MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 357 : to help people up

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The way they looked at Jiang Fu changed again and again.

Complex and surprising.

It's really surprising that they let them go like this, and didn't punish Ms. Guo severely for wanting to stand up for Princess Anle.

Zhao Heng stood there, his expression not looking well.

When did he do such a thing?

After finally wanting to stand out for others, she is still like this, she has never been so aggrieved in her life!

Could it be that Jiang Fu didn't want to detoxify him, that's why he didn't accept his punishment to punish them?

What's the matter with this person, oil and salt don't get in.

He couldn't beat him, and he couldn't buy him. Would he have to suffer like this for the rest of his life?

I get up on time to eat every day, and I only eat a few dishes. After eating, I not only have to walk outside, but also listen to them talk about opening a school, and read and write...

Since he came to the throne, no one can control him, and he hasn't read much.

In these two days, I really read all the books I haven't read in the past two years.

After suffering so much, Zhao Heng was really wronged.

His complexion was extremely bad, and there was a terrifying aura all over his body, as if he had reached the verge of anger.

The faces of Jiang Yingxiu and the little eunuchs in the palace changed, why did the emperor suddenly change his face, hasn't he been fine these few days.

His current expression is exactly the same as the expression he used to have when he indiscriminately killed palace people in the bedroom.

Before Guo Manying and the other ladies had time to thank Jiang Fu, they sensed a dangerous murderous aura rushing towards them.

The yellow figure of Daoming stood there upright, his face was pale, his lips were pale and there was almost no blood, but he was imposing.

Those eyes seemed to have been tempered by thousands of years of ice, and they were filled with infinite coldness, as if one more look could cut them into pieces.

Zhao Heng closed his fingers slightly. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he gradually lost his mind.

I don't know who was the first to plop down on the ground in fear, bent down and cried loudly, "The emperor spares my life, the emperor spares my life, my daughter knows my mistake, my daughter knows her mistake..."

"My daughter should not talk about the princess of the county indiscriminately, my daughter knows her mistake, the emperor forgives the sin, the emperor forgives the sin!"

It was a woman in pink clothes, she seemed to be terrified, she knelt on the ground and kowtowed while crying.

Crying broke the tranquility of the dormitory.

Maybe it's because the sleeping hall is so big, it seems like there is an echo, and the sound is filled in everyone's ears, endlessly.

Zhao Heng took a deep breath, and the raging emotions finally calmed down a bit.

This is the reaction that a normal person should have. Such an old girl, who is like Jiang Fu, is not only not afraid when she meets him, but also poisons him in front of so many people.

After being poisoned, he said solemnly that he would relieve him of evil and torture others. Without her, how could he be so fierce! ?

Jiang Fu frowned and took a look, then said in a deep voice, "Go and help him up."

Those young ladies have never seen such a battle before, it was their first time to face the saint, and the one in front of them was notoriously violent.

Who dares to make trouble in front of him?

Therefore, for a while, no one dared to reach out to help him up.

Zhao Heng was still staring at them, and they didn't dare to raise their heads, let alone help them up while he was under his eyelids.

Jiang Fu saw that none of them made a move, looked sideways, got up straight away, walked through the crowd, and helped the crying girl up.

The woman who was lifted up by her was named Chu Weiyu, her face was full of tears, she looked at Jiang Fu in a daze, her lips and teeth quivered slightly, she was speechless.