MTL - The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood-v8 Chapter 5453 : suppression of the ancient strong

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The latest chapter of Emperor Dragon Blood

Many of the great people of the ancient times were resurrected. They were amazed one by one. They looked at Ye Mo in the sky. They had already guessed it, but Ye Mo resurrected them.

Ye Mo urged the eternal kingdom, and in the rest of the time, all the strong ones of the ancient gods were raised.

He took back the eternal kingdom and shouted: "The strong people of the ancient times, now, when this heaven and earth is really in a dilemma, after seven days of heaven, we must redefine the new rules of heaven and earth. I hope that you can help this seat. Fight against heaven."

"To deal with Heaven?"

At this time, a man, the tone is extremely fierce, looking at Ye Mo: "The junior, in front of the Emperor, actually dare to call themselves this seat, I can't think of you can actually resurrect us, let the Emperor see, what do you have? means."

Between the words, in his eyebrows, he actually opened a blind eye and shrouded Ye Mo.

During the time, Ye Mo's body began to evolve into a single picture, from Ye Mo in Shiyan City, to the out of Shiyan City, and finally grow up step by step, into the fairy world, the martial arts world, and finally to the gods.

The process of growing all the way has been explored almost once.

However, at this time, Ye Mo was screaming, his body was overwhelmed, and he continued to rotate, only to stop their exploration.

"Ye Mo, this person is the Emperor of Heaven, his eyes, can penetrate all the details of others. Just now, he seems to have penetrated your bottom, all."

The bloodthirsty evil said.

"He just saw that I had just entered the gods and gods, and then I was stopped by the power of the seat."

Ye Mo said slowly.

He knows that this group of masters of the ancient times is not so good to surrender. Heaven has such a layer of identity as Tiandao. As for him, Dragon Blood Emperor, they do not know.

As for other identities, they will not even recognize it.

Therefore, in order to surrender these masters, you must use the strength of the powerful.

"I don't think you are actually a rebel. The power of the four great powers is controlled by you. It's so good. It will automatically surrender the power of rebellion."

The Emperor of Heavenly Eyes said faintly: "We are masters of the ancient times. In the past, in order to find the power of the four great wilderness, I did not know how much energy was spent. Now, I was given by a junior."

"Yes, the power of rebellion will be handed over automatically. We will control what heaven is not heaven, and heaven and earth will unite the world. This is a fate. Moreover, he unifies him. We cultivate ours and call it the power of rebellion."

"Take the power of the speed quickly."

Those who are strong in the ages of the ages, and seeing Yemo Shi’s power to show his rebelliousness, are also very exciting.

At that time, the legends of the four great powers were circulated in the ancient times, but they have never been seen before.

Later, the four great powers of the wilderness were all obtained by the ancestors.

In their view, they are not at a time when they are born, otherwise they will be able to get four great powers.

"is it?"

Ye Mo bears his hands and looks at the strong ones in a quiet voice. He said: "You strong people of the ancient times, once they came back to life, they wanted to compete for the power of the seat, bloodthirsty evil, shot, the sky. The emperor gave the crackdown."


The bloodthirsty evil lord directly rushed to the past, a large number of blood outbreaks, and the sly rebellion against the Emperor of Heaven.

"The Gorefiend goes out to sea!"

A set of boxing methods evolved directly in the hands of the bloodthirsty evil lord and blasted to the Emperor of Heaven.

"The bloodthirsty evil spirit, when you were the defeat of the Emperor, you dare to shoot the Emperor?"

The Emperor of the Sky disdain smiles, and in the eyes of the sky, he releases a light of the gods, colliding with the bloodthirsty evil spirits, and directly blocks the boxing method of bloodthirsty evil spirits.

However, the bloodthirsty evil lord did not take it for granted. He said: "When the eyes are great, when I was too old, I was only a junior. When you fell, my prestige was not weaker than you, and I did not fall. It has survived from Taikoo to the present."

"What? You are not dead?"

Those who were strong in the ancient times were shocked one by one.

"I don't just die, but I also realize the resonance of the world. How can you be my opponent?"

The bloodthirsty evil lord said that the body violently oscillated and resonated with the fluctuations of the heavens and the earth.

For a long time, his whole body is a condensed red cover.

After the strong ones saw them, they were shocked and resonated. It was definitely a state they had dreamed of, but they did not realize it.

Instead, it was learned by the bloodthirsty evil.

"There is nothing. You can survive for so long. Even if you cultivate a talented person, you will be able to comprehend the world."

"Oh, the world is resonating, it’s just that the defense is strong, and what can they do for us?"

"Yes, let's take the shot and kill the junior. I will push the separation and separate the power of his rebellion."

Many powerful people have shot.

"You strong people of the ancient times, in front of this seat, are all ants."

Ye Mo Meng sighed and gathered the strength of Zu Long in one hand and gathered the power of rebellion in one hand.

Time, the entire sky, began to fight fiercely, forming a black and red energy storm, in front of thousands of masters of the ancient times, constantly sweeping.

The current strength of Ye Mo, even if it is far from the emperor, is almost far.

Of course, this is only the gap in strength. As for the gap in the realm, it is very big. It is not so easy to really break through to the emperor.

Nowadays, Ye Mo is only blasting two kinds of forces, which is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, so that the masters of the ancient times can not be low.

"What power is this?"

Those masters of the ancient times No matter how strong the strength, how long it has been cultivated, the blows of such destruction can not be tolerated.


The two storms continued to sweep, and many of the strong men were hit by the storm, and one by one flew out.

After a while, all the strong men of the ancient times fell to the ground and screamed with pain.

Ye Mo regained his strength and condescended, such as the emperor on the high, overlooking the strong men of the ancient times, saying: "You are too weak, this seat can resurrect you, you can also kill you. Now, you still want to fight The power of the Emperor?"

The bloodthirsty evil priest on the side is also full of sweat. The strength of Ye Mo has indeed metamorphosis to a heinous existence.

Feel free to take a shot, many of the great people of the ancient times, all fell to the ground.

He is not the first person in the world, but the real first person in heaven and earth.