MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1368 Adventures and lies

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As if seeing Han Xiao’s doubts, the Unbounded King Shen Sheng explained:

"This secondary dimension gave birth to one of my children. It was quite special. When it was taken away, it was still an embryo. It has not yet formed. The dimension entities that took it are going to eat it when it matures, so I hope you Can take back that piece of secondary dimension without breaking it."

"It turns out that it's not your old...cough, let me try my best." Han Xiao coughed and asked: "By the way, what are those dimensional entities?"

The Unbounded King changed his sitting position, uttered a rustling sound, and slowly said:

"They are alien dimensional entities. I was born in this area. This area is my territory. I was originally the only dominant life entity entrenched here. There are no natural enemies or competitors. But since those dimensional entities have moved from space When I arrived here during the storm, my situation changed. They watched me and settled on the edge of my territory. I tried to expel them many times, but failed, but they couldn't help me..."

Following the narration of the Unbounded King, Han Xiao quickly understood the situation.

The secondary dimension world has an independent ecological model. Due to the uncertainty in space, the division of regions generally takes certain special secondary dimensions or overlord-level life forms as landmarks. For example, the territory controlled by the Unbounded King is a representative. The stable areas of sex, and the areas outside these areas, are just like the barren cosmic belt of the main universe, but not desolate, but full of unknowns.

This is like a separatist regime, except that the scope is too vast and the boundaries are unknown. Most of the stable areas do not know each other’s existence and do not want to be discovered by outsiders. After all, the environment here is more sinister and it is difficult to breed civilization. law.

But order will be born in chaos. There will be exchanges between a small group of stable areas. For different reasons, the names have spread out, connecting some stable areas, just like primitive tribes in the barbaric period discovered each other. , Constitute a new compound power ecology.

The King of Unbounded is a member of a complex ecology, knowing the coordinates of several stable areas, and has been in peace.

The situation encountered by the Unbounded King, in short, is that the Earth Snake met Guo Jianglong, the secondary dimension is such a big, but the other party still wants to make his own mind, so a neighborhood dispute arises.

Han Xiao obtained the data of these dimensional entities from the spiritual information shared by the other party. They are the summaries of the experience of the unbounded kings against them over the years, showing their various abilities.

However, this information has only a little reference value for him. As long as he really fights, he can get more detailed information through the panel battle information. For the unbounded king’s exaggerated description of the enemy out of past impressions, Han Xiao I didn't take it too seriously.

Although the secondary dimension world is bizarre, as long as no one reaches a higher level, the pinnacle of the main universe, Transcendent A Grade, is still an absolute predator at the top of the food chain. No matter how famous the dimensional gods are here, they are also awesome in front of themselves. Can't get up.

"I know the situation. Send a projectile to come with me."

Han Xiao's tone was casual, his body shook, and a Domination clone separated, and surging mechanical arcs gushed out of the body and poured into the Domination clone, activating the dominance descending state.

He didn't plan to leave here, the main body stayed staring at the Unbounded King, lest he had any small actions, sending the Domination Clone to solve this task.

"Well, if you don't mind, I want him to temporarily carry my strength, and it will only benefit him without harm, as a small apologize."

The Unbounded King raised an arm and waved, Harrison spun around and fell in front of Han Xiao, his eyelids trembled, and slowly opened his eyes, with a dazed expression of just waking up from a coma.

As soon as he saw Han Xiao, Harrison’s eyes quickly focused, and he slowly recalled his experience before the coma, and his face immediately trembled, revealing an expression of disbelief:

"Your Excellency Black Star?! I... Am I still alive?"

Han Xiao held down Harrison’s shoulders, sparks came out of his fingertips, and lightly made him "ouch", then he looked at the panel, then retracted his hand, and nodded lightly: "Your signs are all normal. it is good."

"I still remember that the fleet was attacked... Did you come here to rescue me on purpose!"

Harrison was immediately moved.

He still remembers the last memory before the coma. The overwhelming black tide engulfed the entire fleet. The fleet did not resist at all. He did not have time to do anything. At that moment, he thought he was finished, and subconsciously flashed in his mind that Jenny always got up. With her beautiful face and shiny forehead, her heart was filled with despair and despair.

Now when he woke up and saw Han Xiao, Harrison's uneasy heart instantly calmed down, and his fear, panic, nervousness and other emotions disappeared instantly. He knew that the black star came, which meant he was all right.

Before asking about the cause of the matter, Harrison noticed that his body turned around involuntarily and looked to the back. At the same time, a mental message sounded in his mind:

"Boy, I am the unbounded king, relax your body and mind and accept my perfusion."

As soon as he turned his head, Harrison saw the weird sight of this dimension, and the terrifying and huge body of the Lord of the Unbounded. A kind of instinctive fear suddenly rose from the depths of the soul, like the cold spreading in the bone marrow. His body was frozen instantly.

But this feeling subsided in the blink of an eye. If it were a person, Harrison felt that he might go into madness with fear, but when he thought of Black Star, a daddy-level cosmic powerhouse standing behind him, he felt an unparalleled sense of security. Dispelled all the panic inside.

Without fear, the soul of the explorer was immediately ignited. Harrison looked at the King of Unbounded, his tone of voice unknowingly brought great curiosity:

"Your Excellency Black Star, what is this?"

"He is not a thing, it is called the King of Unbounded, the life form of the secondary dimension is a waste product." Han Xiao answered casually, then patted Harrison on the shoulder, and said: "Listen to him, relax, and let it enter you Your body doesn’t hurt."

As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of the Unbounded King blinked at the same time, and then, the black mist around him seemed to be drawn, roaring towards the bewildered Harrison and entering his body.

Soon, slender black and red lines appeared on his body, like violent blood vessels, but they were chaotic and still writhing irregularly, but Harrison didn't feel any pain, he just felt hot all over.

And where he can’t see, every cell in his body is being washed and baptized by black mist of energy, making benign mutations in the direction of optimization. Although he is still a low-level superpower, his basic physical fitness is rapidly increasing. Promote.

It took a long time for the black and red lines on Harrison's body to converge on his chest and turn into a mark, which represents the contract concluded by the King of Unbounded. With it, it can be borrowed in most environments. Come to the power of the unbounded king.

Dimensional **** entities like this can project power to life bodies through a contract. This is also their main means to enter the main material universe. Some religious sects in the interstellar are connected with dimensional gods, and the imprint of the earth on Han Xiao’s body is also Something similar.

The amount of borrowed power depends on the individual strength of the contractor on the one hand, and on the level of the contract on the other hand. The King of Unbounded looks at Han Xiao’s face and concluded the highest-level contract. In a critical moment, The King of Unbounded can even take over temporarily and provide the service of "Grandpa Fighting".

Harrison was treated like this, which was completely in his light.

‘My Nima, the high level of lucky aura is really...’

Han Xiao gritted his teeth secretly with envy.

At his current level, he is already a source of luck for the lucky aura owner, because of his own existence, Harrison can turn this danger into an adventure.

If I was able to meet a backer like myself when I was weak, it would not be too cool!

It's a pity that we have reached the heights we are today, and few people are qualified to be trusted by me... Han Xiao was embarrassed.

At this time, Harrison’s pupils had turned pure black, and the King of Unbounded took over and nodded in greeting:

"I can, shall we go now?"

Han Xiao nodded, manipulated the Domination clone to take out the Dimensional Shuttle Vehicle, brought Harrison, the light flashed and disappeared.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered something, took out the container in which Bab Anika was held from his arms, and said: "By the way, I caught this guy and forgot to return you."

The King of Unbounded glanced at the container, and his eyes showed a humanized disgust, "Just keep it, and let it out after finishing the work."

Han Xiao curled his mouth and put away the container. It seemed that this group of liquid said he was the confidant of the King of Unbounded, and it really was bragging.

Dominating the avatar needs to hurry for a while, Han Xiao rises up, sits cross-legged in the air, suspended at the height of the head of the Unbounded King, and the two place them here with big eyes and small eyes.


The Domination clone set the dimensional coordinates provided by the Unbounded King, the vehicle shuttled all the way, and it didn't take long to reach the destination.

There is still a black secondary dimension, but unlike the apocalyptic scene on the King of the Unbounded, the blackness here reveals a quiet and serene breath.

Han Xiao could perceive that the energy of the entire secondary dimension flows to the same location, and in that direction, an incomplete life signal is faintly sprouting, and the entire dimension is gestating something.

"That's it, those dimensional entities have been entrenched here, be careful." The Unbounded King conveyed the message through Harrison.

Han Xiao nodded, opened the dimension barracks, summoned endless mechanical legions, and at the same time urged a part of the soldiers to join together to form a normal version of the mechanical gods, ready for battle.

At this moment, several powerful energy sources approached from different directions, and three huge figures that covered the sky and covered the sun quickly occupied the line of sight from far and near. They had different appearances. It was the foreign dimensional gods who occupied this place. The appearance brings a strong sense of oppression.

"Who is it?! How dare to disturb us... Fuck, Black Star!"

"Can't beat it, hurry up!"

As soon as the three-dimensional entities saw the mechanical gods, they turned their heads and ran faster than before.

Upon seeing this, Han Xiao and the King of Unbounded were both stunned.

He thought he was going to solve the problem with his hands, but he didn't expect that these dimensional entities would run like a frightened rabbit when they saw him, as if they really knew him.

Could it be that my name really spread in the secondary dimension world?

Han Xiao narrowed his eyes and his thoughts flew around.

——These three-dimensional entities are outsiders, maybe they came from a place close to the shallow layer... Could it be that when traveling with Emersy a few decades ago, they accidentally beat up some dimensions that didn’t consciously be light bulbs God, so it's famous? !

Han Xiao thought about the reason, but his hands were not slow, and the mechanical army immediately chased and intercepted.

These three-dimensional entities can't even handle the Unbounded King, and in his hands they are only one-sided abuse.

Han Xiao originally wanted to be a killer, but since the other party knew him, he controlled his strength a little and stayed alive.

After a violent beating, three dimensional entities with swollen noses and swollen noses sat in a row in front of him, leaving only clever.


The Unbounded King's face twitched, and the trend of things was different from what he had imagined.

The powerful outsider that he could not drive away after all his hardships, when he encountered Black Star, he would take the initiative to run away, and he could not even escape. He was caught and beaten back, which made him feel a little disillusioned.

Seeing Black Star make a move with his own eyes, while the King of Unbounded is jealous, he is also more grateful that he hasn't been tough, and the top powerhouse of the main material universe really cannot afford it.

At the same time as his mental activity, Han Xiao was standing with arms folded, curiously interrogating the three-dimensional entities.

"Where did the three of you hear my name?"

"I...we saw you kill the dimensional god..."

The three dimensional gods capable of dominating one side in the secondary dimensional world have become extremely docile at this time, and they all tell the cause and effect.

Han Xiao learned after hearing that, it turned out that these three guys ran to the territory of the Unbounded King, and there was really his reason.

These three dimensional gods were originally entrenched near the "secondary dimension shallow" controlled by the three major civilizations. Because there are cosmic civilizations expanding over there, the three had long planned to migrate.

A few decades ago, when I was traveling with Emersy, I passed through the neighborhood and beat up another dimensional god. The three saw a tragic scene, and were frightened, so they made up their minds to migrate and enter the deep secondary dimension. In the end, I came to the territory of the Unbounded King many years ago, and finally encountered a single person who planned to eat the Unbounded King before moving on.

It's just that the three of them didn't expect to be able to beat them. They wanted to leave, but by coincidence they discovered this secondary dimension that breeds special embryos. They instinctively felt that eating this life would be of great benefit to themselves, so they stayed.

"It's not a coincidence that this is a trouble."

Han Xiao's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

If this task is done by other people, the difficulty is still in line with the high rewards. The ordinary Transcendent A Grade is basically for nothing in front of the three-dimensional entities, but if it is him, he almost doesn’t even need to do it. The reputation is high. Convenience.

"Well, we told you everything we know, can you let us go..."

A dimensional entity said carefully.

"Don't even think about it."

Han Xiao refused without hesitation.

At this time, the Unbounded King couldn't help but speak, and said: "Black Star, this secondary dimension has been taken back, I will regain it here first."

As he said, a stream of black liquid material emerged from his body, trying to fill up this dimension again and transform back into his own territory.

Han Xiao was about to agree, he paused suddenly, changed his mind and said, "Don't be so anxious, I want to see what the embryo looks like first."

"My child hasn't formed yet, is this necessary?"

"I saw this phenomenon for the first time, curious."

Han Xiao replied casually, turning his head and flying towards the birthplace, the King of Unbounded had to follow behind.

After moving forward for a certain distance, Han Xiao saw a group of gray-white spheres suspended in the center of the secondary dimension, like a mist condensed together, and then wrapped by a translucent fetal membrane, a stream of energy poured in from all directions to nourish this Embryo.

In his perception, this embryo has extremely vigorous vitality, as dazzling as dozens of stars.

Han Xiao took a closer look inside, and saw that in the gray mist flowing in the fetal membranes, there seemed to be a long strip of figure that flashed away, and Yao looked like a dragon.

The Unbounded King followed and said helplessly: "I haven't been born yet, what's so good about this."

Han Xiao ignored him and raised his hand to stroke the embryo, and found that although the fetal membrane was very thin, it was very tough.

At this moment, the item introduction popped up on the panel.

Han Xiao glanced, his movements suddenly stopped, and then slowly turned his head to look at the King of Unbounded, with a smile.

"You said... is this your child?"

"What's the matter?" The King of Unbounded met Han Xiao's gaze, suddenly feeling a little guilty.

"Fuck you, no wonder you risked me to take it back for you. It turned out to be such a strange thing... Are you betting that I can't find the wonder of this thing?"

Han Xiao flexed his fingers and flicked the embryo, with an uncontrollable surprise in his playful tone, and grinned.

"Playing nine points is true, right? You almost fooled you over."

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FantasyRomanceSci-fiSlice Of Life