MTL - The Last Apostle-Chapter 13 Confuse

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It turned out that when this big man talked to him, the other two men took a short break and started to rescue their companions. However, their movements were very reckless. It seems that some basic first-aid common sense is not available. When moving the injured injured chest, At that time, one person looked up, and one person raised his feet. . . . . . When Du Yuqi stopped improperly, he immediately realized that the unlucky guy who had been lifted moaned painfully, and a lot of blood spewed out of his mouth.

As soon as he saw this, Du Yuqi knew immediately that the injured person was bound to get worse. As soon as he lifted it, most of the ribs with broken chests pierced into the lungs, and he hurriedly yelled to stop them.

You know, Du Yuqi was a junior student of a famous medical university, and his father was the director of the emergency department of the top three hospitals, and his grandfather was a doctor of generations. He is well-known and respected in the local area, and he also runs a private Chinese and Western medicine Clinic, mother is the nurse inside.

Therefore, Du Yuqi has been helping in his own clinic or the emergency department of the hospital since he was free from high school. His parents also felt that he should have a good skill and planned a career path for the doctor in advance. Therefore, a car accident, a knife injury, and a fall It ’s not uncommon to hurt anything, and the clinical experience of various first aid has been very rich. Even acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine have been taught a lot by public officials. Although not everything is fine, it is really a door to the door.

The two big men did n’t know what Du Yuqi meant, but it was n’t a good thing to see the brother who carried him spraying blood directly. It was a hurry to stop. Du Yuqi rushed straight up and started to deal with the injury after a little inspection. The injured 'physical fitness can be said to be amazing, so let it go.

Next, Du Yuqi cleaned the airway for the injured person, punctured and ventilated at the intersection of the second rib and the midline of the collarbone, fixed the cervical spine, bandaged the blood, and circumscribed the bone. A series of measures came in handy, like a textbook.

And the expressions these people around looked at were dull, "Although I don't know what you're doing, they seem to be terrible", so Du Yuqi's help was also willing. After Du Yuqi finished processing, they suddenly realized that their injured companions looked much better, and all of them showed joy.

After Du Yuqi was busy, he wiped his sweat, drank a few sips of water, and was about to explain some precautions. As a result, he found out these people and then did something, and took out something that seemed to be a potion. Du Yuqi gurgles the wounded, and Du Yuqi has not responded that the potion has been imported, and it is too late to stop it.

This time it was Du Yuqi's turn to be stunned, because several wounded patients quickly improved significantly after being infused with the drug. The broken hand was originally too bleeding and unconscious, and his face began to change. It became rosy, and even woke up, and the other two were able to speak.

"This ......... what's the situation ?!"

In Du Yuqi's cognition, even after undergoing their own emergency treatment, these people at least need surgery, and then they must be hospitalized for three or five days to recover to their current condition, but now it is only a few minutes Nei recovered, and it was also beyond the scope of his common sense.

At this time, a talented person came to greet Du Yuqi, and after some introduction, I learned that the self-introduction of the mage's appearance was the ice division division Zhou Yang. The two-handed axe was the priest black axe, and the one who used the totem pole to fight was The priesthood, called Lu and Yang Rai, the unlucky egg that broke one hand was Mecca the mechanic.

Obviously, Du Yuqi's distinctly different dress also made him the focus of attention. Just when Du Yuqi was tangled about how to introduce himself, Zhou Yang, the ice division teacher, looked at him a few more times and suddenly realized:

"I remember, he is the soldier that Ming Xi summoned from a different dimension at that time!"

At this time it was Du Yuqi's turn to stay, but others did not notice it, Zhou Yang was explaining to the people next to him:

"You also knew the situation at the time. It was very dangerous. Lord Lina was seriously injured and fled. Our defense was also in danger. Ming Xi she joined the rest of the summoners and jointly exhibited the ultimate trick: summon Casillas, but This summoning circle seems to be able to perform only if it is raised to the rank of the Queen of the Moon, so there seems to be some trouble. It should be that Casillas has failed to call, but the summons contract has been concluded spuriously. "

"At that time, I was helping Ming Ming to stabilize the magic turbulence next to Ming Xi. I saw the image of the response to the call in the magic mirror after the conclusion of the contract. Although the image in the feedback magic mirror was a bit fuzzy, your outfit was too obvious. I won't admit it. "

Looking at the blank expression on Du Yuqi's face, Zhou Yang quickly judged the truth with his rich experience:

莫 "Mr. Fei, UU Reading Are you still being called for the first time?"

"What ... I was actually called, then, am I not a summoner !!! And what a priest is ?!"

Du Yuqi felt that it was very difficult to accept the truth for a while, and was even more confused about that title.

But after some explanation, he understood it. At this time, it is clear that it is no longer the earth, but on the rest of the plane. The person who can exercise the healing function here is called the priesthood, so he is called Du Priest, in fact, has the same meaning as Dr. Du on the earth.

However, after a while, Du Yuqi immediately thought of a very important question, and immediately asked Zhou Yang with three points and three points and three points excited:

"You just said, I was called, then ... what's the time to call?"

Zhou Yang has not spoken yet, and the black axe beside him is already laughing:

"Of course you priest, where you are from, you will go back to where you are. Is it necessary to say?"

"I can go back? !!!" Du Yuqi's eyes lighted up at once, and he hurried to continue asking.

However, the questions he pursued seemed to the others to be common sense questions, similar to someone who kept asking you, "Primary school or college?" "Is there a girl in a nightclub?" The answer is really a bit impatient.

However, fortunately, Du Yuqi was fighting alongside this group of people, and the unique healing methods he showed before are also quite amazing, so they all have to answer questions.

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