MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 4 : I've seen a lot of women like you

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Xie Cheng, who was leaning there, straightened up suddenly, and looked at the little girl standing at the door.

The little girl was wearing a pale crimson dress, and the narrow sleeves embroidered with cloud patterns fell on her snow-like wrists. On her wrist was a clean jasper bracelet without any impurities. With a gold collar, she was standing quietly at the door holding a tray.

Against the light, Xie Cheng couldn't see her expression clearly.

However, she could vaguely see the bracelet and collar she was wearing.

If he remembered correctly, the bracelet and collar belonged to grandma, so he just gave it to her?

The girl standing upright in front of the door nodded lightly, speaking in a warm and soft voice, like a clear spring in a mountain stream, light and graceful, she walked in slowly, as if she didn't hear what Xie Cheng said just now, "Grandmother asked me to send some fruit To the General."

Upon hearing this, Xie Cheng tilted his body again, raised his chin slightly, and smiled at Jiang Fu, "Grandmother? What kind of grandmother is she?"

The little girl didn't approach, she raised her hand and handed the tray to Eleven, her eyebrows and eyes slightly lowered, her voice was still the same as before, warm and soft, calm, "Grandma told me to call me that."

"Hey." Xie Cheng looked at her thin figure, raised his face and said, "Didn't you hear that I brought a woman back this time, and I will marry her, you better not wishful thinking..."

Standing there, Jiang Fu suddenly raised his eyes, the sockets of which were slightly red, as if he was about to cry in a second.

Xie Cheng stared into her eyes and hesitated for a moment, and instantly forgot what he was going to say just now.

After a brief moment of astonishment for two seconds, Xie Chengcai frowned, and his tone was deliberately more fierce, "Don't cry, this general annoys women crying the most."

Eleven stood aside with his things in his hands, glanced at the little girl who was about to cry, then at Xie Cheng who was leaning on the couch, opened his mouth to say something, but finally stood there without opening his mouth.

The general didn't like women at all. He never had a maid to serve him since he was a child. He has reached the age of marriage but has no intention of getting married. Every time he comes back, the old lady will arrange a marriage for him. Fortunately, he just let him meet The noble lady of a similar age is doing well now, she directly took her home, the general must feel unhappy.

And he hurt his leg this time, so he was in a bad mood.

It would be better for him not to be too helpful.

Eleven looked at Jiang Fu silently with his things in his hand, his heart was full of sympathy, why was it so miserable, it was just in time for the general to be in a bad mood.

Jiang Fu lowered his eyes, seemed to sniff his nose lightly, and nodded, "I see."

After speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Xie Cheng leaned there and squinted his eyes, speaking lazily, "Jiang Fu."

Jiang Fu paused, and turned his head with red eyes.

She had thought about Xie Cheng calling her name many times, but when he called out these two words, her heart still missed a beat.

The man leaned there, his pitch-black phoenix eyes met hers, looked at her with a half-smile, and said unhurriedly, "Grandma will be deceived by you when she is old, and younger siblings will be deceived by you, but I don't care." meeting."

"I've seen a lot of women like you who are harmless on the surface but deep in thought."

"I just can't stand up in my life, and I won't marry a woman like you."

Standing in front of him, Jiang Fu could clearly see his sharp jawline. She looked away, lowered her eyes to look at her own toes, and nodded, "I understand, General."