MTL - The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain-v1000 Chapter 575 milk tea girlfriend

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  Chapter 575 Milk Tea's Girlfriend

  In the bedroom, after Lin Qianxiao agreed to several treaties of "defeat and humiliation", Jiang Zhi reluctantly let her go, and only pressed her on the dressing table and kissed her for a while.

  Lin Qianxiao took out the makeup remover towel, wiped off the lipstick marks around Jiang Zhi's lips in two or three strokes, and pushed the person out.

   "Okay, it's almost time, you go outside to meet the guests, and I'll touch up your makeup."

  Jiang Zhi remained motionless, took the makeup remover towel in her hand, and carefully wiped off her smudged lipstick, "Don't put on lipstick, it's inconvenient to eat later."

  Lin Qian smiled displeased, "It doesn't look good without lipstick."

   "Equally beautiful."

  Jiang Zhi wiped off the makeup remover on her lips with a clean tissue, and turned her body back so that her face was facing the vanity mirror.

  The girl in the mirror has undyed but dark eyebrows, unglamorous lips, star-like eyes, peach blossom face, beautiful and ethereal gauze dress, and unparalleled youthful appearance.

  For the first time, Lin Qianxiao felt that she was as good as the man behind her in appearance.

  After being intoxicated by her beauty for three seconds, she said with a light eyebrow, "Husband, how could you marry a fairy as beautiful as me?"

  Jiang Zhi was amused by her narcissistic words, and answered dotingly: "Maybe it's the luck of the smoke from the ancestral grave?"

  The two of them were bored in the room until the milk tea came up, "Dad, Mom, come out quickly, Grandma Xu and Sisi are here."

  In the living room, Aunt Xu and Sisi were standing in front of Uncle Xu, talking. Seeing them coming down the stairs, Aunt Xu stepped forward with a smile on her face.

   "I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years, sir and wife."

  Lin Qian smiled happily and grabbed the other party, "Thank you, Aunt Xu, for coming so early, have you had breakfast yet? There's still some breakfast in the kitchen, I'll have someone order it for you."

   "Thank you ma'am, Sisi and I have already eaten."

   As she spoke, Aunt Xu turned around and picked up a large photo frame on the coffee table, "This is a wedding gift from me to my husband and wife. It is not a valuable item. I made it myself. I hope my wife likes it."

  Lin Qianxiao happily took the photo frame, opened the beautiful wrapping paper outside, and found that it was a cross-stitch, and the embroidered surface was a family photo of her and Jiang Zhi's family of three.

  Aunt Xu's craftsmanship is extraordinary, the embroidery is so lifelike, so vivid that if you don't look closely, you may think it is an oil painting.

   "I like this gift, thank you Aunt Xu."

  Aunt Xu smiled, lowered her head and patted her daughter's head, "Sisi, take the gift you prepared to your wife."

  Sisi shyly held the boxy box in her hands and handed it to Lin Qianxiao, and said in a soft voice, "I wish my wife an early baby."

   "Thank you Sisi."

  Lin Qianxiao happily took the paper box, took out two red envelopes from the pearl handbag on her wrist, and handed them to Sisi.

  Sisi looked at Aunt Xu, and took it shyly after getting affirmation, "Thank you, madam."

   "No thanks, Sisi is really good."

  Lin Qianxiao lovingly patted the other person's head, then turned to pat the milk tea, "Take Sisi out to play."

  Milk Tea immediately took Sisi's hand and ran to the back garden excitedly.

  On the swing covered with flowers, Milk Tea and Sisi sat side by side.

   "Sisi, did you bring me a present?"

  Sisi pursed her lips and smiled, then lowered her head and took out a flat box from the strawberry doll bag.

  Milk Tea took the box and opened it, his eyes lit up with excitement, "Sisi, is this the chocolate you specially made for me?"

   "This is Ultra..."

   Before she could finish her introduction, Altman's head had already been bitten off by the milk tea.

  Milk Tea looked at her curiously while eating chocolate with puffed cheeks, "Sisi, what did you just say?"

  Looking at the "crippled" Altman, Sisi closed her mouth and shook her head slightly.

  Milk tea didn't care too much, "Ga Beng" unscrewed Altman's arm and handed it to Sisi, "You can eat too, Sisi, the chocolate you make is really delicious, better than Qianqian's."

  Sisi took the "arm" and looked at it for a while, then slowly stuffed it into his mouth.

  Fragrant and delicious, sweet and silky, it is indeed delicious.

  Altman hadn't finished eating yet, the servant came over with a smile, "Master Milk Tea, you have a friend here, Madam invites you to come over."

  Milk Tea had doubts on her delicate face, "Who is it?"

  He doesn’t remember calling friends to play at home today.

   When he returned to the living room, he found a beautiful little girl in a wine red princess dress sitting on the sofa.

  Milk Tea walked over in surprise, "Qianqian, why are you here?"

  Nan Gongqian got up and walked in front of him, "Didn't you say that there is a party at home today? Why does it look like a wedding?"

  Milk Tea scratched her head, "It's my father and my mother's wedding party."

  Nangong Qian pouted her little pink mouth, "You said earlier that I wouldn't come empty-handed, it's too rude."

  Milk Tea didn't know what to say, he didn't remember inviting the other party to the party, but he had already entered, so he couldn't push him out.

"who is she?"

   Seeing Xu Musi wearing a pink plaid dress and a princess hairstyle, Nangong Qian asked with a vigilant expression.

  Milk Tea introduced them, "Her name is Sisi, she is my good friend. Sisi, this is my classmate, Nangongqian."

  Nan Gongqian took two steps forward, took Milk Tea's hand, and said proudly: "I am Milk Tea's girlfriend."

  Xu Musi's eyes widened in surprise.

  Milk Tea's face immediately turned red, and she stared at Nangongqian in embarrassment, "Didn't I tell you not to tell others?"

  He didn't want to agree to be Nangongqian's boyfriend, but if he didn't agree, Nangongqian wouldn't bring him chocolates in the future.

  Therefore, he made an agreement with Nangongqian not to tell outsiders about it.

  Unexpectedly, when Nangongqian saw the quiet and lovely Xu Musi, a crisis arose in her heart, and she couldn't wait to take an oath of sovereignty.

   Nangong Qian pouted, "I didn't tell anyone, isn't Sisi your friend?"

   Milk tea speechless.

  Nan Gongqian knew how to make him happy, so she took out a large box of beautifully packaged chocolates like a magic trick.

   "Okay, milk tea, don't be angry, I brought you delicious chocolate."

  As soon as I saw the chocolate, the little emotions of milk tea disappeared.

  Nan Gongqian glanced at Xu Musi triumphantly, "This is a handmade Belgian macarini chocolate. It's a very difficult brand to buy. I just brought it back by air yesterday, and I'm not even willing to eat it myself."

  Milk tea couldn't wait to open the chocolate box, picked up a piece and put it in his mouth. The smooth and unique taste made his eyes glisten with excitement.

   "Thank you Qianqian, you are very kind."

  Nan Gongqian had charming dimples on her face, "Milk tea, if you like it, I'll ask my brother to buy it for me after you finish eating."


  Although milk tea is greedy, it is not a stingy person.

  He picked out a star-shaped handmade chocolate and handed it to Nangongqian.

   Nangongqian took it happily, "Thank you."

   "Sisi, here it is."

  Seeing that Milk Tea picked another piece of peach-shaped chocolate and handed it to Xu Musi, Nangongqian's smile suddenly collapsed.

   "Milk tea, this is the chocolate I brought you specially, how can you give it to other girls!"

  (end of this chapter)