you to enter the palace to be a concubine. This is completely unfounded!"

"Such rumors are outside, how much it affects the relationship between the girl and General Xie!" Jiang Yingxiu sighed, "No, the emperor specially asked some ladies to come into the palace to admonish them, otherwise it would hurt the girl and the general. heart of!"

Jiang Yingxiu's tone was very calm, but what he said was very exaggerated, giving people a sense of psychedelic. Those who didn't know thought he had been poisoned, otherwise why would he say such words.

However, Zhao Heng not only did not show the slightest displeasure when he heard these words, but also nodded in agreement, as if that was indeed the case.