MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 8 : You look like you, it really doesn’t look like you grew up in the border

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Xie Yao, who was sitting beside the old lady, straightened up slightly, and the rich black color smudged from his eyes, like a stone falling into a calm lake, causing circles of ripples.

He lowered his eyes, his thick black eyelashes drooped down, and he fiddled with the collar hanging on his chest with his small hands, not knowing what he was thinking.

After Qi's mother went out, the curtain in front of the door was lifted, and Eleven came in with a slender woman. The woman followed behind him, wearing a light blue skirt, with a plain cloth on the front of her black hair. The silver hairpin is on the arm, and the rest is neatly draped behind the head. The eyebrows are far away, and the skin is very fair. It doesn't look like it has been exposed to the wind and sun all day.

The servants who were originally serving in the hall went out with the dishes on the table and passed by Liu Niang, none of them raised their heads to look at her.

Xie Min sat beside the old lady and looked at her calmly. The little boy Xie Yao on the other side also raised his head slowly, and happened to meet Liu Niang who looked up for a second.

The woman froze for a moment, the people around General Xie were right, this young master of the Xie family was indeed astonishingly beautiful.

Especially those eyes, black and white are distinct, with a little indifference in their purity, but they can't be moved away no matter what.

But just for a moment, Liu Niang raised her eyelids and looked at Xie Min and Jiang Fu who were sitting on the other side.

Finally, he fixed his gaze on Jiang Fu.

This is the Jiang girl that Xie's letters often talk about, right?

The old lady fell in love with Xu and wanted to be the general's wife?

A trace of disdain flashed in the woman's eyes. She didn't look very good, and her background was not good. There was also a father who was addicted to gambling and a younger brother who was addicted to gambling. How could the old lady like such a person to be the general's wife.

If so, then she...

The old lady of the Xie family sat in the middle, her eyes fell on the woman, she frowned imperceptibly, but she didn't say anything.

Eleven walked in front, so naturally he couldn't see what Liu Niang looked like behind him. He walked to the dining table and bowed his head slightly to salute, "Hello old lady, hello eldest lady, and second son."

After a short pause, he noticed Jiang Fu beside Xie Yao again, smiled slightly, and said politely, "Hello, Miss Jiang."

At the end, he straightened up slightly, turned his head and said to the old lady, "Old lady, this is Miss Liu."

Liu Niang took a deep breath, bowed her head and walked forward, imitating Xie's maid and saluting, "Hello old lady, hello eldest lady, and second son."

Having said that, she paused for a moment, a little bit reluctantly, but she still smiled and said, "Hello, Miss Jiang."

They are not from good backgrounds, she is not inferior to her in appearance, she still saved the general, why can she sit there and accept her ceremony?

Liu Niang was unwilling, and the smile on her face was a little stiff, looking a little unnatural.

Xie Yao looked at her with a half-smile, and said softly, "Did you save my elder brother at the border?"

Liu Niang raised her head slightly, with some strange eyes in her eyes, why is the second son of the Xie family so big, and his voice is still like this, it sounds like a three or four year old child.

Xie Yao saw the strangeness in her eyes clearly, and immediately changed his face, and his words became less polite, "You really don't look like you grew up at the border. Could it be arranged by the enemy country?"

Jiang Fu who was beside him was startled, stretched out his hand to gently pull him, and whispered, "Yao'er..."

Xie Yao looked at Liu Niang with black and white eyes, still looking aggressive.