MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1454 Return to the body

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  In the Star League, the Margos Galaxy.

  A long and narrow space gap traverses the starry sky, cutting open the belly of the universe like a knife, and spraying endless green frenzy from it.

   Countless World Tree warships flew out of the wormhole, forming an army, turning into a dense stream of light scattered in all directions, and went to invade the stars on the star map.

  The World Tree fleet traveled extremely fast. It didn’t take long for a prosperous planet to be seen in the distance, and the planet’s defense forces had already lifted off, distributed in outer space, and were ready to fight against invasion.


At this moment, a ray of light flickered in the distance, and a huge starship draped in starlight approached quickly. The outer armor of the spacecraft was engraved with the mark of the Star Alliance. This is a rapid support force deployed by the military, and it happened to be stationed nearby. The military fortress is responsible for daily maintenance of security in the area.

In the main ship of the   Star Alliance’s rapid support force, the middle-aged commander with a vigorous temperament clung to the edge of the table with both hands, gritted his teeth and looked at the number of enemy troops that were countless times as many as his own.

   "The seventeenth and eighteenth detachments landed and immediately organized the people to board the ship to escape, and the rest... the whole army attacked! Delay time!"

As soon as the    order was issued, the rapid support force did not stop, and immediately launched an assault on the incoming World Tree.

  Facing an unmatched opponent, the Star Alliance's fleet still counterattacked head-on. This scene was very tragic, like an isolated and helpless army, enduring endless siege by countless times.

   However, tragic returns to tragic, and the hard power gap will not be shortened. Their fierceness can not stop the spread of the billowing green tide. I saw the extinct green tide without stopping, and easily drowned this armed fleet.

  The counterattack of the Star Alliance fleet only raised a small wave, and then disappeared in the endless green tide.

  The roots tear through the sky, and the thorns are inserted into this prosperous urban planet, like straws, swallowing the substance and energy inside, turning them into their own nourishment.

In this main ship of the World Tree Fleet, the Heart Tree King overlooks the planet, his eyes are gleaming, and the vast power of thought has already covered the entire planet. Hypnosis guides all life forms to give up escape, take the initiative to plunge into the roots and become A member of the world tree.

  Watching the last few Star Alliance warships exploded into fragments under the fire of the World Tree fleet, the King of Heart Tree shook his head.

  "It's just a futile struggle..."

  He turned his head and looked at the countless soldiers in the cabin, only to see enthusiasm on everyone's face, war is their best thing.

  Aware of the heart tree king's gaze, everyone raised their arms and shouted.

  "For the mother tree! For the father!"

  After Black Star surrendered the World Tree, he became the "Father God" in the minds of all members of the World Tree, and his will was above the mother tree.

  The Heart Tree King also muttered silently, and then he retracted his gaze, looking at the stars in the sky, his gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the infinite distance to lock the home star of the Star Alliance.


  Star Alliance Capital, joint meeting room.

  The atmosphere is different from the joyous atmosphere a few days ago. Now the room is a gloomy mist, full of fear, despair, anxiety and other negative atmospheres.

  In the past few days, a piece of information about the invasion of the World Tree has exploded across the territory, as if overnight, the entire Star League is in danger and countless planets have fallen.

  All the senior leaders of the Star Alliance here are no longer energetic a few days ago. At this time, they look haggard and their clothes are scattered. They have basically been sleepless these days, and heated debate after another.

  "Isn’t the World Tree Civilization still at war with the three major civilizations, why not invade us silently?"

  The head of the Star Alliance frowned, his expression tired, bloodshot in his eyes, and his voice was already hoarse.

   Saivinis shook slightly, and said with a trembling: "Could it be that the World Tree civilization felt that the three major civilizations had been crippled, so it wanted to fight in two lines? What can I do?"

  Many senior executives of Star Alliance frowned.

They thought that the three major civilizations were still fighting the World Tree, but only because they found their position, so they drew a part of their troops to fight with them. This feeling is like eating someone else’s melons happily, and then suddenly eating it on themselves. , Look dumbfounded.

  "What else can I do? Since the World Tree is calling, we can only resist!" Someone slapped the table vigorously to conceal their fear.

  As soon as the voice fell, someone objected immediately and said loudly:

  "What to fight! Even the three major civilizations are not opponents of the World Tree. They have been crippled in a few years. We can't keep our respective territories at all. We should quickly move refugees, keep the fire, and abandon the territory and run away!"

   "How can it be done, we have at least one battle strength! The World Tree is raging on my territory. As long as you send troops to support, you will definitely be able to repel the World Tree!" Another person said in a deep voice.

   "You fart! Our own troops are not enough, and we will help you?!" Another person shouted.

This controversy immediately ignited the fuse. The emotions of the people in the past few days have been like a spring that has been pressed to the extreme. At this time, the backlog of dissatisfaction in the heart broke out, and it was directly divided into two groups of people. The main escape was fiercely noisy.

  If most of the people present were remote projections, everyone would have already rolled up their sleeves and started to do it.

The   Star Alliance is composed of more than forty civilizations. They are not monolithic in nature. They have their own interests and stand together. Usually they can be united together. But in the face of the pressure of a powerful foreign enemy’s invasion, internal differences broke out immediately.

  The opinions of the various member states cannot be unified, and some high-level civilizations who do not agree to do things no longer hold back and complain loudly.

"Calm down everyone! Calm down... We have another way. We can't resist the world tree by ourselves, but since the three major civilizations are in the same situation as us, maybe we take the initiative to communicate with them and join hands against the enemy... The calculations of the empire can be put on hold for the time being. The most important thing is to repel the World Tree together. They must be clear. In the future, we will do another settlement with the three major civilizations. We will save ourselves now before we are qualified to talk about the future..."

  The leader of the Star Alliance made a loud suggestion, trying to ease the atmosphere, but it was useless. Everyone was speechless to his proposal and turned a deaf ear to their own quarrels, making the scene more uncontrollable.

  In the past, many Star Alliance members would not give him such a shame, but nowadays, at the moment of life and death of various civilizations, no one takes him seriously.

  Everyone had a big quarrel, and many people were furious, no longer forced to talk, and went directly off the assembly line. They did not plan to listen to the unified dispatch of the Star Alliance anymore, and decided to fly separately.

  It didn’t take long for the meeting room to leave only a piece of chicken feathers, and the leader of the Star Alliance sat alone, full of bitterness.


  After the high-level quarrel broke out, several civilized leaders did not hesitate to issue orders. They did not listen to the Star Alliance's scheduling at all. They packed their resources and population, and began to migrate and flee in a hurry, preparing to escape from the Star Alliance territory and enter the unexplored universe.

Although most civilizations were annoyed and panicked, they had not made up their minds to abandon their homes, but when they saw someone running decisively, they immediately became anxious-everyone else ran away. If they didn’t keep up, wouldn’t they just stay Did you cut off for others? How can this work!

  The chain reaction happened quickly. One after another Star Alliance members did not dare to delay any longer, and they also began to migrate and flee, no longer worrying about the Star Alliance agreement.

  When these member states did not obey the orders one by one, the Star Alliance’s mechanism was quickly paralyzed. The huge Star Alliance seemed to split overnight, and the civilized voyage fleet began to flee and part ways.

  In the past, many members of the Star Alliance will not easily violate the unified orders of the Star Alliance, or they will be isolated by other people, but now there is no control over so much. The World Tree is coming, and opinions within the Star Alliance are disagreeable. This united cosmic civilization is destined to fall apart. Everyone does not plan to die in a group, but only wants to die for the daoists and not to die.

  ——This is Han Xiao’s deliberate calculation. The organizational structure of the Star Alliance is too weak, that is, there are too many interests and positions, and there is no dominant civilization that has an absolute advantage. Reluctantly cohesive, the opinions cannot be completely unified.

Usually members of the Star Alliance have scruples, but once a crisis of survival breaks out, it will definitely be difficult to unite, and 80% will split. As long as this collective will is dismantled, then the little giant of the Star Alliance will be dismembered, and the resistance will plummet. Several grades, basically lost most of the fighting spirit.

  In the past, the Star Alliance secretly leaked information, in order to cause internal conflicts in the interstellar society, Han Xiao’s move was also to treat his body in his own way, and to adopt the method of dividing and transforming, which in turn caused the opponent's internal differences.


The airport terminal of the home planet of Lor Civilization is already overcrowded. Anti-gravity transportation vehicles transport batches of materials onto the fleet. Countless people with a panic look line up to board the ship under the instructions of the armed soldiers. Can hold back in my heart, obediently listen to orders.

  Not long ago, a group of people wanted to initiate a riot. They were directly suppressed by iron and blood. They were shot on the spot, and the blood was not yet wiped off, so no one dared to riot.

  It didn’t take long for the first fleet to finally be filled. Without waiting for the subsequent spacecraft, it took off directly, fleeing into the depths of the starry sky, and immediately began to flee.

Sevinis was already in the main ship. As the leader of civilization, he did not dare to stay on the home planet anymore. The fleeing fleet was divided into several groups and set off. In order to **** him, more than half of the armed forces followed the population. The first batch of fleets with the least amount of refugees acted together.

  "Finally set off..."

  Sevennes breathed a sigh of relief.

  He still remembers that in the "War Report", the two imperial Yuan capitals were tortured to death by the World Tree. It can be seen that the World Tree civilization is very fond of beheading operations. He is worried that he will follow in his footsteps and be "traveled to death". So he just wanted to run away quickly, not daring to stay on the home star as a target... As far as he knew, other leaders of civilization basically had the same idea, and all fled the home star.

  As the spacecraft slowly speeded up, Severinis finally became less frightened, and said to himself:

   "It should be temporarily safe..."

  However, before his words fell, the spacecraft’s radar suddenly erupted with a harsh buzzing sound, pointing straight to the front of the spacecraft, and a source of energy response that broke through the sky appeared out of thin air, blocking the way.

  The next moment, a mechanical **** swelled against the storm, and his size instantly exceeded the size of the entire fleet, covering the stars and the sun, and a big hand suddenly came down.

  Rumble rumbling——

Like rippling water waves, the whole fleet began to explode like firecrackers. In the blink of an eye, the armed **** fleet was almost annihilated. Even a spray could not be turned over. It turned into a large firework in the starry sky. It looks good.

  "This is a black star?!"

  Sevenis was shocked, turned his head and shouted:

  "Run, hurry..."

   Before he could finish, many spacecraft operators were already sweating profusely.

   "No, the fleet's smart matrix is ​​completely locked, and it can't be controlled at all. The spacecraft is already paralyzed!"

"Do not……"

  Severniston's eyes widened, showing extreme fear, his pupils reflected the ever-enlarged palm of the Supreme Heavenly Lord, and the mechanical lines on the palm became clearer.


  Han Xiao directly took the main ship into his hand, sucked it into his body, and captured Saiwinis and a group of high-level people on the ship.

   Immediately after, he suddenly raised his hand and punched, and the energy burst, like a gamma-ray burst, spreading in a large area, and instantly "evaporated" a large group of warships that were planning to counterattack.


  Han Xiao turned around, a flicker disappeared in place, as if he had never been here.

  His goal is to seize the leaders of all civilizations of the Star Alliance, give full play to the advantages of individual mighty power, and capture the thieves first.

  With its current combat power, against civilized opponents of the Star Alliance level, the success rate of the decapitation operation is almost 100%, and no one can stop it.

  "Your Excellency Servinis was captured by the enemy!!"

  Because Han Xiao’s decapitation efficiency is too fast, when a high-level team such as Saiwinis was arrested, the remaining defense forces of the parent star had no time to come to support.

  The left-behind personnel of the ground base stared blankly at the place where Han Xiao disappeared, and listened to the busy tone in the command channel, and suddenly fell into a state of chaos without a leader.