MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 404 : How many sins have you committed?

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"I don't have it! I don't have it! I'm the prince, my father's child, how can I miss that little money?" Zhao An knelt there, raised his sleeves that were stained with ink, and pointed to the door Loudly said, "It's all that woman, it's all that woman insisted on giving it to me. If I don't give it to her, she will chase me every day. She will go wherever I go, like a madman!"

"If I don't follow her, she will miss my business. My son has been tricked by others. Father, you have to be the master of my son!"

While talking, he lowered his head again and kowtowed.

While he was saying these few words, Jiang Fu watched the black qi around him gather in one direction, turning into a **** clump.

The black mass looked huge and dark in color, as if it could swallow people up in an instant.

Jiuqu was also startled, and leaned back involuntarily, as if a little scared, his voice was very low, "How many sins have you committed..."

He rarely saw such a **** group.

The most bad thing others do is a small black spot the size of a fingernail. Zhao An looks even more exaggerated than Zhao Heng.

This made Jiuqu a little curious.

How many evil things did they do to gather so much black energy?

He closed his eyes and twisted his fingers, as if he was trying to figure something out.

The longer the time, the deeper Jiuqu's frown became. Finally, he opened his eyes and said solemnly to Jiang Fu beside him, "It's not normal, he's not normal."

"If I'm not mistaken, there are evil spirits around him."

"Evil spirit?" Jiang Fu turned his head and asked, "Does it mean that everything he did was related to that evil spirit?"

"No." Jiuqu looked at Zhao An who was begging for mercy, shook his head and said, "It's not because of the evil spirits that he did bad things, it's because he did bad things that he attracted the evil spirits."

"His anger, anger, jealousy, resentment, and all bad emotions are the food that nourishes evil spirits."


On the other side, Zhao Heng reached out and smashed something again.

The moment Zhao Heng threw the thing down, Jiang Fu saw that the black air around Zhao An moved slightly.

Zhao Heng glared at Zhao An, pulled out a pen again, and wrote angrily on the paper.

After finishing writing, he raised his hand and threw it down.

The piece of paper fell in front of Zhao An, and he looked down at the words on the paper, his face lost all blood.

"Father actually wanted to copy my house." Holding the piece of paper, he looked up at Zhao Heng with a bit of hatred in his eyes, "I am Father's own son, and Father actually copied my house for such a trivial matter." Family?"

Zhao Heng was so angry that he almost wanted to pick up the inkstone at hand and smash him to death. It was a trivial matter to lose such a big face! ?

So what counts as a big deal?

Is it a big deal to lose Yandu and Xuanwu? ?

Zhao Heng was so angry that his heart began to feel stuffy. When it hurt, he put one hand on the sapphire case and the other hand on his heart, his brows furrowed tightly.

Seeing that he was wrong, Jiang Fu quickly got up and took out a small bottle, took out a pill from the small bottle, and picked up the tea beside him, "Eat it."

"You witch, what are you feeding my father!" Zhao An knelt on the ground, looked up at them, and was about to get up immediately, "Father, don't eat what she gave!"

How could Zhao Heng listen to him? He took the pills Jiang Fu handed over, took the teacup and ate it by himself.

After taking the medicine, the pain in his heart did not relieve immediately, but Zhao Heng felt as if a stream was lying in his throat, and his throat was much more comfortable. He coughed twice, and Zhao An, who rushed up from the bridge, couldn't help it. live, ""