MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 47

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Master Zhang originally thought that he had arranged a good marriage for his daughter, but he never thought that before the marriage was announced, the man's father passed away. Seeing that the man was useless, he had no choice but to call off the marriage, and he couldn't let his daughter really marry a powerless bastard. The news of the divorce on this side and the divorce on the other side spread. The daughter's reputation is not good. At this time, it was discovered that Song Cun still had some skills.

If he had known that Song Cun himself was capable, he would always be successful if he cultivated him, so why did he have to annul his daughter's engagement in such a hasty manner? As a result, it is even more difficult for her daughter to find a good marriage.

No one can say how aggrieved Mr. Zhang is, and he hates Yang's Song Que mother and son even more. The Dingyuanhou's mansion is keeping filial piety, but the Yang family is not. He can't trouble the Dingyuanhou's mansion, can't he trouble the Yang family?

Your natal family is in trouble, I see if you have the time to spread any more rumors.

When Mrs. Yang came out of the Buddhist hall, Madam Liu hurried in and said, "Madam, Wu Anbo has been impeached. Impeach him for taking the lawsuit and oppressing the common people."

Wu Anbo is the direct brother of the Yang family.

Yang frowned: "What's going on?"

Nanny Liu said: "It is said that Zhang's family made it. Mr. Zhang has a very good relationship with the adults at Yushitai."

Yang's face was gloomy, and he clenched his hands, "The Zhang family?"

Song Que strode in from the outside and said angrily, "Mother, are you satisfied?"

Yang's face froze and he didn't speak.

Song Que looked at her with a sad tone: "Mother is only for revenge, have you considered my position? I am now Lord Marquis, is it good to have a reputation for abusing my younger brother? Now I have also implicated my uncle. I was impeached for no reason , Uncle still doesn't know what's going on? Can you stop?"

Yang looked at him with a sullen face: "Where is your uncle?"

Song Que snorted and said: "Although I have become a Marquis, I have no official position and am just a Marquis without authority. Mother doesn't think that I can manage the affairs of the court, does she? Besides, I am still keeping my filial piety. This matter can only be done Rely on uncle to deal with it himself."

Yang lowered her eyes, and she said angrily, "I didn't expect the Zhang family to be so cruel about this matter. "

Song Que snorted and said, "You spread the news about Song Cun's marriage. If this incident has a small impact on Song Cun, then it will have a big impact on the girl from the Zhang family. Do you think Mr. Zhang will not hate us? I really can't figure out why you would do this? I just want you to be safe and happy in the future, just be your old lady, and I don't have to take care of the outside affairs."

Song Que is now a little fortunate, he was brought up by his father, he may not have much ability, but how to keep the Hou Mansion and the reputation of the Ming Hou Mansion, he can still do it.

At this time, he remembered the words his father said to him before he died. He is not only the mother's son, he is also the heir of the Hou family, and he must always remember his responsibility as Dingyuanhou.

Fortunately, he was not taken into the ditch by his mother. Otherwise, he, Lord Hou, would be a joke.

Yang's face was ugly, and she looked at him: "Are you looking after me?"

Facing his mother's questioning, Song Que felt a little guilty: "It's good for mother to be your old lady at home. You don't need to interfere with other things. I will tell the servants, you have to trust me, it's for your own good , of course it's also for my own good."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Madam Liu and said, "Mama Liu, your son is working by my side. I hope you can think about your son before doing anything."

Nanny Liu paused, then lowered her head slowly, the old lady is important, but his son's future is even more important. How to choose?

Mrs. Yang picked up the teacup on the table, threw it on the ground fiercely, and cursed, "I'm not a filial son."

"I know you don't like those concubine brothers. I won't let them come over to get in your way, and I won't let those aunts get in your way. Mom, in your heart, I'm an unfilial son? You read Buddhist scriptures all day long, Didn't the Buddha say that if you don't forgive all beings, if you don't forgive all beings, you are suffering yourself? My father passed away, and my aunts were kicked out by us. You won. Just look at them from above. Live on your own."

After Song Que finished speaking, he took a deep look at his mother, turned around and walked out.

The divorce matter has come to an end. Song Cun stayed at home again to read books, practice calligraphy, and write policy theory. He took the written policy theory and compiled interpretation notes to Mr. Guozijian for review every day.

After a few months, Mr. Liu wrote a commentary to him, to the effect that his policies and theories were prominent, his ideas were novel, his language was somewhat vernacular, and he lacked sensitivity to current affairs. If you want to achieve something in the imperial examination, you need to read more residence newspapers.

Then he arranged a policy for him. Last year, a plague occurred in a certain place, and the death toll exceeded 20,000. The plague is a difficult problem that has been difficult to overcome in all dynasties. He was asked to write an article on how to prevent and control the plague.

Song Cun: "..."

Does Mr. Liu think too highly of him? Regardless of whether Mr. Liu thinks highly of him or not, and whether he has studied medicine or is a doctor, since Mr. has assigned homework, he has to write this policy theory.

There are no books about the plague at home, and there is no information about the plague last year. After he came, it was the funeral of the original father, followed by the separation of the family.

After the separation, they moved out and stayed in the courtyard to watch their filial piety and study. This is not the Marquis Mansion, and there is no mansion newspaper. Except for some information from the legal travel notes, he has no way of understanding the outside world.

Indeed, as Mr. Liu said, he doesn't know much about current affairs. Although there are some descriptions in the plot, there are very few side descriptions. Then he will teach some cannon fodder who look down on him and bully his women.

The people in it seemed to have been lowered. Even the princess was willing to be an equal wife, and the emperor would agree. He felt that the plot could not be read, and the characters in it could not be used as a reference.

He wrote a letter and asked the housekeeper to personally deliver it to Zhou Qilue, asking him to help find some information about the plague and the situation of the plague in the past ten years. If it is convenient, he will also find some reports for him.

After Zhou Qilue read the letter, he asked someone to find books for him without further ado. He couldn't find any information about the plague in the past ten years, so he asked his elder brother for it.

Zhou Qimou asked him how he thought of looking for these materials, and he told his eldest brother that Song Cun wanted them. The husband asked him to write a policy theory on the plague. He didn't have any books on this topic, so he asked him to help find them.

Zhou Qimou didn't have those materials here either, he could definitely find them with the crown prince, even if he couldn't find them with the prince, he could also find them in the royal library or imperial hospital, so he went to find the crown prince.

Zhou Qimou is not so much willing to help his stupid brother, but rather wants to see what kind of policy theory Song Cun can write. If it is really useful, it is not in vain for him to help him.

In less than two days, Zhou Qilue delivered the materials and books to Song Cun's home. With these books and materials, Song Cun worked overtime and spent a few days reading them. After reading them, he had some understanding of the plague in this fictional dynasty.

After reading the materials, Song Cun knew that plagues usually occur after natural disasters such as floods, droughts, insects, and earthquakes, and also because of season changes and wars. This is about the same as his dynasty.

Immediately after these natural disasters, some unexplained illnesses need to be identified, whether it is a disease or a contagious plague.

Once confirmed to be contagious, the source of infection must be cut off first, and infected patients are isolated from ordinary people. Do not approach the patient's bed, the coffin of the deceased, the clothes of the dead, etc.

In a word, isolate yourself.

Also pay attention to food hygiene, wash your hands frequently, do not drink raw water, and do not eat raw food. Livestock and poultry, dead of disease, poisonous and inedible.

There are also many famous doctors in this fictional world, and many medical masterpieces have been handed down. Song Cun felt that some of the views they expressed could be used to control the plague.

According to the information he checked, he combined some modern common sense of epidemic prevention, revised and revised, and wrote a policy theory.

After transcribing, let the family steward send it directly to Master Liu of the Imperial College. Send homework every two days, and it is really troublesome to ask Zhou Qilue to help deliver it every time. Mrs. Liu asked him to send the homework directly to him. He greeted the guard, and Song Cun’s housekeeper knew him without asking. Let go.

Mr. Liu nodded after reading his policy and argument, corrected a few places for him, and added a few more places. The comment to him at the end of the article: it is still serious.

After Zhou Qilue brought it back to him, he opened it and read it. The master said it was serious, but in fact it was not serious enough. He could be more serious and write in more detail.

So he re-read the information, added a few omissions, copied it again, and sent it over again. Song Cun waited for two days, did not wait for a reply, did not take it to heart, and continued to learn other knowledge.

Zhou Qilue came over and told him that the master confiscated his strategies and plans to save them for future use.

Song Cun said with a smile: "It's good if you can use it."

It's not in vain if it can be used. He checked the information for a few days, racked his brains and combined ancient and modern epidemic prevention methods, and wrote such a policy theory.

During the three years, Master Liu would give him a piece of advice from time to time. Of course, Master Liu knew that he was reviewing his previous homework, and planned to take the children's examination when he was filial piety. It didn't make things difficult for him, and arranged such complicated strategies for him.

In the past three years, Master Liu's favorite thing is to receive the policy theory sent by Song Cun.

Everyone who is a teacher likes students who love to learn, students who learn actively, and students who make rapid progress.

And Song Cun belongs to this type of student, who loves to learn and even takes the initiative to learn. Every time he receives Song Cun's strategies and theories, he finds that he has made great progress. Teaching such students makes him feel very fulfilled.

The big characters written by Song Cun in the past three years were neatly packed into three big boxes. The interpretations of the Four Books and Five Classics were sorted out. After being revised by Master Liu and several other masters in the Imperial College, Song Shuqing bound them into books, neatly on the bookshelf.

When Song Shulan encounters someone who doesn’t know how to do it, she will check the interpretation books sorted out by her sister, and she will be sure. She also said with a smile: “If these books are published, it will definitely help those who are just learning the Four Books and Five Classics. Especially Those children from poor families, I saw in the travel notes, they don’t have any famous teachers, and some village school masters are not even scholars. The annotations in these books and some after-views can easily make them understand the book. The knowledge in it. They will definitely find it a treasure.”

Song Cun looked at Song Shuqing, smiled and said, "It's not impossible. This is all due to Shu Qing. You can figure it out."

Song Shuqing said: "These are all interpretations written by my brother. I just sorted them out. Is it all my credit?"

Song Shulan smiled and said, "You all have contributed more than me. I haven't finished studying "The Analects of Confucius" yet."

Song Cun said with a smile: "If you don't finish your studies, you won't finish them. I like to learn. I learn a little every day. There will always be a time when I finish my studies. Now that the filial piety period is over, don't you like playing the piano? I will hire a luthier to teach you. play the piano."

Song Shulan said happily: "That's great! I've long been envious of others playing the piano, but my mother won't let us learn it."

Song Cun looked at Song Shuqing again: "I'll also hire a painter for you to help you paint."

Song Shuqing pursed her lips and smiled, "I will study hard."

During the period of keeping his filial piety, Song Cun had already memorized the Four Books and Five Classics, and he was due to take the Tongsheng Examination in two months. He planned to review the Four Books and Five Classics again, checking for omissions and making up for gaps, so as not to forget some places.

After finishing all these things, he still didn't know much about scientific examinations. After leaving the filial piety period, he went to the Imperial College and asked for some test papers from previous years' county examinations from Master Liu. He planned to take them back and try them out. The main thing Just to see what types of questions are being tested.

Three years later, Mrs. Liu saw Song Cun again, and he took a look at him. The boy in front of him was taller than before by more than a head. From his rosy cheeks, he could tell that although he was thin but not weak, he had definitely exercised in the past three years. Yes, when giving him the test paper, he noticed the calluses on his palms, and thought of the policy theory he sent every month, the handwriting had improved a lot, and he thought he had practiced a lot of handwriting in the past three years.

Looking at his warm eyes like a spring breeze, the innocence and sloppyness of the past have long since disappeared, and I sigh, this child's growth in three years is faster than that of others in ten years.

The child's father must have never imagined that he would have such a big change before his death, right?

Thinking of this, he nodded in satisfaction and gave him the test paper.

The county examination questions were fairly simple for Song Cun. Most of the examinations were about scriptures and scriptures, which were to test the dictation and understanding of the Four Books and Five Classics, which was not difficult for him.

There are also several arithmetic problems.

Finally, I have to write poetry. He hasn't specially practiced poetry, but after racking his brains, he can still write a poem, but it's not very good. He admits that he is really not very good at poetry, which makes him extremely headache one thing


He was fortunate that there were no stereotyped essays in this dynasty. Even if he had read the Four Books and Five Classics, he might be able to write a policy that satisfied his master, but with his way of thinking, he might not be able to write stereotyped essays well.

After finishing the test paper brought by Mr. Liu, he showed it to him. Mr. Liu quickly read a copy. After reading it, he fell silent and looked at Song Cun in surprise.

Song Cun knew why the master was surprised, but he was not embarrassed. He is really not good at composing poems.

Master Liu said: "When you write policy and theory, you are unconstrained, with one idea after another. I thought your poems would not be bad. I didn't expect the poems you made to be so, so plain."

Song Cun: "..."

Master Liu said again: "If you had worked harder in the past, it wouldn't have taken you three years to review your previous homework. With these few years, you should have learned how to write poetry. Fortunately, it's not too late. I have a few books here, you can take them back and read them, after reading them, although there is no guarantee that you will be able to make good poems, the scientific examination is still possible.”

Those books are the experience of Master Liu and other masters in writing poems. After Song Cun took them back and read them, he wrote poems again. Sure enough, he has made some progress compared with the original one. He is very grateful to Master Liu. After showing Master Liu the poem I made, although I was still not satisfied, it was much better than before. Master Liu's expression was finally not so weird.

The county examination requires returning to the ancestral home for the examination. The Song family's ancestral home is in Masong County, Huidong Province. It is about ten days away from the capital. Song Cun plans to go back one month in advance. , lest there is acclimatization or something.

Zhou Qilue heard that he was going back to his hometown and Eastern Province. He had nothing to do at home, so he wanted to go out with him.

Zhou Qimou refused to let him go, Song Cun went to participate in the scientific examination, what was he going to do? Isn't this adding to the chaos?

Zhou Qilue said: "If Song Cun agrees to let me go with him, will you still object? Besides, I'm just going for fun, and I won't disturb his exam. How can there be more trouble? The journey is far away, and I will accompany him to talk, but there will be no trouble." So lonely."

Zhou Qimou sneered and said, "Without you, he can still read some books on the road and review the knowledge in the books. With you beside him, he chatters non-stop. Can he still be interested in reading?"

Zhou Qi was slightly unconvinced and said: "Then I can take a carriage by myself? He is tired from reading, so he must take a rest. Can't I chat with him during the rest?"

Zhou Qimou looked at him: "Are you going anyway?"

Zhou Qilue said: "I want to go out and have a look. I have never been out of the capital since I grew up."

Zhou Qimou nodded: "As long as Song Cun agrees with you to go with him, I don't mind you disturbing him. Then go."

Zhou Qilue said happily: "What you say is what you say!"

Zhou Qimou said: "As long as you agree to let the people I send follow you, I will keep my word."

As long as you let him go, big brother will send someone to follow. He must not be at ease if his people are not allowed to follow. Zhou Qilue agreed.

When Song Cun went back to his hometown for the exam, Aunt Li was very worried: "You have never traveled far before, and this trip is such a long distance. Why don't Auntie go with you? I can always take care of you on the way."

Song Cun smiled and said, "What about your two younger sisters?"

Song Shuqing said: "Brother, I'm already twelve years old, and I can take care of my younger sister. Auntie will accompany you, we don't mind."

In Song Cun's opinion, twelve years old is still a little girl. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, Zhou Qilue will also go with me. We just need to bring more people!"

My son said so, Aunt Li had no choice but to give up

. Yiyi was reluctant to pack his luggage and send him out.

Song Cun explained to Song Shuqing: "When I'm not around, I just read books at home, learn piano and painting. I don't go out as much. When you have something to do, you can go to the Imperial College to find Mr. Liu. I said hello to him."

Song Shuqing nodded: "I see."

Song Cun patted her on the shoulder: "Take care of my aunt and younger sister."

Song Shuqing said: "I know, I will get it."

After sending Song Cun away, Aunt Li went back to the house and couldn't help crying. Her son had been away for several months. He had never been away from her for so long since he was a child, and she couldn't bear her son. She didn't dare to cry when her son was around, for fear that his worry would affect his exam. She didn't dare to cry until her son left.

Song Shuqing and Song Shulan comforted her, and Song Shuqing said: "My brother is going to take the scientific examination, and he will come back after the examination. What are you worried about?"

Aunt Li cried for a while, but stopped crying. "I'll be fine when I'm done crying."

Song Shuqing breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that she would cry forever. Like when my father was alive. That's right, their father passed away, they lost their father as a backer, their elder brother changed, her and younger sister changed, and their aunt became stronger, so how could they cry endlessly?

Song Cun sat in the carriage, opened the curtain, and looked at the scene outside. Zhou Qilue saw that he was not reading, so he climbed into his carriage, lay down, and said: "Finally, we will soon arrive at Masong County. Lying sore."

Song Cun joked with a smile: "Going out to play is a wonderful thing, but riding in a carriage is not so fun. You lack exercise."

Zhou Qi said exaggeratedly: "I can't get up so early every day. You are too hard."

Song Cun said: "I can't do it if I don't work hard! My aunt and two younger sisters depend on me."

Zhou Qilue was just talking, why didn't he understand his own brother? He sighed: "Brother Wang and Brother Zheng didn't come out to play very much after they got married. They have already passed the examination of scholar, and I don't know if they will continue to take the examination next year?"

Song Cun said with a smile: "Whether they take the test or not, they will pass the test."

Zhou Qilue was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "You all have things to do. Only I am still playing all day long."

Song Cun said: "It's hard for you to know that you have fun all day long and don't like to be an official. At least you can get a scholar. You have a reputation. Your family has your elder brother. If you think about it, your father will not force you to be an official. You It's not that I don't have talent in reading, it's just that I'm lazy."

Zhou Qilue was distracted silently. As he got older, several friends around him had their own things to do. He also knew that going on like this was not an option, so he came back to his senses: "Let's talk about it when we go back this time. Even if you want to study, wait for me." Let’s talk about it after playing this trip.”

Song Cun shook his head with a smile, "Alright."

After arriving in Masong County, a group of people stopped at the best inn in Masong County. Song Cun said: "This is the best inn in Masong County. Let's stay here for two days. If you think it's noisy, let's go out. Rent a house to live in."

There are still more than ten days before the exam, and the exam is in this county. The distance is not too far, and many students have not come yet. At this time, there are basically no students in the inn, and a group of people have asked for a few upper-class rooms. I ordered some food and wine, ate and drank enough to wash away my exhaustion, and after driving for more than ten days, I was very tired, so I took a rest.

The next day, Song Cun got up early to exercise as usual. Zhou Qilue came down from the stairs while having breakfast, yawning. He said, "I don't know what you do to exercise so early every day? It's okay to take a day off?"

Song Cun sat at the dining table and said: "Everyone has a lazy mind. If I take a day off today, tomorrow I will think that since I had a day off yesterday, why not take another day off today?

When the day after tomorrow comes, I will think again, I have already rested for two days, and it doesn’t make any difference if I rest for another day, I might as well rest for another day. You see, you don't need to give yourself a reason to rest. Rest every day, so what is the use of my exercise?

The same is true for reading. You can't slack off for a day. After slacking off for a day, you will find reasons for yourself to be lazy. Then I would be behind others. "

Zhou Qilue was stunned when he heard this: "It's no wonder that the theory you wrote can be praised by several masters. With your spirit of reading, who can you praise?"

Song Cun said with a smile: "If you are so serious and diligent, you dare not say anything else. With your intelligence, you will definitely have no problem getting into Juren."

Zhou Qilue asked stupidly: "So I'm still smart in your heart?"

Song Cun said he was smart, it seems that he is really smart, next time the elder brother calls him stupid, he will definitely fight back.

Song Cun said with a smile, "Things of a feather flock together!"

Zhou Qilue nodded sharply, "You're right. With a smart friend like you, I'm sure I'm not stupid, otherwise we can't be friends. If I go to take the exam for scholar, I'll definitely pass one of them."

Song Cun patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I believe in you, so work hard from now on."

Zhou Qilue: "..."

Can you take that back?