MTL - The Last Apostle-v6 Chapter 131 Evacuation

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Often wronged:

"The horns of this gray hair minotaur are excellent materials for alchemy. I also saw a large piece of golden bezoar, which is a very rare material, and I saw that they were full, and I wanted to collect it. "

Du Yuqi choked and said:

"No wonder, these guys are very protective animals, and they have amazing appetites. Don't look at them now they seem to be full, but after a few more minutes of rest, they can smoothly digest the food previously eaten and roughly extract it. At the same time when the nutrients are out, you can excrete the dregs and continue to eat, so you can eat three times their own body weight in just four or five hours! This way, you can last for ten days after one full meal. "So if you touch their food now, you will definitely be hit hard."

I often heard Du Yuqi's words and stuck his tongue out, but looking at the body of the gray hair minotaur was still very eager. Du Yuqi said he was speechless, but he also knew the mood of this madman. Negotiations, because Du Yuqi thinks that the horns and bezoar are very precious in human eyes, but it is probably a waste for the bloodthirsty cat demon, otherwise, the **** tooth guy should occupy the first time.

So Du Yuqi went to discuss with Bloodfang, but Bloodfang said that it would n’t even count on this kind of thing, because the sacred things like food were obtained by everyone, so you must work with the other two bloodthirsty cats. Demon discuss.

Du Yuqi suddenly thought:

"Speaking of which, I also participated in the siege of this gray hair minotaur, so I also contributed, and naturally I can share it together."

After Du Yuqi said this, Xueya stated that he could not refute, and after touching the head with the other two bloodthirsty cat fairies, he acknowledged Du Yuqi's right to share food. However, given respect for sacred food, Only Du Yuqi can share the corpse, and he can never touch it.

So Du Yuqi then had to cry and laugh, and then obtained alchemy materials from the ox carcass under the guidance of everyone. Fortunately, the materials cut by Du Yuqi, such as horns, bezoars, eyeballs, etc. belonged to There is no article in the eyes of the bloodthirsty cat demon, or it is a pity to discard the tasteless food, so the cat demon doesn't care.

After taking care of these things, Du Yuqi went to see Jeter again, and found that he was already curled up and fell asleep. Every time after checking, I told Du Yuqi that this is a protective measure of his own. It should be a new ability obtained by combining the power of the mutant tara stone. If Jeter can get some precious medicines at this time, Then it can even stimulate its own potential to regenerate the broken limb.

After hearing this, Du Yuqi suddenly turned his eyes on, and after a while groaning, he asked about what happened after the laboratory remains separated. At this time, he often told Du Yuqi that when he and Xi re-entered through the teleportation array, they quickly There was a loud noise from outside, it should have been hit by the rising light, and then there were several expressionless ghost swordsmen wearing standard armor, searching for them, and these ghost swordsmen Looks exactly the same!

In this case, once the other party searched and saw someone, they immediately started to attack. After killing the two ghost swordsmen together, several expressionless strong men soon appeared. These strong men were amazing in strength. Almost everyone has the power to awaken. In front of these people, the left-behind were almost completely defeated in an instant, and a very rare strongman appeared among them: the Voidwalker!

It was this void walker who shot directly, and then branded a very special mark on Jette's body, which caused Du Yuqi's call to Jette to fail repeatedly. Fortunately, according to every induction, this mark is not permanent. The energy above It is constantly draining, so it will be completely annihilated in two or three days.

Fortunately, these powerful men should have other goals. They seem to be more concerned about the ruins below, and often find that someone seems to be laying an ambush, so the manpower to chase them is not strong, the purpose should be to The eviction was the main reason, so they escaped. At this point, it seems that these mysterious people are mostly the behind-the-scenes organization of Orgy, and the master of the replica Trick, the violent hunting group! !!

After hearing this, Du Yuqi felt a chill in his heart. Could he have entered the siege ring of the violent hunting group when he returned to the ruins by himself? So why didn't they launch? But let yourself go?

With this in mind, Du Yuqi's whole body suddenly shocked. Obviously, this group of people did not come for themselves. They did not launch a trap, of course, because the prey they wanted to plot was approaching! And the object they want to plot is already out of doubt. It is the steel fortress flying from the sky! !!

As soon as this happened, Du Yuqi felt that there was some confusion in his mind, and he wanted to sort out his thoughts.

There is no doubt that the group of violent hunting team first knew that there had been a change in the test site of the Birmak Empire. They came to investigate, and they should know some details. Therefore, they directly attached great importance to it. There are strong men like Olgi.

However, the danger here was completely beyond their expectation, so after repeated setbacks, they sent in reinforcements.

At the same time, the changes in the test site of the Birmak Empire also shocked the major forces on the Arad continent. The Zero Organization also quickly came over as if they smelled the foul smell, which is reasonable.

The intelligence channel of the riot hunting group is estimated to be very well-informed and ahead of the zero organization. This can be seen from the fact that they can start the deployment of the Bilmark Empire Proving Ground in advance. Therefore, the operation of the zero organization was actually detected by the riot search group and then violently The hunting team is undoubtedly extremely domineering, so they simply laid it out, and set up the first hand to get rid of the zero organization and then say that this trick is really terrible!

After clarifying all this, Du Yuqi only felt that the situation at this time could be said to be extremely confusing. Fortunately, according to the remarks, Huize and Holmes should not be a big problem when they run separately. As for the evening She didn't see it, but her alertness was not a problem.

"Then the most urgent thing is to send Jeter and often to a safe place ~ ~ It is foreseeable that the Zero Organization is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and they have obtained a lot of resources in the Sealed Land of Canterwin. It makes it even more powerful, even if it is a big loss here, but it is definitely a fierce counterattack, it is better to wait and see for a while! "

After making up their minds, Du Yuqi planned to withdraw first. At this time, they can also see a river from a distance. After comparing the map, they can see that they can flow down the river at most three times. Ten kilometers, you can merge into the tributary of the Neyton River, and then drift for a long time. Below is a small town called Pirowa.

This small town called Pirowa is not very loud by name, but it is the intersection of two very important commercial roads, and it also produces a very important material locally: thick leather, the quality is the entire Arad The crown of the mainland, there are at least a dozen leather manufacturers around the town, and they emit thick black smoke all day.

This small town can be said to be full of goods and extremely prosperous. Although it is called a small town, in fact, it can be regarded as a large city, and the tax officials here are relatively loose, and the management is also quite loopholes. Avoid the high taxes and fees charged in places such as Huttonmar and the West Coast, so it is more inclined to trade here, because even if you earn a little less here, you can make up for it in terms of tax rates.

Du Yuqi's goal is this town of Piwaro, where Jet should be able to get the best treatment and recovery, and he has successfully collected enough medicinal materials to restore his limbs. This is beyond doubt. He heard Du Yuqi's plan The unconscious Jet and He will certainly not oppose. The only problem is the bloodthirsty blood cats, because Du Yuqi promised bloodthirsty. After his help, he found a companion and helped it hunt the rest of the bloodthirsty cats. Demon