MTL - The Lover’s Prattle-Chapter 6

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Biquge, the fastest update [Quick Wear] love words will finally have the latest chapter of the master!

An Qi gave birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes.

The gift of the full moon was prepared early, Feng Qi had to leave work early and had to pass with Chu Yang.

Silent all the way, Feng Qi suddenly spoke at the second ring road, "Go back and pick her up."

Chu Yang looked into the rearview mirror, Feng Qi was touching her nose and turned to look out the window, apparently guilty.

Chu Yang was funny, "What did Feng Feng do?

Feng Qi coughed. "No one speaks when you are dumb."

"Ok." Chu Yang surrendered. At the door of the old house, Feng Qi was sitting in the car again, weak in tone, "Well, you can call her out."

Chu Yang took the phone out and turned it between his fingers, playing with a bad tone. "General Manager Feng is content to satisfy my curiosity, otherwise I won't call."

Feng Qi closed her eyes and pulled a tie against the seat. "There was a quarrel last night. She is going to be locked in the room by me."

"..." President Feng won, but lost.

It's almost half a year since Qing Ruo moved to the old house. Although Chu Yang still called her Miss Song, she felt that she would change her mouth sooner or later, so Qing Ruo's attitude was always friendly and respectful.

The same is true for Qing Ruo. This is the first time Chu Yang called her and was ridiculed by Qing Ruo. "Don't Feng Qi say who confessed first and who is the dog?"

"Ah ..." Chu Yang avoided it. "Miss Song, I'm waiting outside, would it be convenient for you to come out?"


Slap, the phone hung up.

Chu Yang turned around with the phone hung up and Feng Qi's eyes narrowed.

Seeing Feng Qi's somber and horrible sympathy, he didn't continue to ask, "How the **** did you provoke her to quarrel?"

If Qing were to Feng Qi, Chu Yang had to admit that it was better than An Qi's patience with Feng Qi at the beginning, careful and terrible. The key is that Feng Qi also wanted her to take care. Several villas can be bought.

Chu Yang was really curious to be so noisy.

Feng Qi ignored him completely, and pulled the door and slammed into the majestic entrance.

The maid in the house was trembling for a day, and it was even more shocking to see his gloomy face coming in.

"What about Qingruo?"

"Song, Miss Song is in the room."

Feng Qi frowned, stepped on the stairs and turned, "Did you have lunch?"


Feng Qi was so mad that he was so angry that he was so overwhelmed that he dared to look at him.

Feng Qi kicked open the door of the room, and it was a few packed suitcases and bags.

The person who just hung up Chuyang's phone was in sportswear, still packing things.

Feng Qi's anger suddenly snapped into a negative number, and she asked her a little blankly at the door, "Why do you collect things?"

"Come back home."

Feng Qi talked, yes, let alone six months, even if she stayed here for a long time, it was not her home.

If Qing hadn't looked up, she kept her head down and squatted beside the cabinet to pack things.

Feng Qi raised her foot and stepped in, standing next to her and clenching her fists in her pockets, "An Qi full moon wine, you go with me."

Qing Ruo smiled ironically, raised his chin and looked up at him, but his eyes were full of disdainful thorns, "Why?"

Feng Qi saw her for the first time. Since the two met, she has always been gentle and obedient. She feels that she agrees with him no matter what he says. Occasionally, her temper is cute and pleasant, like a little cherry.

Feng Qi couldn't answer, yes, why.

When Qing Ruo stood up and left, Feng Qi stretched her arms and held her arm. She looked coldly, calmly and drunk, "Let go."

Feng Qi shook his head.

Qing Ruo frowned slightly, looked up at the clock on the wall, "It's five o'clock, and you can't catch up with the full moon wine in half an hour with me."

Feng Qi still looked at her, "You accompany me."

Qing Ruo sighed and shrugged his sportswear, "Give me twenty minutes."

Feng Qiyin turned sunny, "OK."

Qing Ruo entered the locker room, and there was no movement in it. Feng Qi patiently sat on the sofa and waited, but looked at the trunk on the ground and looked dazzling.

Twenty minutes before, Chu Yang called and couldn't tell whether it was grumbling or depression, or really worried, "boss, this month's supermodel champion is now standing by the car, saying that Miss Song asked her to come and accompany you Full moon wine ... "

Feng Qi dropped the phone directly on the wall, knocking on the door with anger, "open the door."

There was no response.

"Qingruo, open the door."

Still no response.

Feng Qi wanted to kick the door again, his feet raised or lowered, and the little maid inquired nervously at the door, "Sir, Mr. Chu asked you ..."

Feng Qi was like a sleepy beast. "Let him go, I won't go."


Feng Qi stood at the door for half an hour. The knock on the door this time was Chu Yang's voice. "Feng Qi, are you okay?"

Feng Qi has calmed down a lot, walked over and opened the door, and kept his mouth as smooth as possible. "You just have to go with the present, I won't go."

Chu Yang didn't look inside either, seeing that the corners of his eyes were flushed and patted on his shoulder, he didn't know what to say.

At least, since he knew Feng Qi, Feng Qi abstained for a year for the first time, and it was still in the presence of someone around him.

Chu Yang left, Feng Qi went down and took the key of Qingruo's dressing room. When he was about to open the door, he raised his hand and knocked on the door. "Qingruo, come out first, let's talk."

He knew his status, at least he would never let her go. Instead of getting more and more stalemate, he is willing to make concessions first.

Qing Ruo opened the door, her eyes were red, her eyes were still cold.

Feng Qi sighed and pulled the person into his arms, closed her eyes and whispered, "Sorry, I was wrong."

In fact, this sentence is not so difficult to export.

There was a banquet last night. Feng Qi was going to take Qing Ruo to dress her up. Qing Qing did n’t want to go if she was uncomfortable.

Involving several partners, Feng Qi was going to pass, so he ordered her to go a bit.

Qing Ruo said that he would not respect people, it was always what he wanted and what he wanted to do.

The two started talking and talking.

Feng Qi had a quarrel with a woman for the first time, and the words were a bit unpleasant. Two people stood in Qing Ruo's room, and Qing Ruo let him get out. Feng Qi scolded her that he had been playing and needed respect.

So if Qing broke out, they had to go to collect things.

Feng Qi couldn't pull her face at that time to coax her, but instead said two harsh words, which turned out to be counterproductive, and finally Feng Qi locked her in the room.

As soon as Feng Qi was soft, she felt the tightness in her arms relaxed a little. For a while, she didn't know if she should be sighed. She raised her hands and rubbed her hair.

Qing Ruoben patted his hand at the beginning, "Not hungry."

With the first time, it was much easier after that. Feng Qi wrapped her arms around her and put her chin on her shoulders. She was soft and soft, "I'm hungry, can you cook for me?"

Qing Ruo's annoyance was still obvious, and he squinted at him.

Feng Qi immediately made a pitiful expression, and Peach blossomed blinking.

She twisted, Feng Qi's arms tightened tighter, "What's wrong?"

"Why don't you let me do it for you."

Hiding her smile, Feng Qi bent over and hugged the person horizontally. "You can go on like this."

Qing Ruo snorted softly around his neck.

The maid in the house felt relieved to see the two come down this way, and left the main house to leave space for them.

Qing Ruo opened the refrigerator to find the ingredients and asked him, "What shall I eat?"

Feng Qi has been holding her waist in the back, like a conjoined baby, and ordered several dishes that Qingruo likes.

She lowered her head and cut vegetables. When her hair slipped, Feng Qi pulled her up to her ears and kissed her neck. She should have been collecting things today, with a salty sweat, but he didn't dislike it.

"Qingruo, I was annoyed yesterday, I didn't mean that, don't get angry, OK?"

If Qing ignored, he continued to chop vegetables, Feng Qi waited for a while, and looked down at her as usual and continued to say, "I haven't apologized to anyone, not because I think I'm right, but I'm not used to it. I know I'm wrong . "

Qing Ruo said a softly, and his tone softened. "Feng Qi, I know you don't mean that, but that kind of words are really hurting."

"I know." He flew in and kissed her hair. The words were sincere, "I was wrong, I won't do it again."

Qing Ruo shook her head, "I don't need your guarantee." Feng Qi didn't continue to speak, Qing Ruo raised his hand and patted him, "Go out and wait, I'm ready to cook, it's inconvenient for you here."

Feng Qi obediently backed away, and looked back at the kitchen door to watch her busy and orderly. He likes to watch her cooking the most. Even if the fumes are around, she still feels warm for a while.

If Qing had prepared a dish, Feng Qi stepped forward and carried it to the restaurant. Finally, when he came over to pick up chopsticks, he blinked his eyes with a maliciously cute, "I wash the dishes tonight."

Rare, there are so many servants in this room. Qing Ruo smiled and nodded.

Qing Ruo had previously tested the qualification certificate of the host, and now he is a host of a periodic program on the TV station. In addition, he has rarely received other jobs.

The program is recorded once a week, sometimes two times a day to complete two weeks of recording.

Qing Ruo returned to the house, and the servants were standing in the living room. One took her bag and the other could not help pulling her upstairs to push her into the bathroom in the room. "Miss Song, freshen up?"

If Qing could not help but some black lines, where was the question and nodded, "Well, good."

The two left with joy and joy. At the door, they remembered and turned to tell her, "Ms. Song, sir is waiting for you in the restaurant."

Qing Ruo also changed a burgundy long dress, and if someone wanted to surprise her, she naturally had to cooperate.

Qing Ruo stepped down from the spiral staircase while stepping on her silver high heels and carrying her skirt, Feng Qi wearing a suit and tie was standing by the restaurant lighting candles, hearing the sound and looking up at her.

Stopped the movement in his hand and stared at her all the way, took a few steps to meet her and took her hand, "Baby, you look good."

Qing Ruo smiled and thanked, "Thank you."

Taking her to the seat and sitting down, Feng Qi smiled softly and nicely. "I was on the shift for a long time. I wanted to make steak by myself and almost blasted the kitchen."

Qing Ruo could not laugh or cry, "Actually you can wait for me to do it."

Feng Qi patted his head. "Well, I don't think well."


You say go home,

I am sad, more afraid.

—— [Black Box]