MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1366 Unbounded King

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King of Unbounded? What a thing, it sounds bluffing.

Han Xiao raised his brows and was very interested.

If the problem here is simply a secondary dimension with weird rules, it would be a little bit troublesome, but it is actually a conscious living body that can communicate, which is much easier.

At this time, it was like being in the real deep ocean. The huge water pressure hit the sky and covered the earth without dead ends, but this little pressure only made him a little tighter and hardly caused any damage. Compared with the force field of the dragon seat, this A little strength is not even a massage, at best it feels like wearing a tights.

The secondary dimension world is very dangerous, but if it reaches the peak Transcendent A Grade level, most of the dangers are not threatened. In particular, he is still the best in the Peak Transcendent A Grade. As long as it is not an anomaly like Zhuxinglian, the problem will be fine. Big.

Han Xiao hovered in place, ignoring the pressure around him, his body remained motionless, and curiously asked:

"What are you talking about the Unbounded King?"

When the voice fell, another spiritual message came over, with a more majestic aura:

"The King of Unbounded, born in the black sky storm, rising from the outside world of nothingness, he is the lord of millions of dimensions, the hunter of thousands of worlds, and any life form stepping into the territory is a slave under the kingship!"

Huh! The style of painting suddenly became magical.

"It's okay to be forced. With such a long title, it feels like it's almost catching up with me."

Han Xiao grinned quietly.

It sounds like a powerful dimensional **** entrenched in a deep level dimension. If ordinary Transcendent A Grade encounters it, it may be life-threatening...Unfortunately, he is not an ordinary Transcendent A Grade.

As he pondered, this voice became stronger and stronger, as if a big bell was ringing in his mind, echoing with a powerful buzzing aura:

"External life forms, leave here immediately, otherwise I will expel them!"

"you try?"

Han Xiao raised his brows and mobilized the cells in his body, as if activating a series of mini-reactors, suddenly pumping out strength.

laugh! !

The golden arc banged out of the body, leaving a scorching light trail, as if it had split the surrounding Black Sea.

When he flipped his palm, a cloud of light blue ghost energy emerged from his palm, bursting out spherical shock waves, like endless waves churning out on the sea.

Although I don't know what is going on in this secondary dimension, the previous temptation has no effect, and 80% of it is not enough energy.

Because he was worried about hurting Harrison and the expeditionary fleet who didn't know where he was, Han Xiao didn't burst out too much energy to blow up the entire secondary dimension, but controlled the energy output power, increasing it steadily.

At first there was no change. The burst of energy was like a stone sinking into the sea, without causing any reaction, but after a while, the black liquid substance that filled the entire space faintly vibrated, seeming to exceed the upper limit of endurance, causing a large wave of waves, like iron The squid whiskers on the board were stirred up and rolled up.


During the shock, Han Xiao noticed that undercurrents with strong impact were rushing in, and at the same time a needle-stick-like pain was born in his brain, and he was attacked by the opponent on the spiritual level.

But to him, it was the same as tickle, the upper and lower eyelids blinked and the blood volume was full.

This piece of black liquid material is weird, making his energy perception ineffective, detecting radar failure, and unable to find the opponent, so he can only use violence to force the opponent to show up. If this is a dimensional consciousness body, then the dimensionality itself is the opponent's body, and releasing energy in it is equivalent to constantly giving others an enema, and sooner or later the other party cannot hold it.

It didn't take long for the entire space to fluctuate fiercely, as if it was about to explode the body at any time, and the mental attack that struck became weaker and weaker, already bringing painful emotions.

Han Xiao scanned the surroundings and squinted:

"Not out yet? Do you really want to be burst by me?"

When the voice fell, the pressure around him suddenly became light, and the black liquid substance shrank as if it turned into a whirlpool, and the Black Sea poured into it, as if a bathtub full of water had been unplugged.

As the Black Sea faded, Han Xiao's energy perception quickly recovered, and his vision returned to normal.

I saw that this secondary dimension was a vast white world, with nothing, like the prototype of the secondary dimension that had not yet been fully formed, and it seemed that all matter was swept away by the black sea at low tide.

And in the sky in the distance, there is a black vortex that is getting smaller and smaller, sucking away all the black matter, and is about to open the space gap, wanting to panic and escape.

"Run? Break your leg!"

Han Xiao has a big hand, one by one mechanical soldiers appeared with the mechanical arc of the lasing, and the picture was like throwing beans into a soldier.

The mechanical force that appeared released the binding force field without saying anything, grabbed the black matter and prevented it from moving, and by the way used the special space device of the secondary dimension version to fill in the space rift that the opponent had torn out.

This black liquid substance has strange properties and is not slippery, but under the control of Han Xiao’s mechanical forces, it is still set in place, turning into a high-density liquid mass, constantly changing its shape, protruding from left to right, like Struggling in general.

At the same time, mental fluctuations constantly shot around with this liquid as the center. Without the previous solemnity, only anger was left:

"External life form! You will definitely pay the price for your actions now, and the King of Unbounded will ask you for it!"

Han Xiao turned a deaf ear and asked the mechanical force to increase the binding force field. He took out a cylindrical container, like a whale swallowing the ocean, filled the mass of matter into it, compressed it into a fist-sized liquid mass, and floated in the container. A series of tiny electric arcs stuck to it, and the electric liquid trembled and it was very painful.

This is the special equipment he made when capturing the primitive power body, and he didn't expect it could also be applied to this strange substance.

After being shut in the restraint container, the liquid finally disappeared. Han Xiao knelt his finger on the outer wall of the container, curiously said:

"What are you? And, has a fleet passed by here recently, where did you get them?"

"So you want to find that group of people. It seems that you are a high-level being in the main material universe!" The mental fluctuations of this liquid are unstable and have been infected with a layer of fear, but then it turned into anger, "I'm just a hundred One of the guardians of ten thousand dimensions, they have been provided by me to the King of Unbounded, if you have the courage to find him!"

"Confession?" Han Xiao raised his brows, "Tell me all the information you know...Forget it, if you are not so uncooperative, I'll still interrogate."

Han Xiao injected mechanical force, and the container suddenly flashed and thundered, forming a miniature ionic thunderstorm. This liquid was like a bug trapped in an electric mosquito swatter, and it crackled with electricity.

After torturing for a while, Han Xiao finally pried out the information he wanted from the opponent.

This group of liquid life forms is essentially an energy field life, born from a secondary dimension of nurturing field life. These black liquid substances are the outer shell given to it by the so-called King of Unbounded. It claims to be one of the guardians of millions of dimensions. The confidant of the Unbounded King (doubtful), the name is transliterated in general, called Babu Anika, which means "erosion" and "swallowing".

Through this black matter, the Unbounded King has swallowed up all dimensions of matter and energy, transforming it into his own "territory", entrenched in this area, and there are a lot of guards under his command, stationed and occupied by him. Dimension.

Harrison’s fleet was indeed taken away by him. Through the special connection between the black liquid substance and the King of the Unbounded, the dimensional teleportation was performed and sent to the "king soil" where the King of the Unbounded was-this is Bab Aini. The main job of the guards like the card is to intercept the living organisms passing by and give them to the King of the Unbounded, which is called "giving offerings."

"Tsk, it seems that if you want to find people, you have to find this unbounded king... With Harrison's luck, I didn't know if it was good or bad."

Han Xiao stroked his chin.

He pondered for a few seconds, shook his head, replaced the mecha for Dimensional Shuttle, set the coordinates given by Bab Anika, and shuttled towards the location of the Unbounded King.


In the center of a certain secondary dimension, Harrison was floating in the air on a huge platform like black crystals, his eyes closed, as if he had lost consciousness, but his face remained painful.

A black mist of energy is connected to his eyebrows at one end, and a huge black finger at the other end, with light flowing on it.

The owner of the finger is a black entity the size of a mountain, with a human shape as a whole, with several heads and a large number of arms. At this time, he is sitting on a black throne-the king of the unbounded.

After a while, the Unbounded King withdrew the energy training, Harrison lost his floating power and fell onto the platform, still unconscious.

"Interestingly, that tree has new prey, and I can harvest a luscious soul again..."

The Unbounded King made a deep laugh, but it would only be a frantic roar in the ears of others.

As a powerful entity in the secondary dimension, the soul of a living body is a rare delicacy, but it cannot fully descend into the main material universe, only a part of its power can be projected, and the main material universe is extremely vast. Without coordinates, it can only be in the endless starry sky. Wandering in the middle, it is difficult to find the existence of life.

At this moment, he absorbed the memories of these main material universe life bodies, learned the coordinates of the three major civilizations and a large amount of information, and also learned that the famous World Tree civilization is at war with them. In his eyes, this is a harvest of souls. Feast.

Under normal circumstances, even a powerful dimensional entity like him is still afraid of the power of cosmic civilization and is unwilling to provoke it.

But if a cosmic civilization is caught in a war, then the situation is different. He still has the courage to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the fire, and it is very big.

"You provoke that tree, your end is coming soon, hehe, instead of becoming its servant, it's better to become my food... But the World Tree actually has the weakness of itself? I know for the first time."

The Unbounded King moved his body, making a rustling sound, like countless insects crawling around.

Immediately, countless eyes on his body looked at Harrison, who was unconscious on the platform, with a look of greed and desire, but he quickly held back.

"It's rare to encounter a life body with strong luck. If I eat you, my causal power will rise to a level...Unfortunately, the guy behind you is not easy to mess with. It is better to make a deal with him."

The Unbounded King looked away.

From Harrison's memory, he saw Han Xiao's figure and learned that the two sides are closely related.

For the top powerhouse of the main material universe, he has enough fear, it is precisely because of seeing the backing of Black Star that he dare not immediately eat Harrison.

The Unbounded King knows that this is one of the manifestations of powerful causal power, but he does not intend to violate it, because the violation of causal power has a high probability of incurring a price. If it wilfully eats Harrison, then the eighth achievement is the fierce achievement called Black Star. People come to the door and die endlessly.

At this moment, a group of black matter suddenly fell from the black misty air and floated in front of the Unbounded King. It contained an emergency message before Bab Anika was captured, showing that Han Xiao released energy to hold it back. A picture of the Black Sea.

"Oh? Coming so fast, it seems that this useless thing, Babu Anika, can't escape his palm, and will give out my coordinates. That's good, wait until he takes the initiative to come and find me."

Seeing this scene, the Unbounded King moved his body, changed a comfortable posture, and waited for Han Xiao to come.

Black Star is very powerful and may have the ability to threaten his life, but the Unbounded King does not panic at all.

In terms of secondary dimension exploration, the World Tree is far ahead of the three major civilizations. Although the Unbounded King and the World Tree civilization do not intersect, he knows how to deliver news to the World Tree family.

And the information he got from the memory of this expedition team contained the coordinates of the three major civilizations' secondary dimensions and various information. This was the best handle. He believed that World Tree would be happy to accept this gift.

However, the Unbounded King has no plans to inform, after all, he does not want to have too much contact with the World Tree. In contrast, he is more interested in the visitors of the new cosmic civilization of Black Star.