MTL - The Legendary Roll-Chapter 1489 Luck

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But now, when Yuntian's will begins to face the threat of life, the entire battlefield, or the entire magic pit, the power managed by Yuntian for many years has begun to explode.

It ’s not just the endless magic gas, in the magic pit formed in the entire battlefield of killing, at this moment there is also a blood that is extremely arrogant and terrifying. These blood is in the entire battlefield of killing. For so many years, The strength of the flesh that died in the Wanjie elite here is also controlled by Yun Tian's will, and it is impacting towards Yunchuan.

Although Yuntian ’s physical strength has not yet been promoted to the Lord ’s realm, under the interweaving of these several forces, there is already capital that can counter the Lord ’s realm, so as not to let him exist in the Lord ’s realm. There was no resistance.

"Yunchuan, although you are said to be a variable, you do not know how long I have planned. This battlefield has existed a long time ago, connecting all realms, and dying in it, I do not know how many spirits there are, and these All the power of the spirit after death will be used by me! "

Yuntian looked at Yunchuan at this moment, without the slightest sense of elegance and perseverance. Instead, it was endless blood and fierceness. His eyes were flushed and he said, "I failed in the last life, but in this life, I have been preparing for too long. , I have prepared too much, and there is absolutely no reason to fail again, but your appearance, your variable, has taken away too much luck from me, and made many of my preparations fail. Yunchuan, you and I have the same goal. Only by bringing together all the luck can we win. I have done too much research on this golden scroll. This golden scroll may be The entire universe of starry sky, under the threat of extinction, is the ultimate luck that was born by itself. This treasure is unique, and it is only me. It can fully exert its power. You give it to me. When the time comes, you I can spend your life in peace and prosperity, and I will protect your life. "

Although the current cloud sky is said to be crazy, in his red eyes, there is a clear color, and he spoke loudly.

Yunchuan shook his head and sighed, "Yuntian, this golden scroll, may be the lucky luck treasure born of this universe. I also guessed a bit about this, but since it is the treasure of luck, the previous life If you fail, you are no longer a luck carrier. Although you say that you do n’t admit it, you may already have a degree in your heart. Since you think that this golden scroll is your chance, then it is good!"

Yunchuan's eyes were complicated. After his voice fell, the golden scroll appeared in his consciousness. For the first time, it appeared outside his body, and went towards Yuntian in the distance.

After seeing the appearance of this golden scroll, Yuntian's face suddenly showed ecstasy. Then, he grabbed at this golden scroll, and there was still a little surprised on his face. He didn't think that Yunchuan was really Give him this golden scroll.

But the next moment, his complexion suddenly changed, and it became extremely ugly, because he reached for the golden scroll, but as if he was catching the air, he passed directly through the golden scroll. You ca n’t put it away.

The golden scroll exudes a dim light, so it was presented in front of him, but despite Yun Tian's use of various means, this past life originally belonged to his treasure, but it was always unable to be caught by him, always Can't let him put away, just like an illusion.


At this moment, the hazy golden scroll was transformed into a golden streamer, and it returned to Yunchuan's body again. Yunchuan shook his head and sighed, "How do I say, this golden scroll, already No longer belongs to you, I tried it before. "

Yunchuan also had this idea before, taking his cultivation that far surpasses Yuntian as his strength, and it was also possible to conduct such an experiment without Yuntian being aware of it. The results of previous experiments are in line with current ones. The situation is generally the same.

It can be said that this golden scroll has become a complete part of his body. It is impossible for others to own, nor even his former master Yun Tian.

It is precisely because of this, combined with the various visions of the golden scrolls, Yunchuan guessed that this golden scroll may be the unique thing of luck in the universe.

For Yuntian, Yunchuan's heart now has more complex feelings. From the beginning, Yuntian's thoughts are consistent with his goals. They all want to end this dark age and exterminate the scourge. But obviously, in this period, Yuntian has gone from one extreme to another.

Yuntian wants to refine this killing battlefield, and then use this killing battlefield, which is the same as Yingying disaster star, to win the entire Yingying disaster star. If all goes well, it will definitely achieve immeasurable achievements and become the entire darkness. Master, the dark age will disappear without a trace.

However, Yunchuan can see that now that Yuntian has absorbed the killing battlefield, its status has already become very abnormal. If it is that time, when Yuntian has the chance to rely on the killing battlefield, he will be able to win the disaster. When the star will, I am afraid it will be reversed, and will be affected by the will on the scourge of the stricken star, becoming an inhuman and ghostless existence.

Therefore, in Yunchuan's view, it is also determined that Yuntian's approach will not be successful at all. It will only change from one dark will to another dark will. In that case, the superposition of two dark wills will restart The existence that is born will be stronger and more terrifying, but it is not Yuntian. What it inherits, I am afraid that there will only be the extremely crazy will of Yuntian.

Moreover, Yunchuan felt a kind of bad feeling in his heart. Although the will of the dark age, although it is entangled on the stunned star, is extremely powerful in the continuous breeding, but there is still a part of the real situation to become the master. Distance, this part of the distance is like the sound of nature.

However, if Yuntian really implements his extremely crazy plan, actively taking away the will of the scourge of the scourge, but the fusion, convergence and cohesion of the two wills, there is a great possibility that the scourge of the scourge of the scourge Will, truly take the last step, achieve eternal dominance, become a master in darkness.