MTL - The Legendary Roll-Chapter 10 An old dog

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"Oh, do n’t you two tout each other, Yun Lao Gui, as we said before, the children selected by your Yun family for this martial arts assessment, and the children selected by my Gongsun family and Zhao family. Practice the martial arts skills necessary to obtain the cold spring water together. Whoever has a high level of martial arts knowledge will receive more cold spring water, and how will the future share of cold spring water follow this time? "

"Of course, it seems that your Gongsun Bogong and Sun Laogui are also in the chest this time, and my Zhao family has said nothing about it!"

"Of course the Yun family will do the same!"

On the other side, Yun Qiyang, the elder of the Yun family, had white hair and a bright head, listening to the discussions of the owners, but in his eyes he could not hide his anger.

Just now, he learned that Yun Cheng, his beloved grandson, was killed or killed by Yunchuan, the only waste in the family, who had only one bloodline in his family. He was insulted in front of others, so why didn't he make him angry? extremely.

"My grandson, I am afraid that I will be insulted by this. In the future, martial arts will be harder to advance. Yunchuan, you have only one bloodline, and you are only destined to be a waste for life. You are destined to fail to pass, when the time comes, I can burn you as much as I want! "

His eyes glanced at the crowd. When he had previously heard a few people discuss the candidates for this martial arts assessment to determine the ownership of the cold spring water, he already knew that only the most elite members of the Yun family could be selected this time.

How precious is the water of the cold spring? If he breaks through the quenched body and is promoted to Wudan when he is promoted to the realm of Wudan, it will be of great benefit. one sight.

It is conceivable that if the ownership of the cold spring water can be obtained, the younger children of the family will lay a solid foundation in the future, and the masters will continue to emerge, and the importance of the family can be imagined.

With this level of consideration, the core children selected this time for the Yunjia martial arts assessment will be the best among the best. Because of this, the difficulty is also the highest in years.

"Next, Yunchuan!"

After a short while, it was Yunchuan's turn to play, and Yunjia Wuchang taught the head Yuncheng and his voice, loudly.

After finishing the name, Yun Chenghe shook his head. He is the instructor of the Wu family ’s martial arts. Naturally, all the children of the Yun family are very clear about their cultivation. Yunchuan is only the first-class bloodline and martial arts qualification. Such a difference makes his martial arts realm just the beginning of the quenching body, and there is no possibility of passing the assessment at all.

"It's Yunchuan. I heard that he had previously given Yuncheng a painful blow, and his nose and tears all burst out. Yuncheng is in the middle of the quenched body. Is his cultivation better?"

"How is it possible that Yunchuan is just the most inferior quality bloodline. The martial arts qualifications are so poor that he can't break through the hardened body all his life. How can this waste be able to beat Yun into a meal, I heard he is still the elder Favorite grandson. "

Above the stand, Yun Qiyang, the elder of the Yun family, heard the discussion below, and immediately became angry, snorted, stood up and looked around, and then calmed down.

"It's a shameful waste, you have a sense of self-knowledge, Yunchuan, your most inferior bloodline, even dare to play, wasting my time!"

Yun Qiyang did not conceal the disdain in his words, coldly.

Yunchuan frowned. He knew why the elder Yun Qiyang was doing this, and hit Yun Cheng himself. I am afraid that now it seems that Yun Qiyang will not give up.

"Oh, I am indeed a waste, but I had a puppy barking in front of me before. I beat the puppy with a waste body. I didn't expect to hit a puppy and another old dog ran Come out, do you say funny, elder? "

Yunchuan smiled and stared at Yun Qiyang, letting Yun Qi's beard tremble, angered and said, "Little beast, you dare to call my husband an old dog!"

Yunchuan shook his head and said, "Elder, you don't want to spit out blood. I have always respected you. How dare to call you an old dog. I just told a story. You do n’t want to be seated, let alone. No one will seat himself as an old dog. "

Yun Qi Yangqi shivered, raised his palms and lowered it a few times, and Yunluoshan, the head of the Yun family, shook his head and smiled, "The elders don't want to have general knowledge with the younger generation, don't let Brother Zhao and Brother Gongsun read the joke, Yunchuan , Participate in the assessment quickly without delay. "

Yunchuan nodded and said, walked to the field, and Yun Qiyang had the owner open his mouth. He felt smoldering and had nowhere to go. He stared at Yunchuan sternly, and said ruthlessly in his heart, "Small beast, you will become the next one after today. Waiting servants, then we will count the new and old hatred together! "