MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 72

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The voice stopped abruptly.

Yue'an looked at Ji Xiu'an, and then looked at the person sitting opposite Ji Xiu's, with a plain face wearing a disguise.

Ji Xiuyu turned his head to look at Yue'an sitting next to him, took the cleaning gadget on the table to clean the ice cream on Yue'an's hand, and carefully checked Yue'an's hand again.

Although reasonably told him that Yue'an could not be scratched by this type of tableware, Ji Xiuzhen took it seriously and really determined it.

The man sitting opposite the two, Ji Xixiu, looked at Yuean again, and then came out with a stunned expression.

He seemed to understand something, and showed a "really sweet" smiley face to Yuean Zhan, and then lowered his eyes and kept silent.

Yuean: ...

and many more!

What do you understand!

no! !!

This is not the case! !!

Hao An didn't feel anything special about Ji Xiu's move at all. Yuean's fingers twitched slightly and hesitated for a few seconds, but he still couldn't escape Ji Xiu.

When Ji Xiuyu let go of him, Yuean murmured, "It's all right."

Ji Xiuyu nodded, and added a bunch of desserts and cold drinks to the ordering instrument, and then turned to look at his informant and motioned the other party to continue.

This informant has been working with Ji Xiuyu disguised as an arms dealer for a long time. Most of the time, Ji Xiuyu came to meet with him alone, exchanged information and obtained paper information before leaving.

In the past, they often met in dimly lit nightclubs, which were easy to hide.

When the informants touched the secret code and saw this very hot dessert shop on the planet S18A01, they were a little bit suspicious whether they had seen something wrong and caused the wrong place.

It seems that the decision to meet here is probably because of the person around him.

In fact, this informant is still not very clear about the identity of his boss, and he knows with his toes that he must be wearing a disguise.

But the boss, just give money generously, what the real identity is is not something to be concerned about.

"It just so happened that when my people just arrived near the Death Triangle, they happened to see the ships of the Phoenix Star Thief out of it."

The voice of the men was very low. They were sitting remotely. There were a lot of people around. The bustle and noisy just covered their voices. Only the three people who were close together could hear clearly.

Ji Xiuyu asked directly: "Who is the leader?"

The informant shook his head: "Sorry."

Ji Xiuyu didn't mind skipping the topic, and asked again: "Heading?"

"It should be heading to the wormhole leading to the thirty-second star area," the informant replied.

Ji Xiuhuan heard that he didn't speak for a while, but just reached out to the informant, asked for the paper information, and gave the other party a anonymous magnetic card commonly used on the black market.

The subtext for paper information is the per-customer order.

The informant was very knowledgeable about watching and watching. He accepted the magnetic card with a smile, handed the paper materials to Ji Xiu'an, and then stood up without hesitation.

After he left, it happened that the service robot delivered a snack just added.

Marshal Ji looked at his cat with a smile on his face, and ate a small dessert, as if he didn't take the matter of the Star Thief into his heart at all.

"Do you have anything to say?" Ji Xiuyu asked.

Yue'an turned his head and licked the powdered sugar from the corner of his mouth: "Are you targeting that star thief?"

Ji Xiuyu nodded: "Yes."

"Nothing special to say." Yuean poked a piece of fruit and shook it in front of Ji Xiu'an. "I have promised you to wait for things over here to go there."

Marshal Ji thought for a while and then shamelessly understood the meaning of this sentence as "you are more important than that".

Yue'an did not know what Ji Xiuyi was thinking, and if he knew, he would not deny Ji Xiuyi's idea.

Ji Xiuzhen is indeed more important than that.

Because there may be no more monsters familiar to Yue'an, and Ji Xiu's importance is undoubted for Yue'an.

Basically, in addition to their immortality and special ego, they are habitually used to pass along the word "fate".

"If they really want to find me, they will definitely come over or give me a message." Yue'an waved his hands and felt that he was particularly chic.

In fact, if Yuean said he was leaving to find the Star Thieves Group, Ji Xiuyu estimated that he could not refuse to touch him.

Every time Yuean said that he would not go alone, Ji Xiuyu always felt relieved.

"I'm not referring to this." Ji Xiuyu first corrected Yue'an's brain hole, and then reminded, "Your planet is on the boundary line of the thirty-second star area."

Because it happened to be on the boundary of the star area, it was simply named the planet of the thirty-second energy vein.

The transfer letter signed by the little emperor is this planet.

Yue'an choked a piece of fruit again, his cheeks bulging, and a very obvious blankness appeared.

——Because he never looked at the transfer document at all.

The reason is simple.

Ji Xiuyu gave it to him, can there be fake? !!

So Yue'an didn't see it and didn't know much about it.

Ji Xiuyu reminded again: "That star thief group is dedicated to grabbing the energy vein planet."

"..." Yue An was incredible, "Can they rob me?"

Ji Xiuzhen also raised his hand and cut a piece of fruit with a tableware, and ate with Yuean, saying, "What if?"

just in case?

It was really flooding the Dragon King Temple.

Yue'an seemed to remember this time that he was a monster and that the Phoenix Star Stealing Group was probably his kin.

"There is no way." Yuean bit his fork and frowned, "I can't leave you."

When Marshal Ji heard this, his eyelids jumped, and he quickly answered, "Yes, no."

Yuean: "..."

Yue'an watched Ji Xiu'an silently for a while.

Ji Xiuyu rarely had such a response before.

Yue'an is not that right about people and things around him, but he is not stupid.

After getting the few rune papers from Ji Xiuyu, and running a melee with him alone and driving me to an unmanned star field to try out a thunderbolt, Ji Xiuyu's original unhurried pace accelerated instantly .

This step refers to Ji Xiu's behavior of slowly and comprehensively penetrating himself into his world.

Yue'an is a feline with a very strong territorial consciousness. He certainly noticed it, but he was not ostracized by this gentle method.

To put it bluntly, from the perspective of Yue An, if Ji Xiuyi can practice and the life span problem can be solved, then it will be Ji Xiuyi who is by his side.

Not to mention, just because Ji Xiuxun is so good to him, Yuean feels that it is very appropriate to have Ji Xiuxi to accompany him every day.

If step by step goes slowly, Yuean knows that he will definitely accept Ji Xiu's.

Including his feelings, as well as other aspects-these are not a big problem in the eyes of Yuean, who is doomed to have a long life and difficult to roll over.

But recently Ji Xiuyu suddenly became full of aggressiveness and oppression, which caught him off guard and even made an act around Ji Xiuyu.

Yuean pursed his lips slightly, half a moment, and asked, "What are you anxious for?"

Ji Xiuyu was asked a moment, some did not respond.

"It's at least nineteen years," Yuean said. "What are you anxious for?"

Marshal Ji thought for a while, and understood what Yuean meant when he came over.

He wanted to say that there is still less to say that the nineteen years can get along slowly, so don't worry about it at this time.

——It must be that Marshal Ji recently pressed him step by step.

"Because ..." Ji Xiu paused for a moment, then said, "Life is short and fun in time."

The expression of Yuean's face was inexhaustible: "..."

Do I look like such a perfunctory cat?

With that said, Ji Xiuhuan didn't believe himself.

He knew exactly why he had suddenly become urgent recently.

He himself was thinking a little bit to make Yuean inseparable from him, rely on him, and get used to him.

Ji Xiuyu's ideal emotional model is a natural stream of long-term companionship, like his parents.

But since the expedition, a series of things have made him feel a very clear dividing line.

Two worlds.

One belongs to humans.

One belongs to the monster.

One after another appeared people who belonged to the other side of the world. Originally, there was a patience of Ji Xiu, and an indescribable sense of crisis suddenly rose.

For example, in fact, he has always been very worried that Yuean suddenly told him one day that he had to take the lead in the death triangle.

Although Yuean had said earlier that he would not leave alone, this idea was the same as he knew that Yuean would not be scratched, but he had to check it carefully before he felt relieved.

Ji Xiuyu is not an absolutely sane person.

He understands the truth, but he just can't control himself.

Especially for the first time in the emotional enlightenment, such uncontrollable emotions are like the Mars's withered grass, "coaxing" it will burn violently, and the pressure cannot be suppressed.

What's more, he wants to pursue Yue'an, and his life is almost a cross in front of him.

Every time I think about this problem, I feel more and more severe.

Marshal Ji sighed silently, brought the ice drink in front of Yue'an, and took a sip of the right to be physically calm.

Marshal Ji, who calmed down, was silent. Suddenly, as if he realized something, he looked up at Yue'an, who was eating a small dessert.

its not right.

Ji Xiuyu thought.

Let him take it slowly, round it up, isn't it already accepted?

Yue'an turned his head to glance at him, swallowed the soft dessert in his mouth, and shook the fork in front of Ji Xiuyu's eyes.

"Do you like immortality?" Yuean asked him.

Ji Xiuyu watched him without speaking.

"If this is not Fairyland." Yuean raised his chin and looked proud, "Permitting you to waste my forty years."

The author has something to say: Yuean: Is rounding so used? !!

Ji Xiuyi: No, the more accurate rounding should be that we two have applauded for love.