MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2900 Dharma

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After Ye Futian left the Celestial Realm, he went to the land of the original realm, the Three Thousand Dao Realm, and he came to the lowest level of the world of Kyushu.

He came outside an academy and heard the sound of reading loudly. He saw that the teenagers were practicing, and the teenagers were seriously studying the method of practice, but these were really important. Ye Futian only understood it when he cultivated to the present state. Everything is Dharma, and the end of practice is also connected.

Since there are other universes, how can the method of cultivation be the same?

In this world, the world’s spiritual practice starts with the soul of life, and having the soul of life is a symbol of talent. If you have the opportunity to practice later, otherwise, you can only practice simple spells and combat skills. Will the practice of other worlds be another? kind?

For example, here is the soul of life, so can other cultivation universe worlds be the soul of cultivation of martial arts, taking the world and all things as their own soul of martial arts?

Or, is it possible to use the heavens and stars as the foundation of cultivation to create the soul of the stars?

Everything is possible, all Taoisms are connected.

The starting point of practice is not that important, and it may all end up to the same end in the end.

But, what is the end point?

Ye Futian walked on this continent, step by step, he saw the smoke in the distant village.

He walked to a cliff and saw the ocean roaring and the sun setting.

The ebb and flow of the ebb and flow, the rotation of the sun and the moon, are the rules of nature, and practice is to control the rules and order of nature, which is called Tao.

Now that he has reached this point, what he needs is to go farther and higher. What scenery is there?

Is it to control the cycle of life and death?

Or control the flow of time?

Or, as the father practices the divine power of the apocalypse, will the end of the practice be nothingness?

Ye Futian stood here for a long time, and then his body disappeared and disappeared directly from this continent. To him, it was just a thought.

Leaving the original realm, Ye Futian came to the world of Xitian Buddhism. In the Buddhism world, there is also goodwill, life and death. The Buddhas of Lingshan spread the Dharma, but they cannot save sentient beings.

When Ye Futian was walking, he saw an old friend, his mind moved, and he appeared in a place.

Looking forward, he saw a young man beaten by a group of people, his eyes were full of hatred, and that fierce gaze contained killing.

A monk walked to the young man. When the young man stared at him, he still had a fierce atmosphere. However, the monk had an indifferent expression, his hands clasped together, and his treasure was solemn. He handed the young man a book of scripture.

"Are you Buddha?" the boy looked at him and said.

The monk shook his head.

"Do you want to teach me to let go of my hatred? Resolve this grudge?" The young man asked again, as if he didn't care about the appearance of the Buddha, he just wanted revenge.

The monk still shook his head.

"Then what do you want to do?" the boy asked.

"This scripture is a Buddhist scripture. You can comprehend what you want to comprehend. If you want to comprehend the power, you can get it from it. If you have resentment against the previous being, then you can fight back after you get the power." The monk said.

The young man was taken aback, his vigilance was reduced a little, and he looked at the monk with some curiosity and said, "This is not the way of Buddhism."

"What is the Buddhist way?" the monk asked.

"Isn't that putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha?" the boy said.

"The wicked can put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha. Isn't it too unfair for a good person?" said the monk, and the boy scratched his head: "It seems reasonable."

The monk smiled again and said: "In fact, this sentence is not understood in this way. Putting down the butcher knife is to let go of the attachments, delusions, worries, and pains in the heart, and to become a Buddha on the ground means to take refuge in Buddhism."

"So that's it." The young man seemed to be calm, but he listened very seriously.

"Then why did you let me call back?" the boy asked again.

"Buddha says cause and effect. They beat you as a cause. If you succeed in your practice, you will be an effect. What you do to them becomes a cause. What you will encounter in the future is an effect." The monk said.

The young man seemed to understand, but at this time the monk had already turned and walked away. He came to Ye Futian and bowed and said: "The little monk has seen Ye donor."

"I have seen the master." Ye Futian bowed and saluted.

This monk is exactly the boy under the seat of the Buddha, suffering meditation.

When he rushed to the West Tianling Mountain, he used Buddhism and Buddhism to learn from each other, defeated all the Buddhas, and was finally defeated by suffering meditation.

Later, Ye Futian came into contact with bitter meditation a lot in the practice of Xitian Buddhism. Although the masters of bitter meditation did not have a high level of cultivation for a thousand years, the foundation of Buddhism is extremely solid. Ye Futian believes that bitter meditation is the kind that can enlighten the Tao at once. people.

"Ye Shizhu is now the emperor of heaven, how come you have time to come here?" Kuchan asked.

"The Buddha said that Ye is a person with Buddha's destiny, and he came to ask for the Dharma." Ye Futian smiled.

Kuchan nodded: "I will follow Ye's donor back to Lingshan."

"Master of hard work." Ye Futian folded his hands together, and then the two set off to leave here.


The sacred place of Buddhism, Lingshan, is a peaceful place.

No matter what the outside world disputes, this place is still the pure land of the world, free from dust.

When Ye Futian came to Lingshan, he first visited the Buddhas, and then read the Buddhist classics in Lingshan. With his current cultivation level, he has long been unforgettable. After he got the Buddhist scriptures, he swept away his spiritual thoughts, and they were all in his mind. Naturally, I won't read it like before.

When he left the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, Kuchan was cleaning outside. Seeing him come out, he smiled and asked, "Does Ye donor have some insights?"

"The Dharma is profound, but it's just a matter of looking at the flowers. If you want to feel it, I am afraid that it will take a lot of time to immerse in the Dharma." Ye Futian said: "How does the Kuzen master think about time?"

"Time is the past, present, and future." Kuchan said: "The past heart is not available, the present heart is not available, and the future heart is not available. All three minds are not available. All dharmas are empty after all."

Ye Futian knew that this statement came from the Buddhist scriptures. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

It means that everything is empty, the past has passed, and now the moment you want to grasp it is already in the past, and the future is the same.

"A night's dream can fly for a hundred years. What is the time?" Ku Chan continued to speak, referring to a person's dream state. In a dream state, a dream may be a hundred years, in a dream, and even passed. However, This dream may only happen in a short period of time.

"Thoughts." Ye Futian said.

"Goodness." Kuchan nodded and said, "There is no thought, and time is gone. There is a colorless realm in Buddhism, which is also the meaning of interlinkage. Back then, His Majesty Donghuang also felt the Buddhadharma and combined his own divine power to enlighten Dao and feel. With the divine power of Apocalypse, the ultimate of Apocalypse is nothingness. The so-called nothingness is the same!"

Ye Futian nodded and saluted the painful meditation: "Thank you for the master's teachings."

"Knowing is easy and doing is hard, you and I both recite the Dharma, but if you want to realize it, it is easier said than done." Suffering Zen Tao.

Ye Futian nodded his head with deep conviction. If he knows he can realize, then everyone in the world will be able to reach the end of his practice!