MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2919 Cintiq Legion

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Ye Futian concentrates on practicing, there are monsters under his control in the outside world, and he will know if there is any major event.

After leading the army to sweep all sides for three months, the battle of the six realms gradually disappeared from the previous violent. Although the six realms are still in the flames of war, it is much more peaceful than before. The invading three realms dare not want to kill. NS.

Time goes by, decades of years are like a flick of a finger, of course, this is the time in Ye Futian's world.

On this day, Ye Futian in the small world sat cross-legged. On a sacred mountain, he was radiant and radiant. He exhaled and breathed in and seemed to have infinite vitality. He exhaled heat and made the sun hot, and he spit out a cold breath. The moment of breath makes the chill enveloped the world, and every move, even breathing in and out, seems to be able to affect the operation of this universe.

The sound of his heartbeat seemed to turn into the pulse of the universe. When he was in his state of mind, the universe would move smoothly, and when he was angry, the whole universe would be turned upside down.

Ye Futian has been quietly comprehending this state, immersed in it, as if breathing with the universe.

On this day, Ye Futian finally opened his eyes and took a deep breath, without having to perceive the whole world, everything was printed in his mind.

Now, he is the entire world, and the entire universe is him.

"Seventy years!" Ye Futian murmured. He actually spent 70 years in this retreat and practice, plus a hundred years have passed.

Of course, 70 years, the outside world is less than a year.

But in Ye Futian's world, it has already turned upside down.

Since the outbreak of the war, the previous 40 years, plus the current 70 years, more than a hundred years have passed. Before the outbreak of the war, it was also decades of practice. It is conceivable that there will be many changes.

Even if Ye Futian recruited the practitioners in the small world during the three months of war, and merged into the major legions, his realm was improved and he became a new force in the eight legions.

As for those core figures who have already set foot on the path of God, the realm is getting stronger and stronger, and a group of emperor realm figures have emerged in the small world.

At this time, in the outside world, Ye Futian's body sitting there is equally radiant, releasing a brilliant divine light, as if he is no longer a'person', but the incarnation of Tao, even in the boundless void. It makes people feel small, as if he is sitting there, which is the absolute center of this world.

"Om!" At this moment, Ye Futian opened his eyes, and the divine light from his pupils shot out, causing the space to oscillate with unstable and violent fluctuations.

"There has been no movement for so many years, has the human ancestor returned?" Ye Futian secretly asked, although it hasn't been long in the outside world, the human ancestor must have been practicing and is ready to return at any time. Now I don't know what to do.

As soon as his mind moved, Ye Futian's figure disappeared.


Heaven, the Celestial City, is now occupied by the strong in the human world, and there are people from the palace of the power in person. The human world has opened up the space channel and can communicate in the six realms, so that it can better conquer all realms.

Even the human world has built magnificent palaces in Tiandi City.

At this moment, above the sky, a terrifying divine light suddenly descended, and all the practitioners of the Celestial City saw it. Above the sky, a heavy sky fell, carrying many practitioners, and ancient palaces and palaces. Standing on top of Tiandi City.

"Ninety-nine Heaven!"

The heart of the practitioners of the Celestial City was beating. After the heaven was occupied, the former Celestial practitioners were like rats crossing the street. They acted extremely low-key on weekdays. Now, seeing the Ninety-Nine Heaven reappear in the sky above the Celestial City, their hearts As if being hit.

God, are you back?

The Ninety-Nine Heaven was not closed yet, and I saw an army of practitioners appearing in the sky above the Heavenly Emperor City. The auras on them were all terrifying, just like the heavenly army, and everyone showed extraordinary aura.

In the sky above this large army, there were also leaders of various legions, and practitioners in the heavens saw many familiar figures.

The black and white Wutai Tianzun is now the great emperor.

The four heavenly kings have now entered the emperor realm.

Shenzhou Princess Donghuang Emperor Yuan, the realm of the great emperor.

There are still many people, with the great divine glory flowing in their bodies, as if the gods have come to the world, the dazzling divine light fell in the eyes of the practitioners of the Celestial City, shaking their hearts.

After the war broke out for more than a year, the emperor of heaven came and brought the gods.

This is no longer one or several great emperors, but an army of great emperors.

The age of the gods will finally come.

The ancestors commanded the old gods, and the heavenly emperor ruled the new emperor.

They looked at the top of the sky, the top of the ninety-nine heaven, and a white-haired figure stood there, like the lord of the gods. He looked down at the sky below, swept toward the Emperor City, and said: "Retake the Emperor City. ."

"Yes, God."

Voices resounded through the void, and a large army led at the same time. After practicing in the small world, their worship of Ye Futian could not be added. It was the creator **** who created a complete he even ruled Time has changed the order of time.

The return of the Emperor of Heaven will eventually rule the entire world.

The powerhouses in the human world have taken out the magic weapon of transmission and asked for support.

Six armies headed towards the Emperor City, this is destined to be a war without suspense.

The gods led by Ye Futian did not take action. They have been quietly watching the battle of the Emperor City, destroying everything with a force of destruction, and the strong in the human world have been absolutely crushed.

What makes them even more desperate is that there is no support.

The returning heavenly army did not destroy the teleportation formation, as if allowing the strong supporters to come, but no one came to support it. Obviously, they also knew how terrifying the six armies here were. They came, I am afraid they would also die.

The practitioners of the original heaven also witnessed this scene. This time, Ye Futian did not leave again, but just watched the heavenly army regain the Tiandi City.

"Has the emperor of heaven been able to fight against the gods led by the ancestors?" the practitioners of the emperor city secretly asked. Obviously, the emperor Ye Futian does not intend to avoid the battle this time, and let the Ninety-Nine Heaven reappear in the heaven. He also regained the Heavenly Emperor Palace and led the great emperors back, obviously ready to go to war.

On the top of the human world, Renzu is sitting cross-legged and practicing. At this moment, he opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

"Did you prove the Dao!" Ren Zu murmured, he didn't expect that his biggest opponent would be a junior.

But speaking of it, he has been fighting each other in this vein.

From the emperor to the emperor, and now to Ye Futian, it has never changed.

Just like the previous two times, he won the final victory, this time, the ending will be the same!

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