MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 382 : The enemy of my enemy is my friend

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The sixth prince laughed from the side, and immediately stretched out his hand, covering his sister's mouth with his backhand, not letting her continue talking, he said with a smile, "Mingyue has always been naughty, I made the two of you laugh."

"If the two of you don't mind, come with us to Qilou. We have booked a wing room in advance."

"Of course, this meal is naturally invited by us."


Jiang Fu and An Le naturally went with them.

Qilou is the number one restaurant in Yandu, and the guests who can come here are either rich or noble.

So, the moment they stepped into Qilou together, someone looked sideways.

The little girl walking beside them lifted her chin lightly, her lips curled into a smile, and she grabbed An Le's clothes with her tender little hands, as if they had known each other for a long time, she looked very intimate, her voice was low , said, "It seems that there are many people who know us, princess, are you afraid?"

"Someone will tell the starling later that we have dinner together."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. If you tell me, tell me. Whoever I eat at the same table with has nothing to do with him." An Le lowered her eyes and turned to the little girl beside her, with a calm and clear voice, said, "Isn't this just what the princess wants?" .”

The little girl grabbed the corner of her clothes, blinked her eyes, "It's as I wish, what does the princess mean, I don't understand."

"If news of me going in and out with the princess and His Highness the Sixth Highness reached his ears, he would be furious." An Le said, "Isn't this just what the princess wanted?"

The little girl blinked her eyes again, hooked a small corner of her clothes with her white and tender hands, and shook it gently, with a naive and childish look on her face, she said, "Hey, the princess has already guessed it." Ah, since you guessed it and came with us, doesn't that just prove that we are together?"

She grabbed An Le's hand, raised her fair and childish face, and said with a smile, "An enemy's enemy is a friend, Princess, and we will be friends from now on."

An Le: "?"

She lowered her eyes and took a look, holding her big white hand, feeling absurd for the first time in her life, friend, how did she ever have such a small friend?

The child's small hands are white and tender, and they are soft to hold, but they are really too small.

An Le: "..." What a friend!

With such a difference in age, how could they be able to play together.

"Oh, what should we have for lunch." The child took her hand and said happily, "When I think of my starling's angry face, I feel very refreshed."

"On such a beautiful day, we should have some wine." She narrowed her eyes and smiled.

The sixth prince who was walking on the other side of her lowered his eyes to look at her in a timely manner, and said calmly, "What kind of wine do children drink, don't drink it."

"I'm not young anymore." The little girl raised her eyes and stared at him, "If it wasn't for me, how could you have dinner at the same table with the princess?"

"How can you form an alliance with the princess?"

"Zhao Xu, you can't be ungrateful in life."

Jiang Fu: "?"

An Le: "?"

The two looked at each other, and both saw the bewilderment in each other's eyes.

What alliance, when did they form an alliance?

The sixth prince looked down at the little girl, and said in a cool tone, "Zhao Ying, you are seven years old."

"Yeah, I'm only seven years old this year. I've already done so many things for you, but you don't even want to give me a pot of wine. On such a happy day, it's really useless to be a brother!"

Read The Duke's Passion