MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1370 Current status of potential stocks

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"...You found us a temporary ally in a deep level dimension, and also got information about the world tree's sphere of influence?"

In the meeting room of the three major civilization summits, the heads of Marbrus, Louis, and the Ethereal Sect heard Han Xiao's notice, and their eyes widened slightly.

"If it weren't for Harrison's sake, I would definitely not go there, then I would not have encountered such a good thing."

Han Xiao spread his hands, and after leaving the throne in the Unbounded King dimension, he returned to the main material universe, immediately notified the three major civilizations, and explained the causes and consequences.

Taking into account the attitude of the Unbounded King, Han Xiao only concealed the information of the snake's egg. Before this assassin's skill matured, he did not inform the three major civilizations for the time being, so as not to have troubles.

After hearing the reason, the three looked at each other, surprised and delighted.

Mabrus cleared his throat and said in a deep voice: "Thanks for your hard work. This is an important discovery of the expedition plan. Our next search operation will be more targeted. We agreed to this alliance. We will send some special envoys to The King of Unbounded approached and discussed matters of follow-up cooperation."

Although Han Xiao did not report beforehand and made the decision on his own behalf on behalf of the three major civilizations, this is a special period. As long as it is useful to the battle situation, this issue is trivial.

Han Xiao nodded, took out a list of secondary dimension coordinates, and said: "These are the secondary dimension coordinates that the King of Unbounded lent us to serve as transit outposts. A new portal entrance can be established here to change this area. Become a'shallow level', you know how to do the following things, just give full play to your rogue side, but don't push the Unbounded King too tight."

"What's your name..."

Ma Bruce twitched, but he took the list and passed it to the other two leaders to watch.

"Okay, all I want to talk about is this one, no other questions, I will go back to take charge of the training camp first." Han Xiao waved his hand.

"Wait a minute, there is one more thing to discuss with you..."

At this time, Louis stopped Han Xiao, with a rare smile on his face, and slowly said:

"The Transcendent A Grade group paid their blood and sweat for the war. After a tripartite discussion, we unanimously decided to set up a memorial monument for all Transcendent A Grade sacrificed in the war. It has nothing to do with identity, only merit.

Han Xiao's eyes moved, and he said with satisfaction: "It's not easy, you finally said something human."

Louis's smile froze, and he laughed twice, pretending that he hadn't heard the words, and asked: "Hehe, what do you think of this plan?"

"Very good, I have no opinion."

Han Xiao shook his head.

When the interception circle was fighting, everyone did not have this thought. Now that there is a buffer period of eleven years, it is suitable for this kind of thing. Although the dark clouds of war are still shrouded, at least people will not die in obscurity. The battle damage report on the Internet is still more memorable in kind, which can slightly increase the cohesion.

However, under the premise of the recovery of the sanctuary, the effect of the comforting monument is not the same as expected. The three major civilizations still do not believe that their recovery is unlimited. According to Han Xiao, the comforting monument will change in the future. As the "record list" that records the number of deaths of each Transcendent A Grade, this taste deviates from the original intention... but at least it is better than nothing.

"Since you have no objection, please tell me what we mean to all the members of the association so that you can know that, regardless of the element of the transaction, we are also humane, and we are also grateful for their help. No matter what we have in the past, we are always the same. Compatriots bred in a universe." Xu Lingjiao nodded.

"...The three of you took the wrong medicine today? How can you speak human words?"

Han Xiao glanced at the three in surprise.

Mabrus said in a bad mood: "Okay, just these things, leave yours."

Han Xiao shrugged, lifted the remote projection, and disappeared in front of the three of them.

Upon seeing this, Louis relaxed, shook his head, and sighed:

"Hey, the fellow Black Star can always bring us surprises. If he hadn't saved Harrison by chance, we would have missed this secondary dimension intelligence."

"Black Star's luck is incredible. Fortunately, he is now our teammate." Mabrus exhaled.

The three sighed for a while, lowered their heads again, and carefully studied the information Han Xiao brought back.


It didn't take much time to solve Harrison's matter, and the subsequent alliance affairs were transferred to the three major civilizations, and Han Xiao didn't have to worry about it.

After returning to the training base, Han Xiao sent a message to convey the plan of the comforting monument, and everyone naturally had no objection.

Although the original intention of the two parties to join forces is a transaction, Transcendent A Grade does not want its own merits to be ignored. The three major civilizations are willing to increase their prestige is naturally excellent, but this move is suspected to maintain their belonging to the interstellar society emotionally Sensation, so there is no touch of Transcendent A Grade.

Han Xiao checked the training situation of Natural Disaster Grade and Transcendent A Grade as usual, and then went to a mental strength training room, and found Fording who was honing his mind in it.

The song that plays directly in the soul reverberates in the room with the power of thought. It is different from pure mental acupuncture or blast of the mind. This kind of song of thought power is not irritating and makes people immersed in it, like the song of birds in spring. With vitality, soothing the soul.

But in the next moment, it was like a calm sea that instantly raged, and the gentle song of thought power suddenly became loud and sharp, as if it had suddenly changed from country music to heavy metal of death, trying to tear the soul of life into fragments. Then it was thrown into the furnace for complete destruction, and the simulated doll in the training room headshot at the same time, falling to the ground and convulsing.

Han Xiao watched outside for a while, then walked into the room, the song of Nian Li suddenly struck like a frenzy, and the magic sound entered his brain, faintly causing him to have tinnitus, but they were all isolated by his own tough mental barriers, and did not cause substance. Sexual injury.

When he noticed that an outsider came in, Fording regained his power, opened his eyes slowly, showing a smile, and jokingly said:

"Your Excellency Black Star, why are you here, and out of luck?"

"I'll make a small stove for you."

Han Xiao smiled, looked at the panel information, and nodded:

"You are a qualified person. I can feel from your thought power that you have touched the boundaries of Transcendent A Grade."

"It's just that the final sublimation does not know how long it will take to complete."

Fording did not deny, and shook his head slightly.

He stayed in the natural disaster level for a long time, accumulated a lot of experience, has touched the threshold of Transcendent A Grade, but he has not taken the last step.

At the beginning, he inherited Morningstar’s thought skills, and now he has already walked out of his own path. He spent a lot of time summarizing his skills and trying to create new genres. He can feel that when his own genre is completely formed, he can enter The final sublimation, enter the super A grade stage position.

In this regard, the soul-changing instrument has helped him a lot. This cosmic treasure has the effect of assisting him in training. It is convenient for him to study the structure of different souls, so as to develop various self-made mind attack skills and improve Own genre.

Among the five major systems, in addition to the power system, the other four systems are pairwise corresponding combinations. The magic system and the mechanical system are based on erudition and need to learn a variety of knowledge, while the martial arts and the mind force are mainly pure.

The martial arts masters have created countless schools of martial arts through the development of physical strength, and the development of soul spirit by the mind force master also created many skill systems. Mind attack and melee skills have countless “power skills”, mainly including mind and mind. There are many big branches, such as the movement system, the induction system, and the potential system, and there are various genres under each branch, just like the martial arts genre.

For example, Kesuye is best at the mind movement system, while Fording is proficient in the mind system. It is rare to see Fording use violent thought power. Most of them are mental methods. The mind force singing used by Fording is exactly The genre of this branch.

"Don't worry, you will be able to complete Transcendent A Grade transformation soon."

Han Xiao patted Fording on the shoulder. He read the battle information and knew that Fording's energy level was not far from the sublimation of Super A Grade.

"I hope I can help you at that time..." Fording sighed softly, "It's just a short eleven years. Even if I become Transcendent A Grade, I don't have enough time to accumulate it. I'm afraid it's only one in the battlefield. cannon fodder."

"You have to have confidence in your luck, and you have a soul-changing device, no one will use your basic combat power to measure your effect."

Han Xiao encouraged.

Fording does not have the exaggerated talents of Carlot [Wu Dao Wuji], but he is the only qualified person who perfectly fits the soul-changing instrument. The power of this abnormal cosmic treasure depends on Fording's own power. Entering Transcendent A Grade, the effect of the soul-changing instrument can produce a qualitative change. Although the soul of the world tree powerhouse was absorbed by the mother tree and could not be transferred completely, but in a small-scale battle, he deliberately let Fording experiment. The soul transfer instrument can tear the soul of the world tree members and cause heavy damage. Pull out all the souls, and the enemy will be killed on the spot.

After a small stove was turned on, Han Xiao left the room, replaced the emperor and teleported to a hidden place in the Black Star Palace.


After turning his eyes, he already came to a potential stimulation training room, which was filled with all kinds of cosmic radiation and huge pressure. Evans stood in the center of the room, with gentle brilliance flowing on the body surface, using the harsh The environment tempers itself.

Han Xiao opened the door and walked in. The training room immediately stopped running. Evans noticed it and turned his head to look over.

"Legion commander, what's your order?"

Evans nodded in greeting, his expression calm.

Han Xiao waved his hand, "Don't be so restrained, I just came to see your training status."

With that, he looked Evans up and down, nodding satisfied.

Han Xiao has always worked out a power absorption plan for Evans. At this time, the gene chain is very stable, and each power has been carefully selected, not many but refined, enough to cope with various complex situations, and there is basically no abnormality. Energy slots are wasteful, and the skill mix is ​​countless times better than Ability God.

At the same time, Evans also absorbed the genetically enhanced ability to speed up the cultivation speed of the power system. With his own [top power affinity and physique], the growth rate is very gratifying. After years of hard training, Evans has now reached At the high level of natural disaster grade, it is not too far away from Transcendent A Grade.

Han Xiao gave Evans a shot, glanced at the panel, and smiled: "You are in the process of transformation. It will not take long to complete the sublimation. I am afraid I will congratulate you in advance for becoming Transcendent A Grade. What are your plans?"

He doesn't doubt Evans' aptitude, possessing [Ability·Re-engraving] and [Top Ability Affinity and Physique], almost 100% can enter Transcendent A Grade, but it is a matter of time.

Evans smiled and said calmly: "If I were not for you, I might still be an ordinary person. You have been supporting me to improve my strength for decades. I owe you too much. If you don't dislike me, I hope I can stay in the Legion and pay this debt."

Han Xiao was quite satisfied with this answer. To be fair, he didn't want to let go of this talent.

Under his own correct guidance and the precipitation of the first half of his life, Evans did not fall in this short-cut ability. Instead, his heart became more and more rock-solid, which has been worrying.

And Evans has always been grateful that he activated his suppressed talent and gave him a new life, and his loyalty is probably higher than Rotaire.

Han Xiao held Evans's shoulder in relief and smiled: "Enter Transcendent A Grade as soon as possible. I will give you a gift when that time comes."

"What gift?" Evans was curious.

"Confidentiality, then you will know."

Han Xiao's eyes flashed.

When Evans enters Transcendent A Grade, he can absorb the same level of abilities. Gothe, who has been imprisoned in Time and Space Amber for many years, has a place to use it. After years of investigation, he determined that Evans is qualified to accept this Gift.

The super-high-risk ability of energy manipulation of this abnormal level must not be wasted. Let Evans take this ability and make the best use of it, so that the ability that Ability God has worked so hard to synthesize becomes someone’s wedding dress. Let him, a wicked fellow, taste the victim.

The reaction of the three major civilizations at that time is no longer a big problem. Han Xiao intends to fully reveal the practice of Ability God. Whether the three major civilizations believe it or not, it is impossible to turn their faces when foreign enemies attack.

As for Ability God's body, I believe Mingtu doesn't mind having one more macho...Before Ability God was arrested, he thought that the three major civilizations would one day release him and ask for information on the World Tree, but from beginning to end, Han Xiao did not intend to let this harm The great villain regained freedom.


The front-line troops have been blocking the advance of World Tree, and the three major civilizations have also begun to destructively develop the periphery of Glittering World. The interstellar society is panicked, but the training base is in a rare peace.

The changes in the war outside can not interfere with everyone's training plan for the time being, and the time is hurriedly spent in the training camp.

Under Han Xiao's training program to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, a large number of trainees were delighted to feel their own progress. Except for one, the rest of the trainees became more diligent in exercising.

After spending several months in training, the vower who was far away in the covenant finally sent a message saying that he had collected another key to the first sanctuary.

Han Xiao has been waiting for this moment without any delay. He informed everyone and re-entered the sanctuary resolutely. Under the gaze of many covenant members, he disappeared into the main universe again.