MTL - The Mad Cultivator-Chapter 31 Shadow clan

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Chapter 31

"Oh, sir, please come in quickly." Ye Kong quickly greeted politely and invited Zhang Wude into the room.

Zhang Wude came because Ye Kong didn't go to the class recently and came to ask about it. I didn't expect to see Ye Kong just practicing Yingyu's martial arts.

Zhang Wude is indeed a great Confucianist. At a glance, it is clear that this is a shadow dance that has disappeared for years, and it is naturally amazing.

Entering the house with Zhang Wude, Chen Jiuniang and Lu Qin went out after seeing the ceremony. Ye Kong asked, "Sir, this martial art comes from a jade pendant. That jade is called shadow jade. I don't know what the shadow dance with Mr. said. ? "

Zhang Wude's dead face laughed with a rare smile, and said, "Thanks to the old man's reading books in the past, I really can't answer you for another person. There are some things that few people know."

"This shadow dance is also called shadow martial arts. It is not only a profound martial arts skill, but also a beautiful and touching dance, created by the extinct shadow clan."

"Shadow clan?" Ye Kong had heard from Lu Jun that night, but Lu Jun couldn't even say he was ugly.

"Yes! Shadow clan. According to legend, the people of this shadow clan are all handsome men and women, all beautiful and charming, and everyone loves life and loves music, which has created such a moving shadow dance."

Ye Kong asked, "The people of this shadow family must have a good life. After all, people who love music should be kind."

Zhang Wude nodded, "You are right, the character of the Shadow clan is too kind, very hot-blooded, and more emotional. When he is happy, he sings with his sword, when he is angry, he pulls his sword out of anger, even if it is not his job, he sees But in the meantime, you will fight with each other. "

"Okay! When you are happy, you sing with the sword, and when you are not angry, you pull out the sword." Ye Kong nodded. "This character is a bit like me, a seven-foot man. It should be so."

Zhang Wude shook his head, "Not good, this kind of character will suffer in this continent, and the shadow clan is an example."

He then slowly began to tell: "The Angolan people are now called An An, and the Wu people are also Wu. Actually, more than 100,000 years ago, we were all one ethnic group, called the Bei ethnic group."

"Oh? Northern people?"

"Yes, the Beizu, because we are all from the Cangbei continent, collectively called the Beizu!"

Ye Kong was startled, "Is there really a Cangbei continent?"

Zhang Wude nodded, "If there is a south, there will be a north!" He recalled what was recorded in the book, and then he said, "More than 100,000 years ago, the northern people lived in the Cangbei continent, and the Cangnan continent was the Ying clan. In the world, the two continents are north-south connected, and it is also very prosperous. Who knows that the Cangbei continent was suddenly plagued? According to the ancient books, the Cangbei continent was suddenly invaded by the demons. Although the people of China have the ability to compete, they cannot unite, they all want to save their strength, and they are defeated individually. "

"To escape the war, a large number of northerners moved south. At the end, the Cangbei continent was occupied by the demons and demons, but the northern factions lost their fighting spirit and came to the Cangnan continent to occupy a place and did not attempt to return to their hometowns. After the fall of the Cangbei continent, the fire broke out along the north-south channel. The Shadow clan set off a case and organized a large number of warriors and demons fighting. After several fierce battles, the demons were blocked in the north-south channel. "

"In order to prevent the demon from going south again, in the end, the major factions decided to block the north-south passage. Countless ancient monks jointly launched anti-celestial powers to permanently isolate the north and south continents. From then on, the two continents of Cangnan and Cangbei were no longer connected. Settled in the Cangnan continent. "

After listening to the air, Ye Kong understood, "Originally, the Shadow clan is the aboriginal people of the Cangnan continent, and we are all foreign immigrants. Why did the Shadow clan perish?"

"According to future generations' speculations, during the war in ancient times, the shadow clan suffered too much death and injury, and their population base was small and their reproduction ability was weak. After the war, they slowly withered and gradually disappeared." Zhang Wude replied.

Ye Kong was a little unbelievable. "No matter how few people control a continent, is it so easy to die?"

Zhang Wude shook his head helplessly, "Since more than 100,000 years, ancient books have been handed down, and it is strange that all ancient books about the extinction of the shadow clan are unknown." Zhang Wude sighed with a big sleeve, "These have become dusty. History, who knows what happened then? "

Ye Kong sighed, "In that era of catastrophe, how much blood and fire confrontation should have occurred, and the Shadow clan kept their peace with one's own strength, how much sacrifice should be made, but the result of the extermination. No one remembers them until now, it's not worth it! "

"The Keying clan is also for their own sake. If they do not resist, the Cangnan continent will fall."

Ye Kong shook his head. "Sir, I don't think so. No matter who they are for, they can stand upright at the moment of life and death and sacrifice themselves to protect others. This is a real hero. People should not forget them."

"You think so, my husband is very pleased." Zhang Wude nodded approvingly. "But this character will suffer a lot. Now all the people in Cangnan mainland are wise to protect themselves. They just want to live comfortably and comfortably. Live, now that you have embarked on the road of cultivation, you must persist in cultivating yourself and improve yourself, so you don't have to repeat the same path as the Shadow Clan. "

Ye Kong's eyes widened. He didn't tell Zhang Wude about his cultivation, but the other party knew it!

Zhang Wude said with a smile, "Looking at the movements of your shadow dance just now, those volleying movements back and forth in the air, how can you do it if you are not an immortal?"

"Mr. please also keep secret for me." Ye Kong scratched his head and smiled.

Zhang Wude said, "Confidentiality is fine, but you should also keep a low profile. A casual repair is very dangerous. I used to hear about murders and treasures."

Ye Kong laughed indifferently, "I don't have any farts, and they won't find me if they want to win."

Zhang Wude scolded, "Confused! I heard that those who cultivate magic are doing their jobs every day. How can you be so careless if you are a fairy?

Ye Kongru was shocked. Zhang Wude's words reminded him that he was not a poor man and no one remembered. Compared with mortals, his body and the skills he cultivated were all good materials for others to cultivate!

Even Fan Jiuji might be working on his own idea!

"Sir, I was wrong!" Ye Kong made a sincere gift to Zhang Wude.

Zhang Wude waved his hand to get him up and continued to teach, "Low-key is needed, but sir wants you not to be too selfish and ruthless. Although Xiandao is ruthless and cruel, you should shoot when you should, let go when you should let go. Immortals, they are immortals. "

After Zhang Wude finished speaking, looking out the window, a gust of wind blew his pale hair, and wondering what he thought of, he suddenly sighed.

"I know, you must grasp a degree." Ye Kong nodded, looking at Zhang Wude's stunned expression. Ye Kong suddenly remembered the last time he talked with Ye Wei about Zhang Wude, so he asked again, "Sir, you have to Many things, why are they so familiar? "

Zhang Wude opened his eyes and stared down at Ye Kongdao. "What? Do you doubt that I am an immortalist? I said that even if I have the qualifications, I am not an immortalist."

"Then I'm surprised. Why is this attitude, sir? It seems that I don't like immortals very much, and I don't like all immortals. Do all the immortals have enemies with you?"

Zhang Wude waved his hand and didn't want to mention more, "Don't inquire about this, I don't want to say, in short, I don't like the cultivation of immortals, because they are too ruthless. Except for the promotion of the realm, there is nothing in the world that can move them, even if it is flesh and blood You can ignore it. Xiuxian finally became a beast. It is really evil. "

Ye Kong didn't know who Zhang Wude was talking about, and it was not easy for him to intervene. In his mind, it must have something to do with Zhang Wude's murder.

"Sir, you said just now that this shadow dance is the martial arts of the shadow clan. Is it that the shadow clan uses martial arts to deal with the demons and demons? The immortals of the northern tribe cannot cope with the demons, is this martial arts OK?" Ye Kong transferred The topic said.

Zhang Wude laughed, "I'm neither an immortalist nor a martial arts master, how do I know? But the book records that during the war, the sky and sky people danced and fought, making people feel like a very large dance, so I Guess, the shadow clan uses shadow dance to fight against demons. "

"It turned out to be this way. It seems that the power of shadow dance is not less than a practice of immortality, but why I still don't feel that shadow dance can deal with the immortal?" Ye Kong lost his thoughts.

Zhang Wude also thought about it and said, "According to legend, the movie clan has to be matched by someone with a flute or drum at the rear ~ ~ This is martial arts and dance, and it will definitely increase strength with music! "

Zhang Wude laughed and stood up. "It's not early, my husband is going back now. I wanted to let you go to class more. Now it seems that you still practice at home quietly. Remember when the shadow dance is done, you must call your husband. Appreciate it once. "

"Sir, please rest assured that you will be invited to watch it at that time."

Ye Kong sent Zhang Wude out of the courtyard, and he couldn't wait to start practicing shadow dance with the music. Although the music of the shadow clan had long been lost, Ye Kong replaced it with the music of the earth, while singing silently in his heart, while dancing with the music, soon, He was immersed in music and shadow dance.

"Brother Ye Kong, I think you look the same this time and now, but it feels completely different. Think carefully, you can't tell the difference." Lu Qin, who has been watching Ye Kong's shadow dance, frowned. .

"Haha, it's because the songs I sing in my heart are different when dancing." Ye Kong was happy that he had discovered again. The shadow dance was really extraordinary. With the reminder of Zhang Wude, he found that with different music, Shadow dance has actually changed differently.

"Dancing is good-looking, but it is not a livelihood. Empty, you still have to study poetry with the gentleman." Chen Jiuniang walked out of the house with scissors, the Cangnan mainland is discriminatory against singers and dancers. The woman is despised by others. If she is obsessed with these things, she will be described as a plaything, and she will not want her son to indulge in singing and dancing.

"Mother, you don't understand. This is both dance and martial arts, or a very superb martial art."

Chen Jiuniang smiled. "Mother just reminded you that the general won't agree with you dancing to others. I'll sharpen my scissors."

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts