MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 393 : It seems that she is the servant of their family

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The Eighth Prince gritted his teeth and stared at her, his eyes were extremely scarlet.

If it was normal, seeing him like this, An Le must have started to feel distressed.

But now when he sees his appearance, he only feels happy in his heart, and even feels that it is not enough. He also hopes that he will be more miserable.

"If Your Highness has nothing else to do, then we'll leave first." An Le stood in front of him, smiling slightly as the wind blew past her ears, blowing her broken hair, her face was elegant and calm, with a shallow smile, It's like nothing happened.

Seeing her like this, Zhao An became even more angry.

He walked away without looking back, and got into the carriage angrily under the eyes of everyone.

The curtain of the carriage was slammed down, making a loud noise in the silent street.

There were people on both sides of the road, but no one dared to speak, no one dared to make any sound.

They stood aside, making eye contact, while reaching out to push and pull the people beside them, signaling them to leave quickly.

Those people were dawdling, looking at An Le with various eyes while walking, and seeing her expression as usual, they were filled with sighs in their hearts.

I really didn't expect that.

His Highness the Eighth Prince is so angry, Princess Anle can still stand here indifferently, smiling slightly, presumably he really gave up on him.

It's really rare.

Chi Ti stood between the carriage and An Le and hesitated for a while, then looked at An Le with complicated eyes, stepped forward and said, "... Princess~ Your Highness is really angry this time, if you don't want him..."

"I just said it." An Le looked at him and said, "I've already figured it out, and I won't run after him again from now on."

"You don't have to say any more."

Chi Ti's complexion changed slightly, he looked at An Le and slightly pursed his lips, and said, "Princess, please excuse me, Your Highness has made a lot of concessions this time, not only took the initiative to go to the Prince's Mansion, but also waited for you in front of the door , and today I specially picked a gift, but I didn’t see you when I came to the door, but I still had a polite talk with Prince Qing and the princess.”

"Originally, he wanted to wait in the Prince's Mansion until you returned, but he heard that you were having dinner with His Highness the Sixth Highness, so he came to Qi Lou in a hurry."

"If the princess really lets go, then it's good, but if she doesn't let go, it's the same old way, and the subordinates even persuade the princess to accept it as soon as it's good. You should pay attention to a certain degree if you want to get hard."

"You also know, Your Highness, he..."

"I know, you go back." An Le didn't want to hear him continue talking, she raised her chin slightly, looked past Chi Ti, looked at the gorgeous carriage behind him, and said calmly.

Jiang Fu and the others were still standing there waiting for An Le, and several people looked at Chi Ti one after another. Chi Ti could not say anything else, so she could only lower her head and respond softly, "Yes, I hope the princess can weigh in. Know exactly what you want, but don’t wait until later to regret it.”

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head slightly, nodded to An Le, turned around and left.

An Le stood there looking at him, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and her eyes were full of sarcasm.

This imposing manner, as if he is the high princess and she is their servant.

After Chiti returned to the side of the carriage, the gorgeous carriage began to move.

The carriage passed away in the dust, and the people on it didn't open the curtains, as if they were out of breath.

Seeing that they had finally left, Zhao Ying couldn't help blinking, raised her head and said with a sweet smile, "Congratulations to the princess, I think Quan Yandu will know about the trouble today before the sun goes down." .”

"From then on, they can no longer put those ugly words on your head."